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The Sims Deluxe Edition

The Sims Deluxe Edition

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Welcome to morron-land !!!
Review: This is probably the most meaningless and booooring game I have ever played. Where is the fun of watching a guy bath, burp, eat like a pig and get deppressed because he doesn't have a 40' TV...unfortunatelly this illustrated the level of culture and lifestyle of America so well....that is the No. 1 selling game. People...think for yourselves...get a good book or at least buy a game that challenge your skills.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: How Strange...but fun
Review: It's strange that in this day and age, we can play a game that simulates what we should be doing in real life. Thank god there is a computer in the game so that our Sims characters can justifiably kill time the same way we do. I love this game. Creating a character, sending him to working, progressing in his job and social life and buying STUFF! It's not for the person who whats to play first person shooter games and just destroy things. This game takes thinking, and balance and the will power to do the things that NEED to be done in order to do those that WANT to be done. Who knows, you might even find yourself taking a different perspective on your own life.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: just what i said, really disappointing to say the least, i have access to WIN XP and some others but.. it's still going to be a pain the arse.

otherwise i'd give it 4 stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game for your pc
Review: Whenever I'm bored, I play this game and I end up playing it most of the day. If you buy this game, you'll definitly get you money's worth. I've had this game for a long time and I've never gotten tired of it. It's a lot of fun because you rule peoples lives and you never know what will happen to your sims. They could die, lose a job, etc.. I would highly recommend not to use the money cheat code. It's not that much fun after you use it a lot. This is a great and fun game. BUY IT!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Deluxe
Review: This game includes The Sims and The Sims Liv'n Large. It is awsome. A cheat is type rosebud by hitting Ctrl shift and c at the same time. Type rosebud presst Ctrl shift c again and do this !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!A. That's for tons of money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hello! Duh?
Review: Hey! I would like to say that this expansion pack is coool!! I'd also like to say that if there are few objects, if you have to wait 8 hours for all of it to load it's NOT the games fault!! IF you have to pay $... for it and if you slap yourself 50 times its not the games fault. Your computer is too slow to be able to work the game properly, the store priced the game the game didn't decide how much it would cost, and if you slap yourself 50 times....first of all the game didn't tell you to slap yourself, second of all you should take some anger management classes, third of all you should buy a new computer, and finally you have a lot of muturing to do!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: sims
Review: If you are looking for a fun {hard} strategy game this is it. There are tons of stuff you can buy and an almost endless amount of things you can do. You can use codes to make the game even more fun. You can also creat families and build houses. Your sims also need jobes and the kids needs to go to school or be sent to military school.{ha ha} Well this isn't even close to telling you everything about the sims. So like I said if you are looking for a good fun {hard} strategy game this is it. HAVE FUN

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: [4.5 Stars] One of My Favorite Games!
Review: I recieved this game as a birthday present this March and I must say that I am very pleased. The Sims: Deluxe Edition is the original Sims with the Livin' Large expansion pack.

I played The Sims at a friend's house about a year ago, and since then, I've wanted to get it. I never got around to getting it until I got it as a gift. I have really enjoyed the Sims: Deluxe Edition.

There's lots of really neat furniture and goodies to mess around with. Call me sick, but I also like it when you can get a couple to "play" in the heart-shaped vibrating bed...hehe.

I would have given The Sims: Deluxe Edition 5 stars, but there were a few things bugging me. I don't like how one character an't do a certain thing or go somewhere they want to go, because there's a clog in the hallway or something. You have to make your hallways larger than normal so that all the sims can get past each other. Also, I don't like how a neighboor will come over to visit at 3 am. They'll stay all night; eating your food, watching your television and sleeping in your beds. I can be old-fashioned. And that has just been bugging me.

Overall, I like this game a lot. It's very entertaining and highly addictive. I recommend it imesnsly.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: ...hmmm, what will they think of next...
Review: I own pretty much all of the Sims except Hot Date and Online, and when I got this I thought I would be getting a lot more than I did.
1. I got to wait at least 7 hours for it to install.
2. When playing Sims Creator, I got to wait another hour for the outfits to load.
3. When playing the game, I got to experience freezing. How fun.
4. I also got to experience blackouts. By the way, unless your computer is plugged into a lightswitch, you won't be able to use it for a while.
5. I got to experience a VERY VERY VERY FEW new items, such as a purple bed.
6. As a result, I got to experience anger, because I was told somewhere that these items would be put on the Sims SuperStar, which I Have bought but have not been able to play yet, because..
7...I got to experience LOW MEMORY, because of the 7 hours of installing.
8. I got to experience complete dissatisfaction because Sims Creator is NOT FUN and I own Livin Large and the Sims.
9. I got to experience dissapointment, because I had spent 50 stinkin' dollars on a game I already owned, practically.
10. I got to experience pain, because I slapped myself in the face 50 times, (one for each dollar :) ).

So as you can see, the only thing this is useful for is a nice, shiny coaster for your favorite coffee table. Not exactly what you had in mind, huh?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cool
Review: The sims deluxe really made playing the sims a lot more fun from what I have. The robot is awesome. I like that you can make themes in your houses. I like the futuristic theme the best. If you don't have the sims buy this to start.

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