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The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: defective
Review: this expansion pack has installation problems. We could not install even after downloading patches, trying other computers, etc. Of 3 other people I know with this expansion pack, only one was able to get it installed properly. Wait to buy until the manufacturer works the bugs out.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A great expansion to tide you over until Sims 2
Review: I see a lot of grumbling about "saving your money" for Sims 2. Yes, the new version is out in a few months - but why not get some new gameplay to keep the game interesting in the meantime? The expansion pack is worth the money if you play the Sims regularly or if yo used to play the Sims regularly and got a little bored. There are some great new objects, new interactions, and new gameplay that keep the game fresh and interesting.

I have particularly enjoyed the addition of being able to of Sims being able to cultivate grapes, berries, honey, "nectar" and butter. I have always wanted my Sims to "live off the land," but it's never been really feasible. With the addition of selling "nectar" your Sims can make a living off of the things they raise. I also really like the flooring, walls and objects that go along with this theme (more homey, more country). There are also some additional interactions (leaping into arms, etc.) which are nice. One thing I'd like to see: the ability to buy multiple items with one action (as opposed to buying one unit of sugar each time) - it makes being a "nectar" producer very annoying. (You need sugar to produce nectar, so you obviously need a lot of it - you spend an entire day at the market, trying to buy enough sugar.)

I agree with the reviews that take a bit of an issue with the magical aspect of the game. I do like "The Sims" being a life simulation - the addition of quests and magical powers seem a bit off the Sims' original focus. However, some of my friends do enjoy the new gameplay, so I guess it's fine. The thing is you don't HAVE to do any magic if you don't want to. To me the new farm/coutry stuff and interactions are worth the money.

A quick word about expansion packs: while expansion packs are additional revenue sources to tide Maxis over until the next new version, I do appreciate them. Maxis does a fairly good job listening to fan feedback and implementing the ideas for the expansion packs. Even great game makers like the folks at Maxis can't perfectly predict all the things people will want - especially in a life simulation. While I think Maxis went a little too far with the number and trendiness of the expansion packs (yes, The Sims Superstar, I'm looking at you), I loved some of them and liked most of them (although I got the least use out of Sims Vacation).

Long story short, this expansion pack will make the wait for Sims 2 seem a bit shorter.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best game ever
Review: This game got better with expansion packs. I'm addicted. Even I spend nights playing. This is thwe way i like it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: i wouldn't waste money
Review: with the sims 2 coming in about 3 monthes, why waste hard earned money (or not) on the primitive game?

Rating: 5 stars
Review: When i first found the sims it was in my dad's office.
I looked at it i was amazed:it was the present i was dreaming of for years and years and now i had it in my hands it was mine, all mine!!!I did'nt ask him for it but he just bought it like that but did i tell you that it was only the sims original(because you need the sims original,Deluxe,Double Deluxe or Sims 2 to make an expansion pack work.

So i became a BIG fan of sims and my first expansion pack that i had for my Birthday was The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack by Electronic Arts.

But i remind you to visit sims.com and Tripleeagle.net for a nice relaxed day!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It's okay
Review: I got this game for my birthday it was great then after a while it started to get less and less interesting but maybe my prefrences have changed oh well it a cool game though

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I LOVE the Sims, I am not immature like some kids who go "EWWW!" when somebody kisses, I mean like get real! This game is awesome! My mom even likes to play it! We have all of the Sims games! I think it's fun but if you have a immature or under 13 child I wouldn't get it for them! The whole magic thing is awesome! You might want to get one of those stratigie guides like I have, they come in handy especially when a spell goes wrong and you don't know why or you want to know what a spell does because your to stupid to figure out the riddle. BUY IT, IT FUN!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great ending to the best PC game series ever!
Review: I have every SIMS game ever made (Including all the original SIMCity games from long ago.. but that's another story). This will be the final expansion pack to the Sims series. I don't think that the game designers could have picked a better way for your Sims to go out than to let them learn and perform magic. This expansion pack has kept me more entertained than all the rest of them combined! From the great new objects and designs for the home to the mini-games (graveyard puzzle, cloud game, etc), I am hooked! The spooky music of Magic Town is amazing!! If you are on the fence about getting this expansion or not, think no more. Just go out and buy it. You'll be very glad that you did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The coolest Sims expansion pack EVER
Review: Out of the 7 expansion packs, this is definetly the coolest. It is interesting, engaging, problem solving, and all around incredibly entertaining. I reccomend it for people 11+

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: woo!
Review: man, i feel like harry potter. i can turn people into toads and make garden gnomes come to life (which by the way, those little boogers are hilarious). some of the spells/charms are pretty lame and it took me forever to get all the ingrediants because my sims always have to pee and sleep. after only an hour out in magic town, they're already fainting in the middle of the road... so ya know, all the cars get ticked off because they can't drive past them. crazy sims. but really, this game is fun (unleashed is still my favorite.. i just love those dogs.) but buy this makin' magic business and have a ball! it really is a great time.

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