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The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Vacation of fun!
Review: exciting,encanting and enjoyable. When I bought this game I thought! Yes another real-life story to create! Oh but was I more than pleased! I have been playing this game 24/7! I can't get enough! I can't wait for the next one!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Never Stop
Review: This game of the sims never stops, and I hope it will not! This is great....vacations something no one was expecting and it adds so much new things...such as fireplaces, interactions, and NPC's I can't wait to get it from here!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A exellent review on The sims vacation!
Review: The sims vacation looks an exellent game. I have got all the The sims games(The sims, livin it up, houseparty + hotdate) and this one must beat them all. With brand new things to do it sounds so exiting that I will definately buy a copy of it! All The sims games are very good and addictive too and Maxis should be very proud to bring out such a popular game! My sims are in need of a good break anyway! WELL DONE MAXIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sims Vacation is a bust...
Review: I bought Vacation yesterday, and after a lengthy install/boot time, I finally got a chance to actually play. However, when you get to the vacation spots, your sims will move in extreme slow motion...even in ultra-speed. I decided maybe I had too many downloads so I decided to completely remove all the games, and re-install all over again, which really burned me since I had completed 4 neighborhoods (that's 40 families, houses, accessories, etc., etc., etc.). After re-installing, it worked okay...for about 5 minutes...then back to slo-mo...the only thing that seems to help is restarting your pc, then starting the game again...which takes FOREVER to boot, as I said above.

The one good thing I can say about it is there are many new interactions, especially with the kids. (Oh, and there are lots of new objects as well, many that you can bring home with you for you and your neighbors/friends to ooh and ahh over), but that's about it. I much prefer Hot Date over the new Vacation. If they come out with a patch to help this 'snail movement' problem, I might change my mind...but as for this Sim-addict, I'm sorely disappointed.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: I think that the sims is the best game of all times, but like every great thing, there is a time when it sould just be known as "a classic" the only time that the theme should be reintroduced is for example the revolutionary game PONG, it was reintroduced about 2 years ago with many new levels adn graphics that blew the other stuff away, but the origonal game of pong, if it is still owned, is sitting in a box up in an attic untill the value increases to a large sum, back to my point, if u are still adicted to the game buy it, but if u are bored with the game this will not revive your lost love with the game, hot date was the limit.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unbelievable!!! You'll Get Hooked!!!
Review: Maxis has gone and done it again. Just to say when Hot Date gave gamers the ability to have their Sims leave their homes was just great to begin with. New areas to "hang" and let "situations" evolve. Not only does "Vacation" still let Sims go downtown, but on vacation too!!! With every expansion pack The Sims has put out, you always get more floors, styles, etc. Vacation also has added features as such. Plus - you can manipulate your existing vacation spots. All neighborhoods have their own vacation island, so you can change and create as many islands as you wish. Also, the website itself is also great for downloading new characters, skins and such, but with "Vacation", there's an added bonus. You can download more skins and characters that aren't available to Hot Date and previous expansion packs. You'll get hooked in an instant. All Maxis products deserve 5 stars

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This doesn't look like the best expansion pack yet
Review: I wish that they would come out with an expansion pack that features more jobs, and furniture. I am looking forward to vacation coming out but I don't think it looks that great. This expansion pack allows you to go on vacation with your entire family. I don't think that it should be [dollars]just for that. If the new expansion pack had new career tracks, furniture, wallpaper, tile and so on I would be so excited. Oh well. Hopefully they will take my suggestion.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Unfair
Review: I think it is highly unfair that just because i dont live in America that i'm NOT ALOWWED to buy this game at the same time as other sims players, whats wrong Maxis - just because i'm English, is my money not as good as anyone elses. I find it insulting that i cant buy this game at the same time as other people. I have bought every sim game so far; if it weren't for people like me Maxis wouldn't be able to keep making games. After being treated like this i will not buy another.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best expansion pack yet!!!
Review: I just got the game today.. and I must say, I'm impressed! It's so much fun!!

I love how you can control all your sims while on vacation.. not just one like Hot Date.

I also like how you can speed up time (didn't work on Hot Date).

And.. how the kids can shop for clothes by themselves. They're much more fun now.. before, the kids were pretty useless. They even have new interactions like "Rough House" and "Rock Paper Scissors".

I played for a few hours and haven't even begun to see it all. This is my favourite one so far. **WELL WORTH THE MONEY**

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Expansion Pack.....
Review: I recieved "The Sims Vacation" expansion pack today and have had a ball playing it! It is the best expansion pack yet and it is filled with a lot of fun and entertaining activities for your Sims to do. You can either go alone or take your entire family on vacation to either a sun-filled beach, a winter wonderland, or you can just rough it out in the woods. I even think the game runs better now. I recommend buying this expansion and adding more excitment to your already busy Sims life!

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