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Medieval Battle Collection

Medieval Battle Collection

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply the best Strategy game out there
Review: In terms of playability, graphics and realism there is simply nothing to touch MTW.

The game in general is magnificent, the overview and design of the "world", including troop building and movement and the construction in individual provinces may not be revolutionary but they are solid with no major flaws, but its in the other areas where the game excels.

With so many different nations and factions to play, each with unique units and buildings, as well as religion (Christian, Orthodox and Islam) the game has great lastability as each faction has its own dificulties to overcome from its starting position.

However, where Total War really comes into its own are the battles. These are fantastic, super graphics and often on a huge scale, especially if 3 or 4 factions are fighting the same battle. There's nothing more satisfying than sending your cavalry round mopping up the enemy as they rout. Whats great as well is depending on your nation, you can hear your soldiers shouting in different languages as they fight!

Check out Total War: Rome thats coming out soon as it will be a whole new level to this already superb series.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply the best Strategy game out there
Review: In terms of playability, graphics and realism there is simply nothing to touch MTW.

The game in general is magnificent, the overview and design of the "world", including troop building and movement and the construction in individual provinces may not be revolutionary but they are solid with no major flaws, but its in the other areas where the game excels.

With so many different nations and factions to play, each with unique units and buildings, as well as religion (Christian, Orthodox and Islam) the game has great lastability as each faction has its own dificulties to overcome from its starting position.

However, where Total War really comes into its own are the battles. These are fantastic, super graphics and often on a huge scale, especially if 3 or 4 factions are fighting the same battle. There's nothing more satisfying than sending your cavalry round mopping up the enemy as they rout. Whats great as well is depending on your nation, you can hear your soldiers shouting in different languages as they fight!

Check out Total War: Rome thats coming out soon as it will be a whole new level to this already superb series.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Break out the Trebuchet---time to get Medieval on their A**
Review: It is 1195 A.D. according to the Christian calendar; Year 583 from the date of the Prophet's Hijra. You rest your bloody gauntlet on the parapet of Vienna's formerly impregnable citadel; a troop of proud Ghulam cavalry parade through the Vienna Castle's smoldering and sundered South gate, stark and splendid on their black Arabian stallions, the sun glinting off their spired helms.

You gaze westward: towards the fog-enshrouded forests on the horizon, the arboreal ramparts of the German Empire. You have advanced the cause of the Caliph and the Sultan Suleyman: today the Turkish army crushed the warriors of the Holy Roman Emperor, driving the panicked Crusaders in a frenzied rout across the Danube. Already the Sultan's assassins and holy-men slip north and west, moving like shadows through Bavaria, into Bohemia, into the very guts of the Empire: Franconia, Brandenburg, Saxony. You gaze upward, over Vienna's loftiest tower: even now, your fierce Turkish infantry are raising up the Crescent of the Sultan. Soon your armies will be on the move again: soon the glory of Istanbul, and the divine will of Allah, will spread across Europe.

"Medieval: Total War" (the Battle Collection, including the Viking Invasion expansion) allows you to literally rewrite history, at the point of the sword, at the altar of conversion, and in the counting houses and countless emporiums of your traders, which spread like wildfire as trade follows the flag, the military, and the Navy.

I can say right now, as a gaming addict, that "Medieval: Total War" is the finest Real-Time-Simulation (RTS) game yet invented.

The Middle Ages are split into three periods: Early (1095), Middle (1200), and Late (1320); choose one of them, and then plunge into a Power of the day. There are twelve to choose from: England, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Italy, Spain. Go eastward, rule Constantinople with the Byzantine Empire. Or cast down the Cross and hold up the Crescent, fulfilling the will of the Prophet by taking up the gauntlet of the Turks, Egypt, or the Almohad Caliphate, stretching like a snake across North Africa.

The game is split between the Tactical and the Strategic. In the Strategic phase, you plan your maneuvers on a gorgeous world map (Europe, Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, North Africa). In this phase you build up your armies, fortify and develop your provinces, build border forts and upgrade them to castles and even citadels, muster your forces, and send them off to war. You also send out your agents: your assassins, diplomats, princesses---to kill, convert, reason with, or marry your rivals.

The tactical phase begins when your strategic moves are finished: here you will enter individual battles throughout your realm. It is here, particularly, that Medieval's battle engine shines. On a wide range of terrain---from scorching Arabian desert to rain-swept Scottish highland---your forces clash with those of your foe: is is here the destiny of your Empire will be determined, all in real time.

PROS: "Medieval: Total War" is the kind of game I would have built in a dream. The graphics are superb; the strategic map gorgeous; the units as detailed as they can be without slowing down the game speed. The units are diverse, and each have their own unique strengths and weaknesses: impregnable but slow Byzantine cavlary, Ottoman Sipahis, Turkish Jannisaries, French Knights, devilish Boyars from the steppes of Russia with their nasty (and deadly accurate) bows.

