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The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: least favorite expansion pack
Review: I've been playing the sims with every expansion pack as soon as they come out for a very long time. I've enjoyed every single one, for their new interactions, new objects, new places to go, etc, but this really has to be my least favorite. I've found that vacation island is a hassle, although I had no problem with glitches. It didnt come with that many interesting objects, and didnt peak my interest at all. I feel like this expansion pack just takes up space on my computer that I could be using for something more worthwhile.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A crashing fun mess
Review: This expansion pack, like the others before it, has a tendency to have major glitches, including the occasional crash. Althought the pack comes with lots of new objects and a "vacation" area, it's still the same old Sims. It's like you're just watching them "do" things. It's boring. It would have been a LOT better if EA had come out with some improvements to the game overall, instead of another expansion.
People want slanted roofs, and basements and 3rd floors, and children that go thru different age levels.... not a stupid tent or fishing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun
Review: This expansion pack is as fun as the rest of them, but watch out because it is easy for Sims to loose their job while on vacation. I was a little dissapointed that the hotels were only 2 stories, it would have been exciting to have more, maybe with an elevator too. Their could have been more done with this expansion pack, but for the most part it was interesting and alot of fun inovative objects were introduced.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This is the Scoop
Review: This is an okay game because it has all of the essential needs in a computer game. Really good characters and some good vacation spots. There are some pros and cons for this game definitely:
Pros- 1. There are many more things you can do in this expansion pack 2. There are a ton of new items 3. You can have a bunch of friends over and sing by the camp fire
Cons- 1. It is kinda dumb when you get to the vacation spot 2. If your computer is slow (like mine) then the game is pointless.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Kinda' slow, but packed with fun!
Review: Everyone, if you like going on vacation, relaxing in the sun, snowboarding, camping out, well this is the game for you! Oh by the way, that gamer from Boston, NJ was TOTALLY wrong about this game! It rocks! I mean, You can delete older places to make new ones! Oh those of you who do Windows XP, wacth out, because it might be a little slow, probably because of Windows XP. Anyways, I love this game, and you will too if you get it of course!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible Take My Advice this the biggest waste of money.
Review: This game is not just extremly slow but it shuts down in the middle of you gameplay. I have so much storage on my computer but it still can't hold all that data. I have installed and unistalled it several times. If you currently have the other sims don't ruin your whole game. Once you download this you have ruined your Sims that you have worked so hard to create. After all the frustration I have had with this game I have quit Sims for good. I would rather live a real life then be sucked into a game that wastes your money and your time. At first I thought it was great but I soon learned what a bad game The Sims is. What makes me mad is the company still makes Sims games even though they know that they cannot hold all that data. Please take it from me if you haven't bought this game don't. Save your money for something great like The Sopranos seasons 1-3 or The Godfather collection you at least won't be dissapointed with that!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Game is GREAT! (Sorry for the Caps)
Review: I love this game!
Just get a nice computer because if you don't it gets really slow.

Here is a list of cool things!

1: The Sims can go on vscation and you can date on vacation island!
To date I think you need Hot Date.
2: 3 vacation themes snow, beach, forist, and each theme has a curtain NPC snow:Betty the Yetty, beach: Marky Sharky, forist: Archie the Archer (or some thing like that).
3: New themes for homes AND (sorry for the caps) vacation island.
4: A lot of new objects Note: A lot of them are decorations for the new themes.
5: Hot Date made new Adult interactions now Vacation has new kid interactions like Rock, Paper, Scissors!
6: etc and plus if you have other expansion packs then it adds some ectra to Vacation Island!

Thay say teen but I think Pre-Teens can be aloud.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Ok..I guess
Review: EA lost its touch on this game. the only new thing you do is go on vacations,if you ask a friend they end up hating you because they can't sleep. this is one expansion pack I wouldent get. It often freezes and it gave a big virus to my comp. It .... If you really want it go ahead and get it but trust me,save a few dollars and skip this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Perfect Game But . . .
Review: I honestly think that this game is the best game I have ever had. You have loads of fun building your own house along with the family you got to create, and furnishing it too! If you have the other expansion packs like Hot Date or Unleashed (Which I also have, too) You can make new friends at a bar or resteraunt in the downtown area or get a new pet down in Old Farmers Sqaure. I think I probably spend about three whole hours in front of my computer screen because I think its so much fun. And not to mention - There is thousands (and prehaps millions) web-sites that lets you download a whole lot of cool things. Unfortunatly, theres a downslide. The only thing that I hate about this game is that whenever you add on an expansion-pack, it slows down the game. And trust me - it's NOT my computer because I have plenty of space left. I've heard it from other people too with the same problem. I'm really proud of Maxis and their games and I applaud them for it. I really suggest people get this game because I know they have a lot of fun with it - but they WON'T have fun waiting for things to load. I would be VERY happy to hear some fedback on this. Tell me what you think!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It's okay...but REALLY slowed down my computer!
Review: I like a lot of the cool new objects that come with this, but it's almost not worth the 15 minutes it now takes for my game to load. I have more than enough disk space but it is still very slow. I'm looking much more forward to getting Unleashed!

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