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The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sweet!
Review: I cannot wait for this game, so I hope it is not a rumor. Yet, does anyone know what this expansion pack is about?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: review from a witch
Review: I love it, it is wonderful to hav my Sims casting spells and enjoying magic. I have been a practicing witch for a good number of years and alot of the stuff is actually right on target - spell ingrediants(sp) etc. They act out my fantasies of turning someone into a toad!
love it, love it, love it

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Living a Magic Dream
Review: This last expansion pack in the Sims saga is one that kept and will keep many stuck to their pc screens for long(count me in!!). When I purchased this game along with Superstar(EP) and Unleashed(EP), I did not see it as necessary as the other two EP's in my urge of adding new items, new NPC's and other new stuff. After many months of having it laying in my shelf, I decided to install it in my pc. I became addicted to it...
The fact that now my sims could cook cakes and delicious goodies, cast charms & spells, raise dragons, marry easily, get their kid grow up(through spells), get their crush fall in love with them, and allow them to travel into a magic world made playing the sims much more attractive.
The Sims Makin' Magic does not only give you new stuff, but it changes everything. Your neighborhood, friends, house, relationships and self-sim changed to never be the same as before. Now, in orther to become the Sim-god or Sim-goddess of your neighborhood, you have to challenge to inner-magic-self.
If I had to rate this game I would give it a 4 and a half stars, but as you can see the option is not available so I will give it 4 stars(I think maxis could have made more living lots in magic town, it doesnt matter though).
The last thing i have to say is that if you own the Sims and other expansion packs, I would highly recommend adding this EP to your list, it condimments your sim-lfe with a bit of magic.
Hope you enjoy it as much as i do. If you are still not sure about it, go to different websites and et tips and walkthroughs, it helps a lot in deciding wether to purhase it or not.
N dont forget bout The sims 2, its comin in September!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game!!!
Review: This game is absolutely great! You can have your sims preforms spells, and even participate in duels with NPCs. This game is a great addition to the Sims collection. I do not reccomend this to new players.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not the best Sims expansion...
Review: Sure, it will make #2 unrealistic, but it is a whole lot of fun! Imagine how great the graphics will be if this was a Sims 2 expansion pack! I could only imagine how many more spells and reactions there will be if this was made into a 2 expansion pack. But, being it is still in old school form, it is a pretty fun, pretty addictive game. I can't believe how much the price went down!

Get it while the getting's good. You won't regret it. It combines a sort of Harry Potter-type world, complete with roller coasters, mummies, a skeleton maid, and magic crystals.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Ouch
Review: I'm so glad I don't own this expansion pack, but I was "fortunate" enough to experience it at a friend's house. I found it extremely silly. The Sims is already pretty fake (as in most expansion packs really don't offer a whole lot as it seems to in the store), with expansion packs building on this characteristic, but Makin' Magic overdoes it completely. Maxis and EA probably came out with this expansion pack after seeing such a huge response to spells and fantasy and magic in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and the like. In a way it clashes with Livin' Large. Both of them have "halloween" themes about them and the supernatural and blackmagic occuring. Through hearsay, the only things I can remember from the top of my head found in Makin' Magic is the ability for Sims to own a vineyard and something called MagiCoins. Also, potions can enable your Sim to be a rockstar instantly as well as make any Sim fall in love with yours.

I truly don't recommend this. It's as good as cheating by getting everything you want through brewing potions and such. It took me long enough to get addicted to the Sims, but this is so exaggerated. My Sims collection stops at Superstar.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beware, your sims are witches and wizards, AWESOME!
Review: this being the grand finale for the original sims, they made it grand! they gave you new powers, you can now control other sims lives completly, and not just the ones you create! you can cast love spells to make the process of love a little quicker, mind control sims to make them do as you please, transform gnomes and flamingos to come alive for an amount of time, and if someone annoys you, just turn them into a frog! you have all new items and and a new town. you can also do another spell that makes the game all worth it! if you have the sims 'Unleashed' you can transform your pet into a new sim to add to your family! it gives you new looks for your sims, and an all new currency! 'Magicoins' they let you buy spell items and new houses in Magictown that give you special powers and items you get in the regular game. this is by far the best expansion they have came out with!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant Idea!
Review: Whoever thought up this one sure thought up a winner!! It's so fun to try out each spell. It sure takes a long time to get boring because you have to find all those ingredients! It takes longer than you might think.
There are also new objects and a whole other world- Magic Town- to explore! You can earn MagiCoins (to buy ingredients) by performing magic tricks and so forth for the crowds there. It's very cool. Just make sure those spells don't backfire on you!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: review from a witch
Review: I love this game!!! It has tons of stuff... Things can go good or bad... I did a spell and tons of jewels and gold appeared... but another backfired and the lawn knomes became evil and started attacking my sim.... It has new objects, like the outhouse and butter churn, more cool skins, spells to be cast with backfires etc. Kids have their own spells, however many of them require dragon scales and dragon tears, which they obtain after a parent brings home a dragon egg and it hatches. In this game, unlike vacation or unleashed, you can choose to have only one sim go via the hole in the ground or the whole family go via a balloon that comes to the house. You can duel, perform, and go on carnival rides. After a certain amount of magic has been performed, magical things start growing. Magic crystals grow and you get abilities, including a great fire extinguish... flowers can be used as tables... Rumor has it that sometimes beanstalks grow into the clouds to reveal lot 99, however I have not yet seen this...

The only thing that could be better than this is The Sims 2!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A solid finish for The Sims
Review: Makin' Magic is the final expansion for The Sims, as The Sims 2 will be released in September. Although Makin' Magic is not my favorite expansion, it is a worthy end to the original Sims series.

As suggested by the title, Makin' Magic allows your Sims to become magicians by creating charms and charging spells. The spells and charms can be used for a variety of things, such as gaining friends, taking care of the house, and making money. If Sims cast enough magic, they can get magical growths at their home that will give them special abilities, or at least look pretty sitting on the lawn.

Magic Town, a new away-from-home area, supports the new aspects of the game. Your Sims can get ingredients, ride roller coasters, and mingle with the new magical Sims who live in Magic Town. Parts of Magic Town resemble a traditional carnival, while others are spookier. If your Sims accumulate enough MagiCoins, the currency of Magic Town, they can move in to one of three lots in Magic Town.

The charms and spells are created by adding ingredients into two different magical machines. The ingredients are gained in a variety of ways; some can be made at home, some can be bought in Magic Town, and some can be earned by doing quests for the magical vendors.

There is a good variety of magic that your Sims can perform, and magic isn't the only benefit to this game. It offers many ways of making money; your Sims can now mix nectars from elderberries and grapes, which sell for a good 500 Simoleans if your Sim has maxed their cooking skills. The nectar can also be put into a new bar and served for your Sims to drink. If nectar isn't your thing, your Sims can spin golden thread or make butter to sell.

Most of the game is excellent, but getting the ingredients and sparking the magical growths can be challenging. The quests that vendors send your Sims on are sometimes frustrating. A variety of hacks have been made available to the online Sims community that make magic a snap, but for those who do not wish to cheat, it's not so easy.

Some people have had qualms with the loss of realism that comes with Makin' Magic. The previous expansions, while sometimes slightly far-fetched, were mostly believable, but Makin' Magic changes that. I was skeptical about the game before buying it, and I feared that it might not live up to its predecessors. However, I was not disappointed; Makin' Magic is a worthy end to the Sims line and it will help to hold you over while you're waiting for The Sims 2.

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