The level of control is amazing---you can micro-manage everything from provincial taxation to the selection of your governors, from setting up trade routes to building a Grand Mosque or championing a Crusade. At the same time, the system itself is admirably simple: you can automate as much, or as little, as you want.

Whether Islamic power, Christian Crusader, or Orthodox hegemon, you also get a soundtrack and voiceovers customized to your power. The soundtrack is gorgeous; and on the strategic map, you're further immersed by background music and noise, whether it's monastic chanting, the sussurus of a zither and sitar, or merely the hushed frenzy of wind blowing across desolate terrain.

CONS: Diplomacy is just a formality. If you're aggressive, chances are---after you've toppled an Empire or two---other powers will gang up against you, or refuse to negotiate with you. The game also has a tendency to crash at the most critical times---even if you save, the act of saving alone might cause a crash.

Finally, the biggest game-flaw in MTW is provincial rebellion: tax your province too high, move your armies away from your imperial core, part your hair the wrong way---and you have a provincial revolt on your hands. It's more annoying than deadly.

But these are small quibbles in a work of art, a game of strategic and tactical brilliance. The "Viking Invasion" expansion moves the action back 300 years, and consists of so many tweaks and features that it's pretty much an evolution of the basic game: you'll be glad---and raise your tankards to Odin in the Drinking Hall---that you have it.

If you have ever dreamed of sending your armies on a rampage across Europe, or throttling an enemy King on his own throne---then "Medieval" is for you. Ready your infantry---triple the Watch---dispatch the assassins---saddle the horses---it's time to get Medieval!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best RTS Game...if not the best game...ever. Seriously.
Review: Never have I played a game so consistently and enjoyed it for so long as I have Medieval Total War. I strongly recommend this game for anyone who wants an RTS game that actually involves more than the classic RTS "tank rush".

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Tactical Glory, Strategic Scheming, and History - all here!
Review: This game ROCKS!! And for the price now, it's a steal. Though the actual tactical combat is prettier in Rome: Total War, this game is superior in its scope and cerebral effort.
You can pick a faction of the Medieval era, any nation you want, and then you have to deal with the geopolitical situation, keep your provinces and generals loyal, groom your bloodline, build your economy and armies, and then, oh yeah, fight huge Medieval battles.
This game will take several hours of your life each time you sit down to play it, it's that addictive. Imagine: just as you finish building that Grand Mosque, or improving farmland, or a new armory, then the Golden Horde appear! . . .or you get excommunicated by the Pope . . .or your generals in far flung provinces decide to rebel against you. It's all here and in exceptional detail.
I bought this game in Feb 04 and haven't stopped playing it since. One recommendation: load Viking Invasion right away. Even if you don't want to play the Viking era, the new features and new units make the original MTW game even more enjoyable. I didn't load VI right away and I regretted it later.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AWESOME GAME (at a great price)
Review: This is a very addictive strategy game that simulates medieval warfare. There is a strategic part of the game and a tactical part. The strategy is fun and very addictive. The battles are impressive graphics-wise, looking like scenes from the movie Braveheart. For only $20 this is definately a great buy and worth checking out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Randall
Review: This is the best history game I have ever seen. From 1087 A.D. to the fall of the Byzantine empire in 1453 A.D., a year by year struggle to maintain peace or conquer by war.
This game uses real time for combat. It happens all at once, not turn by turn. As the field general you must be aware of troop placement, morale, fatigue, and troop replacements moving into the battlefield(both yours and your enemies'). Weather conditions have a great effect on your troops. Sandstorms in the desert, as well as the heat, rain - no gunpower use, snow and cold, all of these can hurt you or help you defeat your foe.
There are unique army units for each faction. I have commanded the Allomads and the Byzantine faction to victory, so far. The Allomads, from northwest Africa, have Saharan calvary and the lethal Ghazi infantry. While neither is unique, both units are born killers.
The diplomatic side of the game involves building up your provinces. It is your burden for each of your provinces to turn to your religion, be able to produce the armies you need, and make money for you. The best way of making money is by taxing your provinces(be careful), and by trading with the other factions. You can use emissaries, spies, assassins, and religious agents to better your kingdom and to keep an eye on your neighbors.
This game will take a very long time to complete and in the end if you have made allies at the right time and enemies at the right time, haven't had your provinces or troops revolt, and manage to keep away from the assassin's knife your might just master Medieval Total War.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent strategy game
Review: This is the first Total War title I bought (yup, I'm one of the five that didn't play Shogun. Give me a moment to cut holes in this paper bag so I might hide my shame and continue...) and I consider it one of the better game investments I've made to date. Though its graphics are dated by current standards- especially compared to the latest installment in the series- Medieval is a whole load of fun.

