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The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The 4th and Best Expansion for The Sims!
Review: I have all the expansion packs for the sims and Vacation looks like the best expansion pack ever! I have read articles and looked at pictures and I can't wait until it comes out!!! I have been playing the Sims since it came out in February 2000, and has been my favorite computer game since. I definently recommend The Sims and The Sims: Vacation when it comes out for a great gift to friends and family who love playing on the computer. I am going straight to the store and getting The Sims Vacation the day it comes out!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: #4
Review: They've done it again, expansion pack #4. This one seems great. I thought Hot Date was the best because the sims could actually leave their house. But now they can even leave their town! Go skiing, go to the beach, they can do it all!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Vacation: A Sure HIT!
Review: I have read ALL the reviews, saw ALL the screenshots and I can only say one word, AWESOME! If you are a fan of The Sims like me you will definetely enjoy this expansion pack. The is so much new stuff for your sims to do! There are over 150 new objects! I will recomend that you buy this game the day it comes out!!!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: good
Review: This game is fun and new. I like the Hot Date and all the rest i can't wait untill the next game comes out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: To the guy that claims to "have seen it firsthand"
Review: Of course this game will be a hit. All of the Sims expansions have been great. I just wanted to point out that the guy who says he "saw it firsthand" got all of that information from gamespot.com. I read the preview there, and they have the exact information as the stuff you put; you just summarized it, and I saw some quotes that were exactly the same at their preview.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best game yet!!!!!!!
Review: The Sims Expansin Pack;vacation is so cool to play and every game Maxis makes just get better that the last. Hot Date was cool with the new downtown area but this is just way better. I'm glad that each neighborhood has its own vacation spot. What will the master minds think of next??? I hope in the fiture they have an expnsion pack that is teenagers and has cool places for them to hang out in the down-town area!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Fun
Review: This game hasn't been released yet so it's kinda hard to write something about this game. However with that being said, I can tell you that I have all the other sim games and I enjoy them immensly especially Hot date. That one is a lot of fun. It's just like real life (only better). It entertains me for several hours. The only downside is that you MUST have the orginial Sims installed to play. (A way for EA to make money).

All in all, I have pre ordered this item not by looking at screenshots(although they do look pretty cool), but by my experience with the other sims. I also recommend Sims: Vacation to any one who have the other Sim games.

Want more fun? In the summer of 2002 you will be able to play The Sims Online with other people for [money] a month...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Let your Sims relax and unwind with Sims Vacation!!!
Review: The all new expansion pack for The Sims looks super!! Even better than all other expansion packs released to date. I have not yet played this game but I cant wait to!! New features include:
Water Slide
Snow ramp
Half pipe
Various souveniers

There are also loads new activities for your Sims to participate in such as:
Snowball fights
Building snowmen
Building Sandcastles
Mini Glof
Beach Volley Ball
Whack a Will
Shoot a clown
The Claw Machine and many more..

There are three different conditions your Sims may go to. Forest, Beach and Winter wonderland! They stay in hotels and the staff are at your command. Watch out though. Theres a pickpocket about and he'll steal your last penny from you! If your kids decide to misbehave and annoy other tourists you could be landed with a hefty fine. Now there are more social interactions such as "scold" between a parent and child. If you get the chance to buy this game go for it because its gonna be the game of the decade. ...
Thanx for reading my review!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellente! Baby!
Review: I have Sims, Sims "Livin' Large", Sims "House Party", and the Sims "Hot Date", they are all awesome and I love all of 'em. My favorite would have to be "Hot Date" Because it's the lastest until Sims "Vacation". Thats' how I heard about it on the internet and when I did I freaked because besides Pok'emon I'll pick Sim's anyday of the week! I just wish all you people who haven't heard about it - this is my advice to you - Get all five now because when you pick the first up you wont put it down and so on with the rest! And wait, there is more. My favorite part about the sims is that you control their life and that you can tell them what to do and stuff like that - for instance, if you like to be a very, very, messy person, you can be one but the bad part is you flys, roaches and other stuff in your house too. But any way thats not me - I am a very, very clean freak - I like to keep everything just right - for instance I - by the way I have a made on the sims so thats really cool to. So - back to the story - like I said, I pay my bills I am a Pharmacist and my wife is a C.O.P. so she keeps me strait! Thats about all I have to say so - Bye! Later! And remember, Excellente! Baby!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Last One?
Review: This game looks like the coolest of all the expansions so far, but the question we have to ask ourselves is "how many more will they inflict upon us?"Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the sims, order this today ... . Getting back to my theme, just how many expansion packs can our poor old computers handle without giving out altogether?(and I know Hot Date has already completely messed up alot of people's systems) But what will be next? "The Sims go to Work"? Still, this game looks SOOOOOO awesome order it now, I have. You take your Sims to either the beach, Alpine resort, or woods.

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