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The Sims Deluxe Edition

The Sims Deluxe Edition

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Really cool!
Review: First of all, if you have any epansion packs install them before this one, if you have Unleashed installed install this then reinstall Unleashed (This saves your work if you do it the right way) now that we are done with the teck stuff, and I mean STUFF, lets move on. I love this game! It has Living Large, The Sims and a lot of other cool stuff! It has things that you can only find in Deluxe and it even has some things from The Sims Online! It also has a all new The Sims creator wich will let you make your own skins! The Sims Creator even has 3 sections! You can put someones face on a sim then use tools to make it fit the game or use a face from a picture and put it on a sim, add clothes and logos then paint your sim!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great game for CONTROL FREAKS
Review: This game has brought my grandson many hours of pure CONTROL fun.
There are some limits, that are sometimes, frustrating, like the prices, they remind me of the original MONOPOLY. However, Rosebud comes to the rescue, which makes it seem more modern, since most people are living on credit cards, anyway. They have set up the game to make the characters speak their own language, SIMLISH, it sounds like gibberish, and is really annoying!
IT IS SOMEWHAT educational, however, because it causes a person
to consider the things that are necessary, to live in the real world.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Boring!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I don't get the hype. The most fun about this game is building the home and decorating it. After that I lose interest. I don't need to see simulated people wake up, go to work, have dinner, bathe etc. I see enough of that in my own life. Personally I wish the game was more R-rated. Their actions are all done standing up so they never sit on the couch and hug and kiss for example. I named the charactors after my husband and I and we both ended up dying in a fire. I would suggest getting Zoo Tycoon instead. You at least have a goal to work towards when you do the scenarios.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A bunch of boring nonsense
Review: I HATE ALL SIMS GAMES!!!! Listen ppl!! The game is just incredibly boring! Whoop de doo da.. I'm having so much fun watching my Sim stare at a TV screen with a still picture on it!! O JOY!!! Get with it.. the game is plain bogus ok..if u wanna play god..I suggest another game... Trust me I've [bought] 2 expansion packs and the original Sims (and I'm 13 so u can guess that took away pretty much my whole fortune).

Like other reviewers said, there is always something missing in the Sims...something that makes it just not worth your money... and no matter how many new objects, or pets, or downtown areas Maxis is gonna come up with, there will always be a hole in the Sims. And that hole won't ever be filled. Why?? Because it doesnt have an ending. It has absolutely no point whatsoever! ...I assure u you'll be ticked off at the huge amount of memory it takes up.

To sum it all up..It's expensive, takes up too much space, fries ur brain, gets annoying, has no point, and is an overrated...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sims is the BEST!
Review: This game is the best game ever so are the expansion packs. If you play this game I think you will get addicted. this game is good. Well, at least I hear. I bought this game for my daughter. She loves it. This is all sheplays on the computer, along with the expansin packs! I really, really, recommend this game for adolescents.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Could be Life 101 crossed with Great FUN!
Review: I purchased Sims Deluxe for my daughter after much begging and pleading. I'm not opposed to computer games, but generally find them missing everything but entertainment value. BUT...the Sims is great! If I could, I would make daily play a graduation requirement. Here is a painless (actually fun) way to try out behaviors and lifestyle options and "live" with the consequences. Hey...[stuff] happens... This is one way to make good and bad choices and then see the results. I highly recommend!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Dont use the cheat codes
Review: I found this game to be quite a novelty. I even bought all the expansion packs, which add a lot to the depth of the game.

I found the game to be pretty true to life, trying to get things on track while things are constantly getting [messed] up (broken dishwashers, dirty dishes, etc.)

I was pretty addicted to it, once i leared to play. then i used the cheatcoces, and while it was fun to build a mansion with every toy you could buy. i found i stopped playing the game shortly after, as the fun was no longer there without the challenge. its too bad too, i was almost to the top of the career ladder without cheating, then my harddrive died and i had to use the cheatcodes. play the game the way its intended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most interactive game I have ever played!
Review: This is an extremely fun game. The graphics are astounding and there is really nice music. The complexity is breathtaking. It is like an adult version of the nintendo Game cube game Animal Crossing.I found out about the game wheh I went to a friends party and we played it. It is a lot harder thenit looks. The only con I found was the time. In the game a hour can go by in a minute. I hope you found this review helpful!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I love this game! I bought it thinking that it was a bit stupid, but then I created a sim called "BONGO MAN", and I made him get a job, and he got PROMOTED! And then I made him buy a nice bed! And then he got a girlfriend and made BABIES! OMG!

Anyway, this game is a must for everyone out there who cannot face the soul-destroying vaccuum of modern society! If you weep to yourself daily at the futility of it all, why not create your own little world and make them all HAPPY! Then you can gradually destroy them and grind their spirits until they are seething, empty and lifeless automatons. Just like real life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How Cool!!
Review: OK, I borrowed this game from my friend. I was confused at first but, I got the hang of it. It's really catchy. It's the BEST game I've ever played.I gave it back to my friend, but everytime I see her, I ask her if I can borrow it again!! I LOVE the game. It's cool how you can build houses and stuff. One thing that I don't like is that if you have to Sims (male and female) living in the same house when you start the game, you cannot make the guy propose to the girl :( but that's the only thing I would change. When I got it, I played for HOURS on end. I would not stop!! I wish she would give it to me. She's coming over tonight ...I think ...

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