As with the other games in the series, Medieval is split into two modes- the strategic map, where you build up you provinces, manage taxes, dispatch strategic agents, and move armies; and the real time battlefield, where you lay siege to cities, face off against rival armies, and generally show off your tactical prowess (or lack thereof). Both are well done, and so this game can appeal to both fans of turn based strategy and real time strategy. I happen to be one of the latter and definitely not one of the former (in fact, I absolutely hate Civilization and its spinoffs) but I found myself enjoying both aspects of the game.

The battlefield AI is relatively well schooled in standard tactics, and units move and act realistically. For example, archers are likely to miss when shooting into or out of a forest, or in bad weather. Heavy cavalry will naturally mow down anyone with light armor, but has serious problems with spear or pike-armed soldiers in tight ranks. Standing on higher ground gives missile weapons more range, and artillery landing in the middle of your troops has serious negative effects on morale. There's no base building to worry about in battle mode, which is fortunate since you'll have plenty to think about as is. Though it's sometimes quite complex managing all your men, there's nothing better than winning a great victory and knowing that it was your superior tactics (not your ability to micromanage harvesters) that let you pull it off. The graphics, while not the best, are passable. Terrain and weather effects are generally dependent on the area you're fighting in, which is a nice touch.

On the strategic map, you can perform all kinds of actions- quell uprisings, dispatch assassins, send preachers to convert the heathen, manage trade routes and fleets, propose alliances or declare war, and otherwise plot for world domination. This mode is absent in multiplay, but the depth of the single play campaign more than makes up for it. You can play as any major power in the medieval era, and have the entire European continent, plus much of western Asia to conquer. Many provinces have trade resources, allow for the training of special units, or provide bonuses to units produced there. Of note is that your unique national units are likewise based on ownership of certain provinces- if you lose these, you could end up facing them in battle! Hopefully, if you're a wise national leader, this will never happen.

There are three period campaigns, and many major historical events and personages appear over the course of your rule. Some units only appear in certain periods, and if you start in an earlier period, you will eventually advance to the later ones (and to the end- alas, the medieval age can't last forever). Building stronger fortifications in your territories serves two purposes- it lets you hold out better if put under siege, and it allows you to make other structures that in turn allow training of more advanced units. Some such units (e.g. English longbowmen, Gothic knights, halberdiers, or the Byzantine's elite Varangian Guard) are war-winning in power, so this must be a national priority. You can also resort to such things as inquisitions, bribes, crusades, and jihads to stymie or conquer your enemies.

Managing your provinces and armies is quite an involved process. As they say, the devil's in the details, and there's details to spare in Medieval. You want to make sure that your battle-hardened veteran units are kept at high strength, perhaps at the cost of some cheap or less experienced troops. You also have to make sure you don't go broke which is (believe me) a lot harder than it sounds. Armies in the field cost money to support, and you need loads of money to build up provinces. Thus, it might not be a good idea to invade all your neighbors at once, as this would likely have a detrimental effect on trade. In this respect, Medieval truly asks that you be a politician as well as a conqueror.

This collection includes Viking Invasion, which is a special campaign that lets you play as one of the factions living in the British Isles or as the infamous Viking raiders. It has significantly different units and tech trees from the standard Medieval campaign, and adds some of these units to the original game. Being Viking in particular gives you some unique capabilities (e.g. the ability to retreat over sea without a port in the province) that alone are worth checking out.

Aside from campaign and online battle modes, there's a few small historical campaigns and battles, including such famous engagements as Crecy, Bannockburn, and Poitiers. Some are incredibly difficult, and a true test for the armchair generals out there. Just as interesting, most of the single play modes have historical summaries of the battle or campaign, which (to me at least) was quite fascinating.

Medieval: Total War might have the look of an older game, but it is a great value that no strategy gamer should pass up. The replay value in particular is enormous, and there's innumerable possible tactical and strategic maneuvers. Just finding which ones of these work, and which ones don't, is months of fun. Don't miss out.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: i agree with both of the above
Review: while the second reviewer is right to give this game the best review of the century, the first reviewer has a good point too. this game is amazing. shogun total war was excellent but this blows it out the water. the graphics, the handling everything is incredible well made. but like the first reviewer says, prepare for rebellion. if you are frustrated easily with games then dont get this. i had the same problem with rebellion. just as i was about to conquer the world, i was beset by several beaten kingdoms all wanting their land back at the same time. and as for the papacy... it just doesnt make sense when you knock them out the game, only for them to come back three times as strong a few turns later. this stops me from saying this game is perfect. it does have flaws. but those flaws can be dealt with using determination and heavy cavalry.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: great strategy...s***t tactical
Review: while this is an excellent strategy game, i found the tactical side to be lacking. it is lengthy, drawn out and, from my experience, impossible to complete. i managed to control all but one province and just as i invaded that one province there were no fewer than a dozen rebellions. it's just annoying

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