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The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Total Success!
Review: If you bought The Sims Livin' Large, and you saw the crazy objects, you would probably get bored out of the objects after a week. But, with House Party, The Sims totally changed! -- The Tragic Mime (That resembles the Tragic Clown in Livin' Large), The Cake Dancers, and more! Probably, what you can do is install The Sims, then Livin' Large, then House Party and that's it, You're partyin'!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: OK, but they could have done more...
Review: House Party has good new objects, I won't deny that, but there didn't seem to be many new things. It seems like Maxis just wanted to hurry up and make a new game fast, instead of adding better things to it. Livin' Large and House Party could easily on been one game, but Maxis wants you to pay 30 dollars for each, which is the price for an actual game. I don't understand that, you pay 30 dollars for most computer games and you get a whole game for that! If you like The Sims then this is not a complete waste of money, but if you play it ocasionally I would not recomend it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Deserves 99 stars!
Review: This game is an expansion pack for the wildly popular game of the year for 2000, The Sims. Putting it basically, if you liked The Sims, you'll love this! It adds a TON of new objects, some of the best being: Campfire, which your Sims group around and sing songs, roast marshmellows, or tell stores; Mechanical Bull, which your Sims can ride for fun and the hard to get Body skill points; The Cake of Surprises, which will give you an exotice dancer; the Costume Trunk, which puts all of your Sims in the same genre of outfits; the Bubble Blower, a fun object for four Sims; the catering table, which holds many types of foods for your guests to grab whenever they want; the DJ table, with several types and new music; and the dance floor, totally awesome!! In addition to these, it adds plenty of new objects such as chairs, tables, and other common objects that can be used any time. It is now easier then ever to throw a party. Your Sims can go to the phone and select "Throw Party" and every other Sim they've met in the neighborhood will drop by. Then you can get ready for some serious socialzing! The expansion also adds things like floors, fences, and walls, and an awesome elevator! There are many new build mode objects. Then, there are the NPCs. The caterer, who keeps your table filled (for a fee), the Mime, male and female dancers, the Party Crasher, the campfire ghost, Drew Carey, and even more are rumored... If you liked The Sims and Livin' Large, this is a total MUST HAVE!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The game is just...AMAZING
Review: This is the absolute BEST game I have ever played. The parties are so cool! :) If you are a person who likes to party, and who likes real-life simulations, this is your game!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What's New?
Review: What's new? You can screw up your Sims' lives, inject some romance or have them partying like wild dogs, other than that, what's new? Sadly nothing. Nothing at all.

The Sims Expansion: House Party is basically an add-on pack that focus on the social interaction of your Sim(s). New Party items such as costumes, toys and an "improved" way to call your Sim friends are in this package.

This is what I liked about this package. The new items, such as those electrifying cages, the time-saving pre ordered meals,the groovy disco floor tiles and the mechanical rodeo that somehow really add a punch to the whole "party" package, but that is all I find interesting about the expansion pack. To tell the truth, I kind of regretted buying it .

Here is what I hate about this package. Unlike the previous expansion pack, The Sims: Livin' It Large (which I enjoyed tremendously) this expansion pack doesn't have new neighbourhoods to build new Sim homes for. Sadly, most of the "new-items" in The Sims Expansion: House Party doesn't seem to be a big help to throw parties at all! And let's not talk about the party crasher! Instead of adding fun to the game (hey, it is fun to see your Sims screw up you know), this guy adds frustration!

The gameplay is still basically the same. Click to have your Sim do this or that. Take care of their needs or forget about it to mess up their lives. Yawn. Intially, half the fun of playing The Sims comes from the humorous ways your Sims acts. Unfortunately, the game actually gets boring after playing it for a long time.

The Sims Expansion: House Party could have been a great expansion pack to buy if it ACTUALLY had some new features (hey EA! Why not make the Sims fly?). Same old boring game with same old boring concept.

