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The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Ultimate Expansion Pack!
Review: I have been a big fan of The Sims, ever since it was released. I think that this is the best expansion pack for the game. I always thought it was important to make sure that your sims had a social life, and with this expansion it makes it a lot easier!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Adds lots of more fun to the Sims' world, but falls short
Review: This is an excellent expansion pack for The Sims'. It adds new features to the Sims. It adds: -3 new design themes: western, Hawaian, and Rave. -the ability to throw a party and hire a caterer -about 100 more items, including a campfire, costume trunk, mechanical bull, and cake dancers

I would recommend this to anyone who plays The Sims. However, if you don't have it already, I even more strongly reccomend you get Living Large (the other expansion pack). It adds many more features to the sims than House Party and adds new career tracks and more items.

I would have expected House Party to add more features and new career tracks.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is THE best!
Review: The Sims: House Party is the best expantion pack yet, while Livin' Large was and still is great, House Party just enhances The Sims to make it even better. Used in conjunction with LL, House Party will make the sims a game to remember. It is well worth it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Make your home design dreams come true
Review: Great game and great concept...the third Sims release that I have bought and they just keep getting better. I've got my guy living over a night club throwing parties every night. Oh, if I could only get into the game myself. Fun game to own.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Falls short but still great fun
Review: The Sims is a perplexing game. In so many ways it falls short. It has frustrating limitations. Little things--the stupid buggers cook and eat the same meals every night, read the same red book from the bookshelf, paint the same three pictures on the easel. How hard would it be to add more food animations, more book jackets, more paintings? How about more snatches of "Simmish" conversation? I'm no programmer, but common sense tells me these can't be hard things to do. Yet Maxis' add-ons and downloads lean in the direction of silly more often than useful. And some of that is true in this latest expansion pack as well. Some of the "new" objects are so obviously transmogrified from older objects as to be comically similar (the "oxygen bar" comes immediately to mind). Some of the new animations are just riffs on old animations. You do get the feeling Maxis is being a bit lazy, and could push farther rather than coast.

At the same time, even a flawed marvel is still a marvel, and the fact is the Sims is just plain dumb fun. It could be better, but it's the most unique game for the personal computer since...well, possibly ever. So I still enjoy it and recommend the new pack, even though there are many limitations that have yet to be addressed by the programmers. (This may sound morbid, but I wish Sims had funerals. Hey, they have weddings, don't they? I also wish they reacted a bit when one of their Sims gets sent to pergatory--I mean military school! They do seem to be rather absent parents, those Sims.)

As for the individual elements in House Party, the other reviews and description above take care of that. Yes there are all these new diversions that allow you to throw a great party (though if you really want lots of dancin' Sims you'd better have a fast chip in your computer, a lot faster than the bare-minimum one they recommend on the box) and there are lots of neat new costumes, skins, etc. Of particular interest is the costume trunk. Command one Sim to don a toga, disco suit or western wear and the others will spontaneously drop what they are doing and follow, err, suit. The campfire is also a hoot--you haven't lived till you've heard your Sims sing "Michael row the boat ashore" and "On Top of Spaghetti" in their own very special language. There are three new neighborhoods here as well. And any user-made objects that required Livin' Large to download (because they were transmografied from them) now work with HP installed even if you don't have LL. That opens up the possibilities when it comes to user-made objects.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Reborn in the world of Sims
Review: When I got the Sims, I totally liked it. I couldn't stop playing it.

Then, later, I got Livin' Large, and the objects made it even better. However, then I became less interested. The sims just wake up, eat, go to work, sleep, wake up, eat, go to work, sleep... and on and on and on. I got bored of it.

However, with this expansion, I have started to play it again! It is new, but I think that you might not want to get it, unless you truely are obsessed with the sims. I paid... for the Sims, ... for Livin' Large, and now ... more for House Party. Save your money for something else if you aren't obsessed.

Party on, my fellow sim-obsessed ones!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: da best game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: If ur a satisfied owner the sims or living large then you will worship the hot new relise from maxis the sims house party!There are hot new situations like like a dancer poping out of a birthday cake.Or three new types of partys so yuor sims can av a cool time.There are over 100 new objects to improve the sims style of boogying.But the only anoying tin is the the zee phyco mimer who if your sims are not aving a cool time he will come round and TRY to entertain your party people wit the invisible box or siting on an invisable chair ect.If u ask me eys more anoying than the clown in living large.The games DA BOMB!!!!!!!U get get a d.g to rave up the party and make your most boring sims turn into real party animals!!!!!!!!!!!!A game worth KILLING for.I u liked my reveiw email me wit n e questions on the sims or n e expansion pack for the sims at j.munnisett@ntlworld.com

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Expected more from this expansion pack
Review: Let me say first of all that I LOVE THE SIMS! I have played the basic game for many hours and loved the first expansion pack - 'Livin Large. Maybe I've come to expect too much from The Sims' creators, but I found House Party to be a bit disappointing in its additional content. True, there are lots of additional objects and if you're having a really great party Drew Carey will drop by. The changes didn't seem substantive enough to warrant a new expansion CD release and I would have liked to have seen other larger changes like the ability to alter the basic neighborhood characteristics, ability to troubleshoot problems with downloaded families, etc....rather than just receiving additional fun items and the ability to throw a party. I'm looking forward to Simsville - perhaps this will offer the property altering enhancements I've been hoping for.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one of the best games...
Review: I think this game is probably one of the most funnest games a kid could ever have. If you are a fan of The Sims, then you'll for sure love this game!!

There are three new themes, objects, skins, more building tools, and tons more. You are sure to have a blast with it.


Anyways, the sims house party is a must have. There's the mechanical bull ride, dance cages, even a bonfire!! Believe me, once you get this game you'll never stop playing it.

Did you know that if you make a really cool party, a famous person might show up?! The first time I played it, Drew Carey showed up!!

This game is a must have. And the only thing I can tell you is that it is worth every pennie!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: ok, but kinda dissapointing
Review: it is a great game! the downside of the game is that it is hard to have an excellent or even fun party. the caterer leaves early, the people go home early, then you sim is really tired and you wasted your time. but the new objects and skins are great, and wall paper is cool, it is a great game, but stick with the regular way of chatting between sims.

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