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The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Another Great Expansion...
Review: The Sims Makin Magic is nothing revolutionary or impressive. In fact, it is just an add-on pack for anyone not familiar with The Sims or its army of expansion packs. But Makin Magic doesn't have to be revolutionary, because it provides a great experience for all fans of The Sims and is a great showpiece for the seventh and final expansion pack in the franchise.

Makin Magic continues the great tradition of The Sims games, and now it gives the series something new. Although the title suggests primary focus on a magic-oriented theme, there are really three categories:magic, carnival or circus, and haunted house. The haunted theme is great because the game was released just a couple of days before Halloween of 2003.
The game adds many great new objects including a magic stand, roller-coasters, and spooky objects. The game also improves upon the series' already phenomenal sound, with creepy but fun tunes to listen to while you play.
One of the best parts, however, of Makin Magic is its new location, Magic Town, and its atmosphere. Magic Town, simply put, is awesome, and it is my favorite part of the town. Keep in mind, that also includes downtown, old town, vacation island, and studio town. And so far, I had been finding myself creating new lots in every expansion simply because the lots that Maxis released were boring. There is no need to create new lots in Makin Magic, because the pre-made lots are very, very cool!
For any fan of The Sims, makin Magic is a must-have, especially if you can get it at a good price. It is my favorite expansion next to Hot Date, the best expansion for any game, ever, and with The Sims 2 just around the corner, Makin Magic and Superstar will keep you very busy until then.

By the way, if you like the game series, but don't have the expansions, do yourslef a favor and get Livin Large, House Party, Vacation, Hot Date, Unleashed, Superstar, and now Makin Magic. They are worth your money!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite Sims expansion by far!!!
Review: Wow.. I haven't written a review on this game sooner because I've been having too much fun PLAYING it since the day it came out!! In my opinion, this is probably the best Sims expansion pack yet. I have enjoyed every pack though, none of them were bad. This one just has so many fun new items, the new spells are a BLAST, and Magic Town is just a hoot.

Some of the cool new features:
*Magic Town*
This place rocks! Not only can you buy stuff, you can take a ride on a rollercoaster, do quests for the merchants (and get handsomely rewarded!), perform magic tricks for magicoins, and so much more!

*New Spells*
The spells are the coolest part of the expansion pack, no questions on that! Sometimes the funnest part is making your spell fail! And there are just so many fun little easter eggs thrown in.. like when your "Horn of Plenty" spell fails.. you can run around kissing all the frogs (frog prince perhaps?? ;) Also you can use the Enchant spell to turn your gnomes in to great gardners (just be wary of casting the Perfect Garden spell when you have live gnomes!).

*New Items*
WOW they added a lot of new items!! You can grow your own grapes and elderberries, then make them in to nectar to sell or keep. You can also buy baking supplies and bake bread in your new oven. You can churn butter, you can make gargoyles, get honey from your beehive, skeleton maid to clean your house.. the list goes on and on.

*Magic Town HOMES*
Ok, these homes are neat - but my beef is that they are so small! For one Sim it might work, but I moved in a huge magic family and had to tear down the house and build a new one. The houses on the lots are neat - I just wish they were bigger!

*Pet Dragons*
These are a lot of fun! The only thing is I think they might be a little buggy still. My nice dragon got to the point where it would bite my Sims if they tried to give it any attention, then it got mad it wasn't getting attention and packed its bags and left. :(

Overall - I give this pack 5 stars. I would give it more if I could! It's one of the best packs yet, and probably one with the least bugs! Its a lot of fun for all Sims fans. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hocus Pocus
Review: Another great idea for The Sims! The one thing they've been missing all this time. Magic! I enjoy all the quests you go on for the vendors as well as performing to earn MagiCoins. MagicTown is a wonderful change from the Suburban humdrum of the neighborhoods et cetera. I like the colorful array of people in MagicTown as well. It's fun unlocking all the spells to see what they do, but there is one thing about the game that I really don't like. When you hatch a dragon egg, if you don't have the right stuff for the dragon, it will start spewing fire at everything inside and outside of the home. My dragon went berzerck and burned down my whole lot, including my Sim. R.I.P. You need all the proper supplies before you hatch your dragon. Hopeful Dragon tamers beware...

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is a great game......! The first day I got it I played it for about 5 hours straight.....no kidding....it's that FUN!!! It's so good because you get to hunt for rare ingredients and do magic spells. I'll give you one suggestion though....I wouldn't buy the dragon...and that's because once it hatches it can set things on fire..and my person died because of that..luckily
when I got off I didn't save the game so she came back to life. I would only get a dragon if you put fire alarms all over your houses!!! The Sims Makin' Magic is hard to understand at first...because you don't know what to do to cast spells...and a lot of the ingredients are hard to find...it took me a while. Like, the clown confetti, and pegasus feather, and wizard eyelashes and things like that are hard to get.....you have to play different things against people or by yourself to get the ingredients you need. Also, to buy things at the vendors you must have a certain amount of coins for each thing at the different vendors. You get coins by performing shows and doing magic duels with other sims. Well, I hope I helped! I suggest this game and give it a 5-star rating!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Keeps getting better!!
Review: but soon i will need a "sims" computer to hold all of the graphics I have for this game!!