Don't get this game unless you are a die-hard Sims fan. Save your money for something else.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The #1 computer game in my book
Review: Pop out the bubbley we got on heck of a game on the market. The Sims House Party is the greatest game maxis has come out in next. with features like riddin the bull and sippin a nice cold one. Complete withdifferent bars hell you even can hire a dj and make a flashin dance floor. Have a party 24/7 and live the way life should be lived so peace out cub scout

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This game is a great add on to The Sims. Livin' Large was good, but House Party is much better. I have the game right now and I haven't stopped playing it. There is so many more objects that the Sim people can use. 80 more objects. I have loved the Sims ever since the game came out, now I love it even better. I think that a cool object is the dj booth it's so cool. This is a must buy game, its worth your money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Almost as good as Living Large!
Review: OK I just got it yesterday and I was up till 3:00 A.M. building new things for my Sims. I kinda lost interest in the game after everything from Living Large got old. So House Party has resurrected my love of the Sims. There are so many new things that you have to try. The Cake with the exotic dancer in it is hilarious! Also you need to try the machanical bull! Great new lights and walls...too many things to list in this review.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A "Must Have" For Sims Fans!
Review: I've had this game for less than 24 hours so I'll give you the skinny on what I know so far:

To me, the best part is watching them dance in the Dance Cages. The way they dance and the noises they make are absolutely hilarious. They literally shake their booty!

Then there's the Mechanical Bull. You can have your Sim choose whether he or she wants to ride Easy, Medium or Difficult. So far my Sims have been knocked on their tail and one even landed on her head when she was thrown from the bull! Plus, the bull makes noises and it's just like being at a rodeo.

There's a bubble blower. New counters. New bookcases. New bars. New windows. New doors. New wallpapers. Lots of new, cool-looking furniture. New sinks. A futuristic-looking shower that has a "10" for hygiene. New stairs. Lots of fences.

Even a queue line so your Sims will be orderly in the bathroom line without walking in on each other. Oh, and there's a male and female door so your Sims will know which bathroom to go in! A "special" punch that makes the Sims do weird things (my Sims keep drinking and drinking the punch but nothing strange has happened yet). A male or female dancer will pop out of a cake (very funny).

Your Sims (up to 8 of them) can sit around a campfire. There, they can roast marshmallows, sing (you'll recognize some of the songs in that special Sim language) and they can tell stories. One of my Sims was telling a ghost story (you could tell by his actions) - Well, a ghost rose up from the middle of the fire! Everyone ran and one guy actually had a little bladder problem when he saw the ghost.

Now onto the dance floor. When your Sims dance on the special dance floor tiles, the floor changes color. They even dance differently to each music style. For example, they boogie when you play Disco, look like they're square dancing when you play Country and raise their hands in the air when you play Rap.

You've probably heard about the costume trunk. All you have to do is direct one Sim to change and they all automatically change. The different clothes styles are formalwear, beach, club, togas, western, costumes, disco and swimwear. The swimwear one isn't just their normal bathing suit either. It's all sorts of swimwear.

Instead of clicking on the neighbor's name and inviting everyone individually, there's now a "Throw Party" option on the telephone.

There are also non-player characters that show up to your party. I had some techno-looking girl show up. If you have a great party then a celebrity might show up. No word on who that celebrity is. And when your party is a bust, a mime shows up! Let's just say my first party was a bust!!

You can also hire a caterer to keep the plates filled. When the Sims walk up to the buffet table, they may grab a plate of cake or a plate of regular food. It's fun just to see what they're going to eat!

The caterer cleans up everything, talks, dances and even starts messing around with the costume trunk. He'll take clothes out and see how they'd look on him.

The Sims also play charades. Look for the "Parlor Game." From what I've seen an unlimited amount of Sims can play charades. When they get it right you hear a ding.

The reviews I read said there was going to be an oxygen bar for energy so the Sims would stay longer. I've looked and looked and don't see one. So yes, the Sims usually leave around 1 a.m. The police still show up too.

I have run into certain technical glitches. I have a brand new computer and Livin' Large ran just great on it. No problems. Not slow at all.

House Party does run a little slower and it's extremely slow when I have a whole bunch of people over. My Sims don't shake hands anymore either. Now they actually shake hands with the air. I'm not sure what that's all about. And I'll also be in one part of my Sims house and - all of a sudden - the game will kick me into a completely different part of the house. It's not enough to make me regret buying House Party, though.

I hope this review helps. I was skeptical about buying this game because I really wasn't sure if it was going to live up to its hype. I definitely think Maxis has struck gold again!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: House Party: House Blast!
Review: I got the Sims House Party yesterday. It is da bomb!!! I t isn't quite as great as I expected, but still totally awesome! You can just click on the phone and select "Throw Party" and people will just start showing up! The costume trunk is also really awesome. You can have everyone in the house change into Beach, Disco, Western, Costume, Toga, etc! Totally awesome! This game is a must have for sim fanatics!!!

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