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Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Brotherhood of Steel wants you to clean up the Earth!
Review: First of all, FTBOS is a terrific game!

Now that we got that out of the way, lets talk about this new edition to the Fallout Universe. The STORY behind BOS is basically you and your squad being charged to clean up the area and help expand the Brotherhood of Steel. Along the way you will have to battle Raiders, Deathclaws, Reavers and a assortment of Robots. I don't really want to dig to deep into the story as to not spoil it for future game players...

The GRAPHICS are not anything to write home about. Basically your standard 2D graphics come into play here with you basically seeing a overview of your squad and the map. However gunfights are very graphic and its a sad sight to see one of squad mates blown to pieces when walking over a mine or melting into goo when killed by a energy weapon. There are not too many FMV here, mainly the story progresses with still picture movies and dialogue.

The GAMEPLAY is pretty intense in many situations. The AI is not too smart nor is it dumb either. Although its funny to see a Raider get a critical miss when attempting to fire a rocket launcher at too close a target...its not funny when a Mutant with a Browning M2 loaded with depleted Uranium literally rip your well armored squad member out over 45 feet away with one burst. You can and will be able to literally equip your squad with a huge assortment of weapons and armor depending on your resources. It is soo very pleasing to equip your squad with power armor and actually enter a firefight where the enemy is unloading into you with small arms fire and the bullets literally bounce off you. Now don't think you can rush thru this game ( unless you cheat you loser ), because many mission sometimes take hours because this is Fallout Tactics....where strategy is the key to staying alive and completing the mission with as few as possible squad members dead or dying.

I have to admit that the SOFTWARE is buggy, but this is typical of most Interplay games. Many people complain of constant crashes, slow gameplay and rate this game based on that. I did have quite a few crashes myself, but one thing you need to remember in this game is three things : SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!. Save your game because you never know what might happen in the next few minutes.

Overall I really enjoyed this game despite how much time it took me to complete it! I hope I gave you some insight into this game and helped convince you that this is a worthy buy. If you like the Jagged Alliance games, then you will love this game for sure. Now get to work soldier..dismissed!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
Review: Don't get me wrong this game is awesome, and fun, but the amount of bugs in this game makes it unbearable to play at times and extremely easy, and what really stinks is that after two patches it is still filled with bugs. All I can say is save often becuase the game will crash on you multiple times.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW is all I can say..
Review: Wow this game is the best game ever, I would trashed all of my other game for this game. It has the best Graphic and great game play. I bought this game 1 week ago and I forget all the other game and only play this game. This is a Must-Have Game for every PC gamers!! Worth every Pennies!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Good
Review: Fallout Tactics was a lot of fun, However if you have really enjoyed the other fallout games you may not like it as much. Fallout Tactics is an almost pure action game with very little non violent gameplay. At first I was a bit dissapointed because I expected the vast freedom of Fallout 2, but when I got past that it actually became very enjoyable. My reccomendation is to buy it, but dont see it as part of the Fallout RPG series

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's great, I just beat it and I thought it was awsome!
Review: For all you other shmows out there, get the patch if you got a faulty game. and for that one guy who can't install, get a better computer cause you don't know what your missin! this game was great, really smooth, good graphics compared to the old ones(not saying 1&2 are bad, but this ones better!). I liked the new weapons and items and those random encouters are great! you really gotta get into this game and it will make it all the better. If you don't wanna play it because it's "not the EXACT same as the old ones," think of it as a different game and you'll love it! I sure did. O ya, the other great part is that the environments are not all the same, like in 1&2 how they only had so many walls and so maney types of floors. NO! in this one no two buildings are the same. it is so awsome. buy it and knock yerself out! and don't forget to put in your own music so you can hear your favorite tunes while you play(mission imposible and 007 themes are really good to get that "feeling") Don't miss out get and have fun! great branching out by interplay, I hope that fallout 3 has a CTB mode too.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fallout: Time Spending
Review: I am certainly doing my part to waste time this spring. The Monday before I picked up my computer I snagged a copy of Fallout Tactics from Fred Meyers. An inordinate amount of my time has been sacrificed to complete this viscerally addictive game, to the point my college grades suffer.

