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The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game is the BEST
Review: This game was sooooo good. I meen I love the Sims to begin with, and i have all the games so sence this is the new one I thought I would go and make a revue. I think that the sims going out for a vacation and having a hotel room is just INGENUSE! So i think whoever get the Sims Vacation it's a very very good priced game AND a very good game!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent!
Review: Finally, the Sims get to take a moment to relax and have a vacation! Whereas before you could build a downtown, this time the Sims are going places - literally!

Not only are there HUNDREDS of objects to add to your Sims shopping list, there are places to go as well! The place in particular: Vacation Island! Just like going downtown, your Sim can pack up his or her family and take off for a while. It's as simple as calling a cab. :) There's actually three resorts they can go to with different themes: camping grounds, fishing spots, beaches and of course, the mountains with lots of snow! At last, the Sims get to see the weather change! Along with the different areas to choose from, there are new NPC available as well - including carnival carnies and vacation workers. But I'm jumping ahead...

Whereas going downtown really didn't take away from a Sim's everyday life, the only thing that really needs to be paid attention to would be the friends that are away from home. If you don't send them friendly postcards, you can watch your friendship bars deteriorate quickly. You can also buy them gifts you found along the way. And like downtown, Vacation Island is totally customizable. You have an unlimited budget to make your resorts as fantastic or simple as you want for your Sims.

Of course, just like vacation in real life, everything costs money! From renting Snowman-making equipment, to renting volleyball necessities and as always staying the night at a motel. (No more crashing on someone's couch!) But don't think spending isn't worth it - there's a number of games to play on the boardwalk, such as Whack-a-Will (guess who that is?) and arcade games along with the good old slot machines to help your Sims quickly deteriorating funds. You can also rent a metal detector to help your Sims find some extra cash. Or lets say your Sims don't really like to part with their well-earned cash. They can skip the hotels and go for renting an igloo or a tent. Talk about taking it the cheap way! (But hey - you can also "play" in the tents, if you know what I mean!)

Along with going the cheap way, your Sims can make an effort to find hidden treasures. They vary from crystals to statues to even buried treasure. (There's also super souvenirs, but Maxis isn't really telling what they are!) Once your Sim gets home, they go into a specially made cabinet that raises the value of the house and the objects within the vicinity of the cabinet. It will also attract your houseguests and guess what - your Sim will actually reminisce about his vacation to his or her friends! You can also look for a polar bear rug, picnic blanket, miniature golf castles, Venetian blinds, lodge doors, reversible art deco windows, marble columns, winding waterslides, stone fireplaces, and many types of new foliage

There are downsides to the Vacation as well. Let's say you have a Sim family you want to take with you on the trip. If your kids' moods drop, they start getting rowdy. Such as burping, armpit farting, and downright temper tantrums. If they get really crabby, they get into real trouble wreaking havoc among unsuspecting passersby's or even stealing from the gift shop. If the island's director (and yes, it's the cranky old Miss Crumblebottom) catches any of them - you can believe that you'll not only get a scolding for your bad parenting, but she'll hit you right in the wallet - with a hefty fine! These can be remedied by making a huge effort to include family activities such as building snowmen and sandcastles.

There's nothing that compares to this expansion pack and by far none of the other packs can hold water - including Hot Date. Don't miss this one at all!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Let's be honest,nothing its perfect, except this game.
Review: This is a game worth the money,that will probably be your first impression when you decide to get this.You may think hey its no big deal having you Sim is to go on a well deserved vacation and having a nice fishing or snowboarding.Well you're wrong because hey in HD you got your sim in the 'town and have them have a real social life well here you're going to do kinda of the same just in a cool beach,forest or snowy mountain,well your sim deserves it, after being punished by a...genie or being transformed with the cool potions machine you can have a lot of fun writing postcards to your friends or winning trophies and stuff with the treasure haunting.Now I've heard a lot of complains about bugs well let me tell you I bought my copy since the game went out and until this sun I've seen no problema with my copy and other people say its slow,well what you expected santa on a yellow sledge,of course this expansion pack its slow with all the cool stuff it should be okay,but if you are a unpatent monster well get a quick monster of computer.In little words this expansion its great,you only not get to vacation and have fun youres so buy it andif its slow,hey its not my fault.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Vacation allows, Vacationing!
Review: The Sims Vacation, a all resort guide to good life to The Sims, or worring about Livin' Large's Mad Scientist Chemisty Set, or worried about House Party's Mime, and no worring about Hot Date's having a bad date, now your just relaxing over the sun!

