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The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: listen up
Review: this game is pure evil.
for those christians this would not be a game to buy.
you can raise people from the dead and everything.
mixing up magic too.
but magic town is alwesome!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsome game
Review: Maxis is really getting good at this, all the expansion packs are getting funner, if you like all the last expansion packs, you'll love this one! You get to make your sims into wizards and witches, turning guests into frogs, and getting even a pet dragon! I hope you will buy this because I'm sure you will enjoy it, but remember it is still a rated T game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great but... still has some problems
Review: As you know, Sims in the Original is just like human beings: work, play, build house, make friends, etc...
Yet, it is not good because it missed a lot of items we have. But in later expansion, lots of more items were added.
Hot Date Ex. helps them (Sims) make a date, Unleashed helps them have pets, and have more places to live, etc... Real great!
In Sims Makin' Magic, it helps them make magic, spells and charms, and have lots of other items like beanstalks, oversize flowers, etc... It is great, too. And lots of faces are added. Those faces are just O.K, not very beautiful. I can make better faces.
We now have a Magic Town, where we can buy dragons, lots of ingredients to make spells, charms, etc...
Dragons are great, too. Thay have feelings. If we don't take care of them, we must take care of fire. They will burn all the house with just their breath.
Spells and charms are great. They let Sims do more things like having a big meal, being a ghost, or have their gardens watered by the clouds, etc... Best of all is money falls from heaven to Sims' house. I can have $6000 more after selling all treasures.
Music is the best compared with other Ex.s. You know, it sounds great, mysterious.
One real big problem is that the non-player characters act so delailedly. When I need to buy something, they put their hands up, down, to the right, to the left, etc... Overall, waste of time. It takes me lots of time to wait for them to complete their actions. They waste almost 2 times as long as the non-player characters do in Sims Unleashed Ex.
Another small problem is that is seems just so far away from our lives. But that is O.K. As I say it is just so small. But you know it makes the Ex. funnier.
Believe me. If you haven't got one, let's have one and see the differences between it and other Ex.s.
It is one of the two best Ex.s to me: Unleashed and this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Makes a good game even better!
Review: Let me first say, that i love the Sims. With each expansion pack, the world of my characters grow and grow. This expansion pack expands that world and my character abilities.

Now your Sims can do magic! But they must learn how to do it correctly or the spells will backfire. There are new places to explore...new ingredients to collect...different spells to cast...etc. The magic element brings a whole new element to the Sims game...probably their best expansion pack yet.

You must have the original Sims or Deluxe/double deluxe. The expansion packs work best if you install them in the order they came out...if you bought them out of sequence, just uninstall and reinstall them in the right order. Makin Magic will be the last one.

I loved this expansion pack, because it fit into my well created neighborhood. As a big fan of BTVS (that's buffy the vampire slayer..for you non fans), I recreated Sunnydale and unlike the show, i control ALL.. That means Joyce and Tara are still alive...Kennedy burned up in a kitchen fire..spike and Buffy are on their way to true love (why won't she accept his proposal..i must be doing something wrong??) With the magic element, Sunnydale is like its meant to be. Willow and Tara are powerful Wiccans and the spells are fun to play with.
If you have the Sims...get this pack. its well worth it for hours of new gameplay.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AWSOME GAME!!!!
Review: I'm a huge Sim fan and this is the best Expansion pack yet!
Lots of fun things to do like turning your neighbor into a frog. So much fun in one little game that comes with a sneek preview of The Sims 2. So buy this, you won't be disappointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I'm a huge fan of the Sims games and so far the Sims making magic is the best expansion pack yet! If your a Sims fan you must have this game! You have lots of fun making spells and even turning your neighbor into a frog! Even visit Magic town and go golfing or ride a roller coaster!!! New items, New houses, and new Sims. A whole lot of fun in one game! Get this game, you won't be disappointed! Don't forget it comes with a sneek preview of the Sims 2 wich looks pretty cool!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Great Game!!!
Review: Next to Unleashed, this is the best Sims expansion pack. I love the new items, going to Magic Town, getting sent on quests, and how with the Hole in the Ground you can go to Magic Town without having to take the whole family. Well, that covers what I do like about this game.
Things I didn't like included how difficult that ridiculous toadstool race with Mara is. I've only won against her twice, because she plays dirty, disappearing and then reappearing beside a toadstool. Also, I don't know if it's a problem with the software or what, but I can't buy diamond dust anywhere. Lastly, it's now really tough to make friends. This is another downside.
Despite these cons, this is a great game worth your money...if you're a Sims fanatic like I am!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Its great
Review: This expansion pack is the greatest ive never had so much fun! You can cast spells on your pets and family members and you can bake food its awesome. I got it for christmas and ive been playing it forever!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: The Sims Makin Magic rocks. You can turn people into toads hypnotize people and more. It's really fun and easy to install. It's one of my favorite games and its REALLY FUN! I reccomend this expansion pack. It also has a Sims 2 sneak preview CD which is fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Yet!
Review: THis is such a great expansion pack! I first played it at my friend's house. When I goet home, I found my sims game incredibly boering! When I recieved this for Christmas, it was great. This "pack" will certainly brighten up your games!

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