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The Sims Deluxe Edition

The Sims Deluxe Edition

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Caution.... this game is addictive
Review: I first purchased this game about a month ago, and have been addicted to it ever since. When I first heard about The Sims, I thought "how can this game be interesting?" I would be in the middle of chatting with a friend over the internet and they would end the conversation with "it's getting late and I want to play some Sims before going to bed." Now, you might think this is normal behavior for a teenager, right? Well what if I told you these people are in there mid-20s? A bit odd right? Well not if you are one of the many addicted to The Sims. So I had to go out and buy the game to see why everybody likes playing this game so much.

If you haven't purchasede this game yet, I recommend that you buy the Deluxe Edition instead of the Original Sims. Reason being Maxis has included the Livin' Large Expansion pack. You will have more choices in furnishings and building options.

In truth my rating for this game is 4 1/2 stars. Even though this is a good game, I have experienced some problems with it.
The first thing that I don't care for about the game is that it takes a long time(Sim) to do things. For instance, a Sim can take up to 45 minutes(Sim) to get out of bed. Now this is a problem if your Sim gets picked up for work in the morning, because they have two hours(Sim) to get in a good mood before work.

Another problem I have is that once your Sim gets a job, socializing becomes a hassle on many levels. (1) If you choose a Sim that is very outgoing, they need to talk to other Sims more often or they will be sad. One soltuion is to have two Sims live together, but if they have two different jobs with different schedules...their relationship slips because they have no time to spend with each other. (2) In order to climb the corporate ladder, you need friends to make the bucks. (3) Once you have the friends you have to maintain that friendship or your Sim will not have a friend for very long. Each day that your Sim does not at least call and talk to another Sim, their relationship falls by 3 points. (4)When you first move in a couple(that you had intended to be husband and wife) does not mean they will sleep in the same bed...so forget about saving money and buying a double, you will have to buy two beds until they love each other.

The final problem that I experienced with this game is that I have lost track of time. I have been late to work a few times because of this game. I also had problems with the game freezing up my computer when I played this gamed for extended periods of time. One time I could not restart my computer by normal means, so I had to unplug it. I have a new computer, less then 6 months old, with 80% of my hard drive free and over 200MB of RAM. So this is not because of the equipment I am playing it on.

No matter what the problems I had with this game, I still think this is a great game. It is fun to see how that Sims interact with one another and how they act when they are in a bad mood. You can have as much control over your Sim as you want, because your Sims(if you so choose) do have free will. Having this feature activated in the play options is a plus especially if your Sim household has multiple Sims.

This is a must if you enjoy simulation games, or even if you might be a control freak. Who knew that be controlling was a plus:) All kidding aside, one can have a lot of fun with this game, it is up to the imagination of the player. If you are not into playing simulation games, this may not be the game for you. There is no win or lose, or even quick stragey to The Sims. It takes a long time(reality) to play this game, of course there are plenty of fan websites that offer cheat codes, but it is more fun without them. This is a definite recommedation to those who are all ready interested in the simulation genre or enjoy other games put out by Maxis.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the greatest sims of all
Review: I love the sims game. It is a challenge for me and my kids. I suggest u go out and buy this game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Knock out
Review: THE SIMS DELUXE EDITION is worth every penny of your money it is awsome and has alot of cool new things you can create your own face and all of your data if you uninstall the sims and put Deluxe edition in all the data is still there it is amazing. BUY !IT !NOW!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun stuff
Review: The Sims Deluxe Edition is absolutely awesome. It's too bad that it didn't come out before I bought the original The Sims because this has both that and Livin' Large. That would've saved me some money. It also has The Sims Creator, which allows people to create their own characters and their own outfits and heads. It's really awesome. I would definitely recommend it to any Sims fan. :)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hypnotizing!!
Review: This game is great..The only flaw is that you will we sitting in front of this computer screen for a very LONG time and it will hurt your eyes after awhile. This game is very addictive and fun at the samr time. You learn how to bugdet and date. It's worth the $40.00 that you have to spend. I'm thinking about getting the whole collection of the Sims...

Congrads to who ever made such a wonderful game come alive.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very addicting!
Review: Never knew what all the hype was about the SIMS games until I got this one. My 8 year old daughter and I are absolutely hooked on it. And, the funny thing is...it's not even a game!

We can't wait to buy some expansion packs and see our SIMS go on vacations, etc.

Buy this game and expect to stay up late and spend hours at your computer! It's fun and worth it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Improvment with ADD
Review: I've had the game for about a month now and not only is it fun, it seems to be helping me handle my Attention Deficit Disorder more easily. I notice my own time and task managment skills are improving as I learn to steer the Sims through their days without mishaps. My ability to concentrate appears to be improving also. It is my first game and I really enjoy it. The only problem I have with it is that the Sims don't seem to have enough time to do all they need to do each day and still manage to have fun. And now the game wants them to adopt a baby!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wow, what a wonderful game. NOT!
Review: Well, after a great start, the game decided to crash on me, completely negating everything i did in the game which took a good 6 or 7 hours of non-stop playing. But that's just the beginning. When i decided that it was futile to try to continue, i did what anyone else would and attempted to uninstall and reinstall the game. First i had to reboot my system 3 times in order to get it to reinstall, then when it did get finished, it wouldn't start up. To add insult to injury, the "Hot Date" expansion pack did not want to install either. Folks, if y'all have a lot of time on your hands and want to do something fun, get the heck off the bandwagon and watch some paint dry. It may be boring, but paint is reliable enough to dry. I wouldn't waste the money for this game, but unfortunately i already have. It gets boring quick and only works when it wants to.

thank you

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I am so happy with this game!!!
Review: In a word I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! Okay that's four words, but really I had been looking forward to buying The Sims for my new computer for school and decided to wait till after Christmas when it was on sale (which saved me 10 bucks btw) and I am a very satisfied customer.

The game itself is just as addictive as everyone claims, I can't help but daydream in class that I can play as soon as I get home, I keep trying to figure out new ways to dress my Sims up and what kind of design to use for their houses it's just that much fun and it's a great way to relax before homework. I highly recommend getting this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims keeps getting smoother!
Review: I have been a Maxis fan since the original Sim City, and I can safely say that each product I buy surmounts the previous one. After losing both my Sims and Living Large CDs, I was very excited to see this pack at such a great price. Plus, on top of that, a lot of the Win98 bugs have been worked out! Yes, its still slow to install, but that's NOTHING compared to the seemingly endless game play lockups that I experienced with my original version. The game probably runs much smoother because all the extemporaneous files on my computer are gone. I wish the rest of my hard drive looked so neat and clean! Granted, there are patches and such for the old versions, but that is not always a sure-fire way to improve play. I don't doubt that the coding was specifically reworked for this edition.
My only confusion: It took me a few minutes to figure out that when you install Hot Date, you don't use the Hot Date CD for game play. You actually use the first CD from the deluxe edition. This is, most likely, mentioned in the manual somewhere, but, personally, I stopped reading manuals at some point in the mid 1990's.
The only tricky part: Sims Creator can be frustrating! Trying to make my face look natural on a Sim has, so far, proved fruitless. Artistically, I tend to prefer pictures with deep or stark shadows and highlights on the face. However, these look really strange when slapped on a Sim. Ironically, those horrible department store photos, ie. the kind your mom made you sit for when you were a kid, work the best. Or, you can always pull out those old yearbook photos! Its kind of fun to create a gangly 13 year-old version of yourself. Just don't expect your other Sims to be attracted to it!

Aside from that, I was very pleased with this software, and my Sims fervor has returned with a vengance.

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