One of my favorite new features is a "PET" Dragon. He will eat unwanted cats, and dogs, as well as other house guests!!!

New Gameplay ,Unlock spells in the family Spellbook and mix ingredients to create spells. Every spell has a unique Backfire, including toad plagues, snakes, and lightning strikes. New Magic Town Location Perform at the Side Show, Spook Show, Magic Dueling Arena, and Magic Trick Table to earn MagiCoins. Customize spooky and crazy carnival rides for your Sims. Build a magical dream home and live in Magic Town. Over 175 New Items New Mediterranean-themed kitchen set includes the first-ever Baker's oven to bake bread, cakes, and pies.
Build skills and create new spell ingredients with the Bee Hive, Spinning Wheel, Gargoyle Bench, and Butter Churn.
Grow grapes and berries with Vine Plots to make and serve nectar. New Characters Turn the Gnome and Flamingo lawn ornaments into an eager garden helper and sexy hostess.
Summon the Skeleton Maid to clean your house. Hatch a Pet Dragon who will eat everything from garbage to small creatures.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: New Revolution - The Sims Have Magic!
Review: Yes, it was neat when the Grim Reaper arrived when there was a death. It was cool when you could ask the cute neighbor on a date. It was awesome when you could re-create your pooch, Fido. But this is beyond all of those previous Sim games. This is much more than those things.

Unlike all of the other expansion packs, this one is a revolution. Turn that annoying in-law into a frog, or even banish him from the earth for an hour or two! Or force your crush, who never had any interest in you before, to marry you! (Or at least come over for a cup of tea!) Have a conversation with Great Grandpa William, who is buried in your backyard. Make money rain from the sky, and collect it to make a handy profit. Summon some freak who will fix all of your broken appliances. There isn't even any need to do dishes anymore - at least, not with the Dish Wish charm! There are countless things you can do with this fabulous game.

I have advice for all of you: if you haven't bought this game yet, you should. It will provide hours upon hours of entertainment. If you aren't already, soon you will find yourself addicted - guaranteed.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: One too many
Review: I trust EA with making excellent games, but even I can't help but wonder if this was a high-concept attempt at a Harry Potter cash-in. If you're a die-hard Potter fanatic, this expansion might appeal to you, but a lot of people don't like the fact that the series has gone in the opposite direction of an everyday-life simulator.

After Unleashed (the best expansion IMO) the game takes a solid five minutes to start up and will take up multiple gigs of hard drive space. And that's assuming you haven't downloaded any fan-created content from the web.

Makin' Magic is not an great expansion, but it's decent for adding a couple more hours onto a franchise well past its prime. With The Sims 2 on its way, there's not much reason to spend money on Makin' Magic. I'm an unabashed Sims fan, but after seven expansions it's time to stop.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome!!
Review: This is one of my favorite expansion packs out of The Sims. It is incredibly creative, entertaining, and engaging. In this expansion pack, you have a wand, and a new kind of currency called MagiCoins. You have to earn or buy all kinds of ingredients with your MagiCoins to make new spells and charms, and the better the ingredients, the cooler the spell or charm will be. You earn MagiCoins by performing in Magic Town, or running errands for vendors that sell different things. There are tons of new objects, including a new maid that you can buy, named Bonehilda (she's a skeleton with a maid costume!). And guess what? You can buy a dragon egg :-D If you don't already have this game, go out and BUY IT!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What a great game....
Review: The Sims makin magic is a great game.I am 14 and i love the sims. I think the editions to this game as in the new furniture is very cool. Ive had this game for 1 month and ever sents i started playing it i loved it. Its exciting and very interesting. Your Sims have magic! to make spells you have to get ingreedents go do a qeust for the vendors. The vendors are Vicki Vampiress,Illisun Fairy Queen and Jim the magigisun. This is a great game! But when you get a sim game you always want another!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: iT'S MAGiC!!!
Review: Whether you want to spice up your SIMS gaming experience or begin a new revolution if you're just starting out, the Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack is perfect for beginners or oldies alike.

This game adds both magical and carnival themes to your game.

Things you can do with the Sims Making Magic:

- Go to Magic Town. Magic Town is THE new area in Making Magic. You can even gather up your family and MOVE there, if you have enough Magic Coins!!! (Magic Coins is the type of money used to purchase items.) In magic town you can talk to vendors, buy things, perform tricks, ride roller coasters, etc.

- Obtain Magic Coins BY: Performing magic tricks in a variety of ways, dueling others, selling items with vendors, etc.

- Perform spells and make charms. Both children and adults can perform spells. These are accessible by the spellbook... and your sims have to go hunting for ingredients in Magic Town or even make some of these materials at home! which brings me to...

- Use a hearty selection of NEW items and furnishings with your game. Such as new walls, new roofs, and a whole section under Misc. titled "magic"

- COOK! Yup, there is a brand new oven that comes with the game. You can bake a variety of cakes, breads, and other delicious goodies. In addition there is a nectar presser where you can make wine and sell it for up to 300-400$!!! You can also store the wine to drink later, or barter with vendors in Magic Town.

- Have a pet dragon. (there are 3 forms...) each can be fed by having plenty of daffodils and wildflowers. =]

There is TONS more, but I won't spoil it for you! Buy the game and see for yourself!!!

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