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The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: http://www.angelfire.com/darkside/zotherax
Review: OMGosh! when i got hot date i thought there could be nothing better than hanging downtown, shopoping, having a romantic picnic at the park, but then i heard about the sims VACATION! what i hear you can play a fun game of v-ball on the beach, have a blast at a fair, throw snowballs, gosh the fun will never end, everybody has to get this!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yayayaya! Another sims game!
Review: Read title!
While I'm a tad worried. With The Sims Online in production, Simsville cancelled, and Hot Date just BARELY out the door, how do they have time to make yet another expansion?
Don't get me wrong, I'll buy this game hands down, but I hope Maxis makes good choices on what to work on first!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sitting on my computer watching sim me sit at his computer
Review: I enjoyed this game fairly well for about a month...
then I realized...why the heck am I sitting around watching a pixelated version of myself doing repetitious chores when I could be doing them myself...
I mean, Plane flying and even car driving (except that dang car driving game where you go around picking kids up from school and dropping fathers off at work, I think it was called "SoccerMom") make sense....I can't just go hop on a plane or in some speedy sports car and rip up downtown.... but cooking, cleaning, sleeping, going to work, playing on a computer, going to the bathroom, reading a book, dancing, having conversations, watering the flowers, burning the house down and now going on a vacation!!!??? Aren't these the comforts of real life?
These guys did a great job on the game, don't get me wrong...
but spending your precious hours (and hours and hours and hours) playing this game makes a lot less sense then actually cooking, cleaning, sleeping, going to work, playing on a computer, going to the bathroom, reading a book, dancing, having conversations, watering the flowers, and going on vacation (burning your house down not advised).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The next big thing for Maxis
Review: "The Sims Hot Date allowed you to take an individual Sim out of the house and on a downtown rendezvous," said Tim LeTourneau, Producer at EA's Maxis™ studio. "With The Sims Vacation, you can take your whole Sim household to a fabulous island for a Sims-style holiday."
Your sims are tired, they have been partying with The Sims House Party, and have been out dating with The Sims Hot Date. They need a vacation!! This new expansion allows you to do just that, take your WHOLE FAMILY to a tropical island vacation. That is right the VERY TALLENTED programers at EA Games have made it possible to bring the whole family to a place out of the home. You can go shopping for suviners, you can have the staff assist your every need, anything is possible. This is the 5th expansion for the sims, and is the most advanced. Expect many more exciting expansions for The Sims.
Also if you like The Sims try Sim Golf. It is the same addictive gameplay on The Sims on a golf course. See my review on Sim Golf for more info.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love this game (the sims)
Review: A new ad-on?The Sims vacantion,is a game i ever wayet is that the sims go in vacantion.My mother play all the time The Sims(all 4 ad-on)and she always tell me he want a Sims Vacantion,you know take sims out,in vacantion ,not like Hot Date...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I'd give this Sim's ep a turkey
Review: I love the Sims but Vacation made the game crash and the characters became stuck on vacation island in one spot. It was if the Vacation Ep was not compatible with the other ep's. Outside of some cool objects it really was not worth it. I uninstalled Vacation and the game now runs fine. I traded Vacation at a local video game store for something else.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best expansion i have!
Review: i love going on vacations, and it really helps when trying to make friends. if you bring a friend, they're stuck with you until you decided to go back home. also, you can sleep and junk without them going away, although i still have yet to figure out how to get the friend to go to bed, so it may not be possible. when they fall over, leave them and cut the trip shorter...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Vacation?!?!
Review: The Sims: Vacation expansion pack isn't really drooled over much. This is probably the second expansion pack which enables Sims to leave the neighborhood and go to Vacation Island which is divided into lots based on themes like the woods; and snow and ski resorts.

The only positive thing I can think about it is it's a good place for your Sims to runaway to especially if they're in the makings of becoming a star. Unlike Hot Date, here sims (still on the fame-seeking ones)'ll have a chance to mend their relationships and their Fun, while even though this is enabled in downtown, sims couldn't sleep there. But on Vacation Island, sims can spend as many days as they like and contantly refresh themselves before going back to face the music.

Apart from that, this expansion pack wouldn't really be missed if it wasn't for The Sims Superstar.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: nicely done
Review: The Sims Vacation is the best expansion pack. A vacation is just the thing Sims need.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: OK, but not as great as others
Review: Well, all of the Sims stuff is really cool, so I can't give this TOO bad of a rating. But by far, out of all the expansion packs for The Sims, this is definitely the most boring one. There're only three types of places you can go on vacation: forest, beach, and winter. And some of the animations between those three are the same. For example, the snowball fight option in the winter places is exactly the same animation as the water balloon toss. Not too creative.
It was a great idea, but if for some reason you can only afford all the expansion packs minus one, leave this one out. You won't be missing as much as if you left out one of the other ones.

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