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The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome Gameplay, but not all it's built up to be.
Review: This was an awesome game, but it wasn't a huge expansion from livin' large

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty good with wacky new items!
Review: This expansion pack is really good if you want your sims to haves parties. There are some other items that dont have anything to do with parties though. The cool new items are: -Dance Cage: Have a sim hop in and go crazy to the music! -Dance floor: A dance floor that lights up in colors when your sims dance on them. -New chairs= A pretty good sized selection of chairs and sofas. From cotton candy colored velvet chairs to brown cow print sofas and movie theater chairs. -Decorations= Some pretty cool (and weird) decorations such as country hay and a nice rose plant.

Well, I'd be here all night typing all the new items that this expansion pack provides. I reccomend it. It is pretty good. Oh, and if you didn't know this, there is a cheat that'll give you a thousand bucks each time you enter it. Push Ctrl and Shift and C at the same time during the game, you will see a little chat box thing at the top. type in rosebud in the box and push enter. each time ya do that, you get a thousand bucks! Cool, eh?

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Boring.
Review: Just like everyone in the gaming world, I squandered away my money to buy the fables Sims. Fun, Joy, and ... then the hype slowed down. More games like it came out. The whole thing wasn't as entertaining. I couldn't even get Superman to fall in love with the lady in the sexy blue dress (you all know how frustrating that is). Then I went and bought Living Large. I thought it would bring completely new concepts to the game. And that it did. I loved the genie and robot and all the new themes. But of course, I only played or a few weeks until it got boring. The problem is, some games are meant to be played for years and years (Diablo, Diablo II) and make you enjoy them while doing it. This isn't one of them. Finally, I got House Party as a gift. And surprised with the bug, non-compatability with Windows ME (which I detest, read my review), and nothing added to the game. Um, the only thing that was interesting was watching my Old Man River dancing and swinging in the Dance thingee. But after three minutes, with no added NPC's, barely enough themes, and no interesting objects. I gave up. I didn't even finish my #1 House Party house before I turned it off. Throwing the CD and case into my never-to-play again games.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Livin' Large Just got Crazier!
Review: I've been playing The Sims for awhile now, and Livin' Large was even better. House Party included thigs even crazier than Livin' Large! House Party adds items that are perfect for parties, in three themes! For example, you can buy a DJ station and a blinking color dance floor with stunning prop lights! There's a trunk where you can dress your Sims in many types of clothing. The three themes added in House Party are rave, west, and Hawaiian. Hawaiian includes bamboo trees, Hawaiian shirts, toilets, showers, and many others! The west theme is really incredible, with bars, a sofa called "cow-ch", poker games, and a machanical bull! The rave theme is really cool, with DJ stations, dance floors, and a bunch of futuristic stuff! I'd recommend this game to any Sim game lovers, but get The Sims and Livin' Large first.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: party pooper
Review: the sims house party is a very good game indeed.Unlike the first sims where there was only 150 objects to choose from add this expansion pack and there will be something like 250 or less. If you have a very good party a party crasher will come but he doesn't really crash your party and if you have a BORING party a mime will come and try to scare everyone.The new floor and wallpaper is so class there is a kind of surfing floor and wallpaper.I used to think the first sims was starting to get a little boring but when i added this on it was like i stepped into a new world of colour.There are three new neghbourhoods number 6,7,8.So i am saying to anyone who wants to buy the sims house party will rock your world.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent game but many technical problems!
Review: I have had SO MANY problems getting this game to run and at this point am completely unable to use it. I have tried every solution possible but don't know if it is a driver problem, incompatibility with Windows Millenium, or a problem installing over the Livin Large upgrade. I have searched every resource and newsgroup on the web, and have contacted EA but only got an automated email response giving every solution I had already tried. However, I have seen tons of other people with the same problem also searching for help. I give it 5 stars because for the 3 hours I was actually able to use it, I had more fun than ever and was laughing out loud watching them ride the mechanical bull! I just wish you didn't need a PHD in Computer Science to figure out how to run it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's time to party!
Review: It's an expansion to a really great game; of course it's going to sell. This expansion pack brings more cool things to mess around with. They added more themes like a cowboy theme and a Hawaiian theme. They have more chairs, titles, toys, electronics, and even a bull. This expansion pack will provide you with many more hours of fun. Who ever thought of the Sims needs to be given an award. There are so many things this game could have. You might see 5 or 6 expansion packs. You can't go wrong with the Sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: House Party is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: House Party is a great expansion pack for The Sims. It is very very fun. It deservs 20 star rateing, but I can only rate from 1-5.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims House Party Rocks The Computer
Review: This game is sssssssssoooooooo much fun to play with. I love to make people do things and I love to pick people and all that stuff. At first i wanted Sims Livin Large but,I saw House Party and instantly wanted that.I guess this game is some what in a way not apporite for kids 6 and under because of some of the things the parents do,but i still love this game and can not wait to see the next one that they come out with. My favorite part is when you can rent dj's.Good Bye all you fans of Sims House Party!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Buggy & a little pricey for an expansion pack but still good
Review: First off - let me say that many of the features in this expansion pack are available for free and can be downloaded from thesims.com website. That said, the *best* features are only available on this CD.

Why only 4 stars? Primarily because it's rather expensive for only a few themes - country western, hawaiian luau, and underground rave. I've also run into my share of bugs like many of the other reviewers, including a rather annoying bug where flies circle the bathroom incessantly no matter how many times I clean everything.

On the plus side, the music is incredibly well done. In this expansion pack, the choices have been expanded (once you get the right equipment) to include many other genres such as country-dance, beach, rap, techno, and disco. The music gets stuck in your head - it's that good. I think I like the country music on here better than anything I've heard on country stations and I find myself singing the soon-to-be-famous disco tune "Dee Dee Dee Bo Bee - Bee Bo Bee Bo Pee Po" as I'm scrubbing my own (real-life) toilets.

With all this cool music there's got to be some dancing right? Another nice feature is the "Bounce-My-Booty Dance Floor" which has patterns that change as additional floors are added and daisy-chained together. I also hear celebrities show up if your party is cool enough. Hasn't happened to me yet but I'm working on it... maybe once I get that swimming pool to encircle the dance floor...

Anyways, if you're interested in any of these themes you'll have a lot of fun with the expansion pack as there are a lot of new theme-related props and decorations, from DJ systems and go-go cages to mechanical bulls to communal bongs cleverly disguised as bubble blowers. If these themes don't appeal to you, or entertaining the entire neighborhood seems like it would be a chore, then you may be better served by the additional customization available on the Living Large expansion pack or the downloads available on the many sims-related websites.

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