Based on the (insert superlative here) Fallout series of RPG's, Fallout Tactics trods a new direction into the world of "squad-based" combat (since a squad is actually a ten to fifteen man unit-- as opposed to six-- it would be more appropriate to call it team-based combat). You are a Brotherhood recruit, the first line of defense against the degenerates of Mid-Western wastelands. You serve a faction of the Brotherhood sent on a reconnaissance mission over the Rockies... only to end up stuck in Chicago. No more. Much has been learned, and it is time to return to California.

Fallout Tactics arrives on three discs, and since I have the space and RAM to run everything off my hard drive I do not know when or if a transition between discs is needed to play. I suspect three discs are required to contain the quite impressive quality and quantity of sound which shake my sub woofer. Explosions reverberate. Rifles crack. Mysterious objects in the distance squeak and howl. Many areas feature creepy night-time desert wind sounds. And when one crawls through a subterranean bunker and hears the anguished cry of some inhuman thing in the darkness, one tends to feel unnerved. As a cherry on top, Fallout Tactics leans heavily on voice acting. The infamous actor of Full Metal Jacket's Gunnery Sergeant Hartman lends his Marine drawl to General Barnaky, your character's CO. Many other familiar voices will pop up.

Such characterizations seem to substitute the dialogue screens of the original RPG. Instead of picking witty conversation options, your character simply listens to an NPC-- while subtitles present themselves in a tiny dialogue screen next to a green thumbnail still of the speaker. Such is why I must stress Fallout Tactics is not a role-playing game so much as it is a post-apocalyptic Syndicate. Elements of Interplay's Fallout scheme appear, but it is action and blood at heart, like any first-person shooter. And like British cyperpunk or cyborg-demon shoot 'em ups, Tactics obeys a very linear story which moves, moves, MOVES PEOPLE! No side adventures to the Sierra Army Depot or Broken Hills. Every experience is an official Brotherhood mission related to the tale. Virtually all missions involve killing multiple someones... such is life in the Brotherhood.

Such life means house-to house fighting, bunker raids, sabotage missions, and mazes worthy of the most convoluted Doom or Quake level, only not in first-person. And if this sounds tedious after a while, fear not; for as Tactics declares, life in the Brotherhood has changed. Each level is increasingly difficult and destructive, as your enemies grow in numbers, firepower, and armor far greater than is available to your squad. Ammunition for the best weapons is scarce and by the time you collect a decent amount, the enemy has better armor and you have found a new weapon. Tactics never fails to keep the player on toes and practically falling out of chair.

Sometimes such challenges border on frustrations. Unlike the RPG's, one has the option of real-time play, where only the use of equipment is governed by action points which continuously regenerate. This is effectively real-time. It also effectively keeps you from laying back on the trigger of your Vindicator mini-gun ala Syndicate. While the enemy can't do the same to you, I always found victory through a superior rate of fire and a large magazine to be a particularly effective means against cyborgs. Ah, but this is tactics, not hitman, and Tactics allows your character to sneak, crouch and belly-crawl. Those of you used to the stand up fights of Fallout will die very quickly. As mentioned, even mere human enemies can frequently wipe your squad out with greater skill and power than you can hope to wield. I have spent as much as an hour attempting to advance six feet. Fallout Iwo Jima would be an accurate nickname for this game.

To help the uninitiated-or shall I say Initiates- I offer some handy tips.

1. Achieving rank in the Brotherhood is important. Rank allows you access to better gear and team members.

2.All ammuntion aside from 9x19mm is scarce. You will find very few shotgun shells or rifle rounds. Use submachine guns as much as possible in the first two or three missions. Especially save shotgun ammo for super-mutant and robot missions. Once you finish the first super mutant mission, 7.62mm will become abundant, and you will find fair amounts of .50 caliber and 5.56mm rounds.

3.Avoid close combat. Your team is stuck with weak leather armor until you first encounter robots. Most of your enemies will have higher hit points and armor class. I have had human enemies KICK my character to death even as I fired chaingun bursts into them at point blank range. Many of your enemies are so tough, they will actually run out of ammo and charge you before you can kill them. Super mutants and robots also have super tough critters charge you while their buddies fire. Automatic shotguns, especially the Pancor Jackhammer, will decimate close foes. BEWARE OF SCURRYBOTS!

