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The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: so boring a waste of money
Review: this new expansion pack is so boring when you get to your vacation spot there is hardly anything fun for your sims to do. There is some games but you have to pay for all them. The new kid-parent interactions are great they kind of make it fun to have kids, kind of. There are no new objests that are must haves they are just the same things with new looks.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I stayed up until 4 in the morning playing
Review: I had a lot of fun with this expanison pack. I've got all the expansion packs and this one was one of the greatest. I love the Sims and I had fun taking them on vacation. The hotels look really cool and there are a lot of arcade games that got me hooked cuz I wanted a prize. The vacation director needs work though. After seeing her when I just got to the vacation place, she kind of wanders off and is never seen again. Also the booklet does not tell you much about how to get souveniors, where to get metal detectors, etc. And the weird thing with this one is that it keeps flickering on my screen. I have a really good monitor and a really good video card so I don't know what's wrong with it. However, this game is something that I would recommend if you want to have some fun and control people's lives. :) Yeah like everyone else says, the vacation is expensive... however, cheats can really help you get big money and spend all the time out of the house as you want. It's a great getaway for your sims and it brings on hours of fun. try it out.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Borrow game from friend!
Review: This game is alot of fun! You will enjoy playing it. Yet, after so many days all the Sims games get so old and boring. You lose intrest too quickly. I suggest saving up to .... for all the expansion's and just wait for a friend to get tired of it and then borrow it from them!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sims games rock, and The Sims Vacation is totally awesome!!
Review: The Sims Vacation is a really awesome game. It is an expansion pack to the Sims. In this game, you can take your sims on vacations (if you can afford them...500 dollars for the transportation, then hotel, food, etc.) My sims are always broke (hey, that's a nice thing.....only 7,000......hey, where did all the money go?????), but I can even afford vacations sometimes..... Well, anyway, on vacation, you can go to a hotel, or camping (didn't work out very well for my date romantically. He stood outside the tent all night. I don't think he could get in......). Sometimes on vacation, there are arcade kind of games that you can win points at, and you can get souveniers with those points. Vacations aren't always relaxful......(I had a Sim that suddenly forgot it was toilet trained as soon as it got to the nice beach hotel.....the maid kept having to come into my room again and again and, uh, clean.....) but they're fun. Snowboarding is really cool, so is Volleyball. Plus, The Sims Vacation is an expansion pack for the Sims! Yea! You have to have The Sims to play The Sims Vacation, but you don't need the other expansion packs (Livin' Large, House Party, or Hot Date) to play. But the other expansion packs are fun, so get them anyway!! As you can hopefully tell, I highly recommend The Sims Vacation and all the other The Sims games. They are very fun games.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Vacation
Review: Vacation is an awesome game. In my opion though, it does have some flaws. Your Sims activities are limited,So they can't swim in the ocean at the beach or go skiing in the mountains. The hotels you get to build don't look like real hotels. You can still only make two floors and their is no such thing as elevators.(Not that that really matters much)But the Sims relationships are different too. It is harder to make them like each other and it is not hard to make them suddenly hate someone.
Besides that though, the Sims Vacation is really fun-you build your own resorts with like 100 new items and there's new interactions-parents can yell at their kids and you can pick how people greet, hug, or kiss each other which kind of makes it more realistic. I say that depending on how much patience you have, the Sims Vacation ( if you have at least some patience) is worth buying.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good or Bad? It depends...
Review: I have to admit, I've always been a fan of The Sims games. I have all the expansion packs to date. A couple weeks ago I got the Vacation and I give it 3-4 stars.

Vacations are a nice change of pace from the daily grind, and there are a lot of new objects for both vacation and the household. There are humorous and entertaining new interactions with vacation items and people. While on vacation, kids can get rowdy and start smashing sandcastles, kicking people, etc. Adults can "play" in the tent. You can find an array of strange and valuable goods with the metal detector and at the fishing pier.

~I am rarely able to take my families on vacation because they are so *expensive*, but if you are not opposed to using cheat codes to get you money (a la rosebud), then budgeting is the last thing on your mind.
~Your sims get bored very quickly of group activities such as volleyball, throwing waterballoons or snowballs.
~The vacation mascots (the shark, archer, and yeti) were cute for a while but they get really annoying after you've seen them too much.
~The one thing that has always been apparent to me is the lack of a Goal in the sims. I am aware that people can set their own goals in this game (ex: getting job promotions, getting married, etc.) But, I think that perhaps in future versions or expansion packs of The Sims, if there was a set Goal and perhaps even levels of some sort...it would be the way to make an awesome game into an extraordinary one.

If you like The Sims game, the Vacation Expansion will make it better. If you never liked it in the first place, this expansion pack isn't going to help you. Happy Gaming.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Expansion Yet
Review: In this new expansion, you can go on vacation with a single call on the phone. You can go anywhere from sandy beaches to freezing cold snow covered land where there is a wide array of things you can do. No matter where you go you your sims are guaranteed to have fun. You can even make your own getaway vacation resort, or edit an existing one. There are also new items you can buy and place in your home, as well as new looks for your sims. You can even meet people on vacation and talk to them later at home by inviting them over. I guarantee you, this a great game! It can be hard at some levels, but, always fun, as well as entertaining.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Game
Review: I have played the Sims since their creation. I have all of the games. The Vacation pack allowes a new venue for entertainment, but, it can get boring. If you need friends for a promotion, hey, go on vacation, make all the friends you need, go home and land that promotion. As in real life you have to work to excel and gain promotions, and you must save your money to go on vacation. You can't earn money while on vaction, but you may stay on vacation as long as your money lasts. You have several choices for your vacation, but you soon find out, your family has more fun if they are comfortable and warm, so I usually start at the beach, go to the mountains and finish the vacation at the beach. Change all of your vacation sites to add espresso machines and the best beds for comfort ...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So The Sims are on vacation...a new adventure
Review: Okay, for those of you who don't own the sims, or just don't own this vacation expansion pack, or are thinking of getting it, I say one thing: Go get it!

I'll recap the age old story of the sims for all you new sims fans:

An entire world of little virtua people called Sims are yours to control whether you torture them or make them rich. Whatever you do with them, it's entirely up to you! Your sims can go to school, have jobs, pets, love interests, even boredom. In a world you create, these people's well-being is at stake.

For all you sim fans who are thinking about getting vacation expansion:

Go and get it! This is a sims masterpiece, as the sims go on vacation, they'll go to three different scenarios such as forest, snowy, and beach. They can check into a hotel and then head out for some fun. At the beach they'll swim, play at a fair, eat at great tropical buffets, or just lounge around and meet people. At the forest, they'll go fishing, play volleyball, enjoy the great outdoors, or answer the call of nature with lovely outhouses! At the snowy area of vacation, you'll slide down the snow, go snowboarding, fish, sit with your love one by the fire, or just chill in your room.

Anyway, it's your decision: Buy the sims today! o wait to se what else is on the horizon!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: fun for a little bit
Review: Sure the vacation is fun, but as all sim add-ons, this one gets a little bit boring after a while. It is kind of fun for a little bit, (like a day or two.) Over all if you are a die-hard sims fan go get it, it features a whole lot of things for your sims. If you are not a sims fan, you should really think about it before you whip out your cash.

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