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The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game; Terrible Requirements!
Review: Let's cut to the chase [not Chevy]: This game rulez! However, unless you've got LL installed under it...good luck wasting 500Mb of HD-space downloading online! Because if you don't, you're only left with about 50 new items! Now, for the PROS and CONS! PROS: 1. Long Game-Life: It'll have you playing dawn till dusk, noon to night, and all those other time-related clichés! 2. Interesting New Features: Besides, of course, the themes [Cowpoke, Rave, and Luau], there are new skins, NPC's [one, at least], and some new objects! 3. Latest Version!: It helps to keep up with all the stuff [expansions] Maxis keeps putting out because, by the time they reach "Potty-Party," Maxis will most likely start eliminating compatibility with older games. What does that mean? The new code [2050] will be so distinct from its predecessor, that The Sims won't be able to recognize it as actualy game-code! The comes the whole apocalypse thing... CONS: 1. A Drag On Your PC: 32Mb RAM, pretty advanced video-card, and Direct-Sound are just some of the arcane System Requirements that you just skip through during installation. However, in today's high-demanding media apps, 32Mb is unrealistic! Now, 16, I can cope with! [BTW, I'm running a 1.2Ghz P4 with 512Mb RAM, 64Mb 3D-card, and 32Mb sound-card!] 2. Slower: With The Sims, Livin' Large, and HouseParty all caked into one, multi-layered application, the game does seem to get slower. I, mostly using the second speed-setting, seem to notice that it moves in burts of speed, rathing than a constant 2x reality. 3. Not A Worthwile Expansion: I mean, it's great for social-addicts, but, otherwise, it's just another bunch of objects and a chef! Now, if they did something like "The Sims: Work@Home," I'd pre-order right this second!! All in all, it's not a bad expansion on an already-awesome game. However, I would like to see some more features somewhere in there. And pet for The Sims is long overdue from Maxis!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: excellent!
Review: This is the better of the two expansions for The Sims - "Livin' Large" and "House Party." However, you need to have installed both The Sims and Livin' Large before you install this, which I find to be a big hassle, especially considering how much you're charged for this one expansion pack. This has tons of new items included, and new career tracks and group party items are a neat way to get all the neighbors to come over if your Sims are lonely.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: truly addictive
Review: a great expansion - it adds lots of new things, although in my opinion it's a bit pricey for an expansion CD (this is why I didn't give it 4 stars). Many new floor and wall patterns, as well as more characters. However, I find myself downloading many skins and patterns from thesims.com, too. Don't buy this if you have any big deadlines looming, because you won't be able to stop!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: I started playing the sims when it first came out in 2000 or so. I then bought it along with the expansion pack the next year. If you don't know what the Sims is, it's basically a game where you simulate a person's life or a whole families life. You have ratings that show where your hunger and room ratings are. You can make your own house and also buyed objects.

Back in the Sims, when you wanted to throw a party, you had to go through the tedious operation of actually picking up the phone and calling each person, one by one. In the Sims, The House Party you can actually pick up the phone and there is a option that says, throw party a party. That will invite about 5 people over. But more people can come and invite themselves in. If your party is a horrible, you get a mime that shows up at your party and makes everybody drenching horror. If your party is good, celebrities will show up in limos and everybody runs to the door. I won't spoil anymore about that, but it's very fun.

Also, there are new themes, such as the Luau theme, the cowboy theme, and the rave theme. Some of the items I found were very interesting. There's a Riding Bull which can throw you off, a bubble maker, which four people crowd around to blow stuff. There's a DJ set where you can DJ to the excellent songs in the game. There is those cool raves lights on the large metal beams that swing back and forth, there's a dance floor which lights up when your sims dance on it. There is also a large fan which looks like it's for the rave theme, and one of those big fancy loft windows that goes on mansions and stuff that.

There is also new building tools including tons of awesome wallpaper, like the dark entrys one that is a brick wall but it's painted black, and the cowboy themed ones that look like they belong in a grandmas house.

Your guests will be angry if you don't serve them food or if there's nothing cool at your party. You might want to get a chef and a buffet table so that your sims can always eat continously and there won't be a problem in the food place of category.

One problem is that if you have more than two floors and you try to have a party in a small place it will be so crowded. I made a rave with a chill out room, and it was so laggy. When you make parties, you want to make it over a large area, with little doors or stuff in the way.

The music is so good i listened out of the game on the G file on my computer ok?? It's weird isn't it?? The music is mpthree quality and it sounds really awesome. It isn't just jazz and classicas either, it's rap and techno, so that's really cool.

All in all, I would buy this, and I did, because it adds a lot to the game...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: House party Rules
Review: When i bought the first game i thought very cool and when they came out with living large I was like way cool. When they came out with house party i wasn't so sure about. weird huh?. So i decided i would buy it to complete my collection and I loved the game. It is awesome to have a party. I can't wait till the next 3 games come out. I don't know which one to get first. Anyways this game is very cool.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: sims house party ....
Review: this expansion pack [is really bad]! the livin large one was great but this one has nothing more than music and food. the dancers u can higher dont take off NONE of their clothes and u cant higher more than one entertainer at a time. the things that ARE good in this game are a birthday cake,punkin and the campfire.and also the all girl and all boy bathroom. once u buy the birthday cake, you are already starting a birthday party, u can choose who's birthday it is that day. this expansion pack doesnt come with the vibromatic heart bed either. when u get the sims house party you will feel like you are playing the original sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: buy it now.
Review: go and buy it its a relly cool game. buy it so you can have fun like me. its better than any other computer game. so go and find out all the cool new things. so buy it now or i wont shut up. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. ok have u got it yet if not i will keep telling u to buy it buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. buy it now. bye i hope i've got u to buy it by now because if this hasn't i dont no what will

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is a fantastic addition to The Sims and Livin Large! Now you can have a REAL party! The new party objects are awesome! You can have themed parties and use the costume box to dressup everyone at your party. There are just so many new neat things to do! It's amazing how far 'The Sims' have come since the original. I can't wait for the new expansion pack 'Hot Date' to come out in the fall. That should be *really* cool!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Ok, I wanted to give House Party a 7 out of 5 possible stars, but that's impossible. That's how good I think H.P. is. The Throw Party and Caterer options are awesome, as well as some of the new window and wallpaper designs...at KillerSims, there's even a TELEPORTER instead of stairs! The Sims House Party was the coolest game, I think......

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best
Review: This is probably the best computer game for kids. There are many ways this relates to life and it keeps them busy for hours!!

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