4.Mass sniper rifle fire should be your choice of attack whenever possible. Always have an automatic shotgun or a Browning M2 in your other hand in case the enemy charges. If an enemy is entrenched but cannot detect you, lay mines and toss grenades to save ammo (and your life). Finally, if forced into close combat, use Browning M2s and automatic shotguns, or at least FN FALs and Steyr AUGs.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not bad, not great
Review: First off, I'd like to say that I honestly do like this game and I think it was worth my money. I have encountered a few bugs, but nothing that would make me fling this back to the store, but I know how games can be (especially from Interplay), so I pity those who experience more severe problems. I like the semi real time mode the best. I think it's the best way to go from now on in the Fallout series. But if that's not your thing, you can go back to the classic Fallout mode, or even turn based squad mode (from the description, it sounds like X-COM, though I haven't actually tried it). Yes, enemy AI can be pretty dumb. If you just lie still for a while, a lot of times the enemy will just merrily go back to their little patrol path, begging to be shot down. But hey, enemies weren't terribly bright in the previous Fallouts, either. And yes, they do seem to have awful hearing problems in regard to full automatic gunshots. Story's a bit dry to me, from what I've seen so far. Maybe it'll kick up a notch later on, but the previous Fallouts grabbed me from the getgo. Not this one. Also, I wish there was a bit more flexibility in the missions. While there are various shades of success in each mission, you're not allowed to fail. It's either win or lose and losing means the end of the game, even if you live. That, I don't like. That said, I do enjoy the game. I like the huge variety of weapons, the fact that I can actually sneak up on a guy and can actually take him out with one well placed gunshot (there's something deeply satisfying in getting close behind to a prone raider and blasting him with a double barrel, but that's just me). The combat is great. There are all sorts of options to deal with the various situations thrown your way. Do you sneak in behind your enemy and gut him with your knife? Do you just rush up, guns blazing? Do you snipe from afar? Do you toss grenades over the cover the enemy's behind? Should you crawl away from enemy fire or just run for it? The flexibility in combat is unsurpassed. Basically it boils down to whether you like a good yarn or a good round of war. For a good yarn, play the previous Fallouts. For a good strategic fight, this could be good for a few late nights.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great game set in my favorite post nuclear war universe!
Review: Set in the Fallout universe taking place between Fallout 1 and 2, you play the role of a Brotherhood of Steel Warrior. The BoS was that secretive order which helped fight the evil in the 2 Fallout2.

Using more or less the same combat system as in the 2 Fallouts, the game takes you mission by mission in eliminating the enemies of the brotherhood. Everything is more or less the same as Fallout combatwise. Even the weapons. This time however you get vehicles. From scouters to Hummers to even tanks!

Storywise, it's not bad but I didn't like the fact that the Brotherhood was portrayed as a kind of gang fighting for power in the wasteland.

The game is relatively stable as I only suffered one crash in about the 20 hours of play. Good game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This game is Horribly un-fun
Review: Hmmm The game pales in comparison with the two before it.It doesnt contain the same feeling,and joy I had playing fallout 1 and 2.One of the major problems was that you couldnt interact with other npc's like you could in the first two.IT added a sense of reality when choosing what to say could mean life or death.Also,the graphics in the first 2 added something to the game,there was no need to make it look prettier in fallout tactics,it just took away from the feeling.I couldnt stand the new non turn based play,although you could change it to turn based,there was no need for a new wat to play.MY suggestions for a new fallout game that would actually be good.Make the same game as the two originals and add more weapons,creatures,new places,and a new plot.The only thing I thought was worth buying about fallout tactics were the vehicles,otherwise it was pure crap.Dont waste your money.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Interplay never heard of Quality Control.
Review: After waiting forever for something to follow Fallout 2, Interplay has dumped this game upon us. Fallout Tactics is full of bugs and serious playability issues that have ruined the potential of this game. The patches may fix some of this, but I doubt they will even come close to fixing all.

Don't waste your money on this game.

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