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The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Doesn't Work with Windows XP
Review: I was looking forward to Vacation, only to get it home today, and I can't get it to run, it may run for a little while but then it just dumps me to the desktop. I looked around at some Forums at TheSims.com and well known fan sites, only to find that a lot of people are having problems running the game, especially with XP.

So to sum up, this was a complete waste of money since I can't even play the game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sure, it LOOKS fun, but is it really?
Review: I just recieved this game, and have been playing it all day. Let me say that I am thorougly disappointed. Not only does it cause my entire system to run much more slowly, but there doesn't seem to be much "game" involved in it. For example, I had one sim family of mine visit three different resorts.

The first was in the forest, the more upscale of the three forest options, and primarily it was interesting. It was a different landscape, a completely different scenario. Soon after, I found that all my sims wanted was to eat, even if they weren't hungry. When I was finally able to pry them away from the buffet line, there wasn't much for them to do. My child sim stood, waiting for another child, at the water balloon area for a long while, mainly because there wasn't anything else for her to do. Another sim rented a metal detector and did three rounds of the hotel grounds. Not much fun there, either.

I then decided that my sims should visit the snow. While there was much more to do in the snow, in essence there was only the same problems. All they wanted to do was eat. When again pried away from the food, there were the options of snowball fights, snow sliding, snowboarding, and the hot tub (for the adults only). The snowball situation was identical to that of the water balloon situation. The snowboarding, while fun intitially, tires out quickly, at least for the sim. He or she will do at least 2-3 rounds on the ramp, wipe out, give up and walk away. The snow sliding, on the other hand, froze out my whole system, no pun intended. The hot tub, similar to the heart hot tub from previous expansion packs, was a nice addition, though it is only for use by adults.

After a day there, my sims decided to go down the beach resort. That, in my opinion, was the nicest of the three, and even IT had its' drastic downsides. My sim child developed the worst of the problems. It seemed to develop a case of diahrrea, which i realize isn't completely unusual for a vacation, but when a sim uses the toilet and immediately demands a shower, going back and forth between the two (because neither scale will improve at all) gets to be MORE than tedious. In contrast though, the beach proved to have much more "fun filled activities" than the other two combined. The pool, the waterslide, the carnival area, the arcade area, and, of course, the buffet table managed to keep my sims busy.

All in all, I wasn't pleased with the outcome of THIS expansion pack. One out of three resort areas isn't satisfactory. In short, I do not reccomend this expansion pack.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Expansion Pack
Review: This one is way better than n e of the others...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A bit much
Review: So far this is my least favorite expansion pack, although even it has its good points. Children can finally interact with adults and each other beyond tickling, entertaining, and talking, which is fantastic. There are a few new items, but most of these are only useful at the vacation spots. My biggest issue with this is that the vacations themselves are kind of overwhelming. Each character goes off in a different direction as soon as you get there, and that makes thing difficult. There are a lot of different things to do at each spot, which is a good and bad thing as a lot of these things cost money, and if you happen to lose track of what one of your Sims is doing it can end up costing you a lot. I guess I'd recommend this expansion pack to any Sims lover, but for me it's more of a headache than it is fun. The novelty of the vacation wore off a little too quickly to be worth my money. On the upside though, despite having a lot of extra stuff in it, the game doesn't run any slower, well at least on my computer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Way Cool!!!!!!!
Review: this game is so cool (i think so) i have played the sims for SOOOOOOOOOOOO long and i cant wait till Vacation is mine. If you are a new buyer or something I really, but i mean really recommend you the sims vacation.Basiclly the sims is THE COOLEST GREATEST GAME IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great excellent game!
Review: Now is the chance to give your sims a well earned break, for the first time in sim history, your sims can go on hoiliday! whether it is woodland camping, skiing in the snow or chillin on the beach! Build log huts, totem poles grand hotels, it is up to you! with over 140 new objects you will be blown away with arcade machines, volleyball, buying suvienors whatever!
With things like out-of control children plus new characters like the abionable snbowman ,the shark etc! hotel staff to look after children and waiters, so pack your bags and lets go on Vacation! trust me you will never want to come home!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: from original sims to livin large to house party to hot date this should be the one for pc games! in hot date you could only take the adult put of the house...but in vacation you can actually send the whole household plus friends to go on a spectacular fun-filled vacation. lots of things can happen your kids can cut your trip short by acting like any bad child would wrecking stuff, you can catch a horrible flu called montzemus or something like that revenge, a pickpocket can steal your money, or you can be heading home early if you did not bring enough money wich most of you probally wont forget, this game should be the most terrific game out of all the expansions...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Da Bomb
Review: i own three out of four of the expansion packs and it is the funest of all three i own

Rating: 4 stars
Review: The sims vacation is a really fun game but if you don't have the sims you can buy them from amazon ... Hope you like it bye.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims game is so good.
Review: Reviewer: Judy Pang From Toronto, Ontario , Canada.

Tis game is fun and new, I like the sims vacation and
the Hot-Date, it is very good to paly this game I love
so much and i also wait the next game to comes.

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