In Hot Date, you get Downtown's for each neigherhood, now you get ten Vacation Islands with different themes like winter, Beach, and Forest. Also in Vacation, kids will have more interaction then what they do in Hot Date, they barely do anything in Hot Date, this will change this compility.

In Vacation, you will have more gift's for Hot Date, Sims can win prizes in Carnives, and even win a trophy! In Vacation, you can have snowball fights and Volleyball, plus Dad and Son can get togather to fish! Try to get a big one! Vacation will allow you to have Hotals! All kinds of different prices and decoration will be allowed! Have a cheap hotal with no TV or Pool, or have a Great Hotal with Pool, Whirlpool, beds and decoration!

Vacation looks great! Grapics/Looking Animation, well, it's like all The Sims Games:10/10 Fun, it's going to be a lot more fun with Hotal's and Beach's:9.5/10 Gameplay/Movieplay-How long it lasts, this is going to last a while, come on' there is Mini Golf in it! :D 10/10 Sound, downtown music was suberb, I wonder how Vacation music will sound? It will probably be awesome! 10/10 Overall, if your a Sims fan, get it. 9.5/10

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Has to be good.
Review: I am a total sims fan. I only have Sims Hot date (lovvvvvvvved it!), Sims livin large (lovved it.) ant the sims ( I thought Will Wright was an einstien). So this one has to be good. When it comes out I will write another review.

God bless.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Don't get me wrong-- I LOOOVE the Sims-- I have all four. I didn't give this game a rating because I haven't played it yet. However, with Sims Hot Date, there are too many bugs, and even though Maxis did a recent patch for such problems as Sims not being able to get off a couch after cuddling, some purchase items not being transferred, etc., (I tried downloading the most recent patch for HD, and can't due to problems with their winzip)I hope that most bugs are worked out for this program prior to release date. I think that Maxis is coming out with these additions much too fast and are not really testing enough prior to releasing-- hence, the many problems with the Hot Date program. I will just wait about 8 months to a year before purchasing Vacation-- Maybe they'll have all the bugs worked out by then.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Vacation
Review: This is the 4th expansion on the original sims game released in May 2002, Vacation will introduce being able to take the whole household to 'Vacation island' (A fully customisable island with various lots) The island has three sections Woodland camping, Snowy mountain and Beach all of which have objects and accessories themed to match. Whilst there your sims can enjoy the sun soaked beaches and fluffy snow but pressures such as money and deteriorating friendships put a strain on time spent there (although short term help is available like postcards for friends and slot machines for money) There are various souvenirs to be found, bought and won and an entertaining posse of characters including the pickpocket, hotel staff and kiddies entertainers. New objects include the arcade games, souvenir cabinet, snowboard half pipe, crazy golf, pool slide, skating rink, fishing pier, igloos and tents. In fact there is over 140 new objects to make amazing resorts from. You design the island and build up hotels, log huts, woods you name it! And you create the fun when you control the holiday! Its runs a bit slower but overall this game looks really cool and is sure to re-addict any bored sims user, and there are no found bugs yet. Whether the sims has been milked enough is yet to be seen.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Info on the Sims Vacation.
Review: With the Sims hot date, which just came out, the sims vacation is the other expansion pack that lets you leave home. The vacation spot is an island called paridise island. THere are three spots in which you can go, the beach, camping, and the snowey region. Within tose regions, you can hunt, fish, snowboard, build sandcastles, go to arcades, and hunt for treasure. You get to stay on vacation as long as you do not spend tons of money. When you go, you can take your whole family, unlike hot date.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims Vacation-I think I can't wait
Review: I think its great that Maxis is making a new Sims expansion pack because the sims game would get very boring after a while if they didn't keep making expansion packs. But the problem is they just came out with one and I've hardly have time to play with it. When the new one comes out I'll forget all abut the hot date and it would be kinda a waste. But still its really cool. I heard thats theres gonna be snowboarding,fishing,camping,carnivals,suvaniers,about 150 new items,of course the beach,hotels,snowman,sandcatles,an arcade and much more! But it depends on the amount of money you have,how long your sims can stay.And Maxis still hasn't figured out if the buget money will be the same as it is at the Sims home or not. But to get more money you can win it with detectors and winning acade games and more. Hoefully this will be another great expansion.....or not?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Expansion Ever!
Review: This is probably the best sims expansion ever! Now instead of just staying in the limits of the neighborhoods or downtown you can now go to a vacation island where you can snowboard, skateboard, have a snowball fight, build a snowman, and much much more. They are also going to have percipitation, like rain and snow. It is undoutfully going to be the best sims yet!

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