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The Sims Deluxe Edition

The Sims Deluxe Edition

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game!
Review: It has everything! Build a house. Create a person- or persons. Get a job. Climb up the job career ladder. Get more Simoleans (Sim version of money). Build a bigger house, buy more stuff, maybe get abducted by aliens. It's just like real life! Well, except for the aliens thing. But really- it's a wonderful game! It should only be played by teens and up, though- some parts in it can be a little bit mature.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Expand eventually
Review: As everyone states, this game is addictive; HOWEVER, eventually it looses its' steam. If you purchase The Sims I suggest that you also purchase an expansion at the same time or soon thereafter. What happens is that you will get bored with being in the house or in the neighborhood all the time and the only way to get out of the neighborhood is to buy an expansion. It is fun to play awhile with your sims in the house and to build new neighborhoods but as mentioned earlier the massive amount of micromanaging gets frustrating and all you really would like to do is see your sims interact with others in an environment that you do not constantly have to change/update. I find more enjoyment out of watching personal interactions between sims than building houses.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Fun but messy
Review: The sims game is a very fun game. It's almost like playing house for adults. You get to build your own houses and design it any way you want and create your own family. the kids go off to school and the adults go to work. There are all sorts of fun jobs. Your person can even be a robber. You can destroy your persons life, or let them live a happy life. You must keep your person(s) happy in order to keep them alive. In order to play this game, you have to have a lot of free time. The reason why I gave this game three stars is because I've had many problems with the game. I couldn't print anything while playng, after about fifteen minutes the game would blip off the screen losing everything I didn't save, and it froze a lot. The computer I have is an XP. When i added a game to the deluxe addition, it was much slower. I wouldn't have been able to add another game because it took up so much room. So I went to the website for technical support and discovered that it was a humongous website, so you can tell that they have a lot of complaints about the game. Basically, its a fun game but messes up your computer. You are very lucky if it works right on your computer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is addictive
Review: I got this game 2 months ago and it's really getting very addictive. I'm planning on buying it on PS2 and cant wait till the sims 2 gets out next year. The graphics aren't that good, but I heard that the graphics of the coming sims 2 are very good. Really nice. It's worth ur money.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: Believe me, The Sims is a great game. You create your own family, pick out their house, buy all of the appliences etc., give them their own job.....what more could you want?

The graphics on this game are very good.....It's just that sometimes they're not. For instance, sometimes when my character walks from one place to another, he leaves behind....umm...how should I put this.....his feet. Yes, his feet. It is a glitch in the software. This can happen a lot. And it is not my computer because it is top-of-the-line. Also, the game usually stalls for a few seconds every hour or so.

The game can get very frustrating. For instance, if your character is depressed, I will tell him to go play the guitar or read or play the computer, but he says he is too depressed to do all of these things. IT can become difficult to get his fun up, and he will be less likely to get a promotion.

Overall, this game is good. It can be dragged on for hours. Sometimes, this is the kind of game where you sit back and watch, but sometimes it's not. It also gets repettative, or boring if you have had this game for a while. Everything seems the same, or, almost everything. Still, it is a great game, most likely one og the top ten greatest games ever made.....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So fun...it's addicting!
Review: This game is very, very fun. I would honestly recommend it to anyone, for example, my 9 year old brother loves it, and so do I! It is so fun...it's addicting!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game rocks!!
Review: When I first got this game...all I did was play..I didnt even sleep!!! So..there you have it...this is the best game ever along with all the expansion packs!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not as good as everyone claims it is
Review: I didn't really enjoy The Sims as much as i thought i would since it's just like real life(pay bills water the garden watch T.V. go to the bathroom, eat ect.). and for another thing theres not too much depth to the game. all you can do in this version is stay in your house and run the lives of the people you create. to get the most out of this game you are gonna be shellin out big bucks for all the expansion packs. the only good (well actually funny)thing that you can do is kill the sims you made by starving, drowning, or burning them. there might be some of you out there

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great
Review: Wow this is the best sims game i have ever had it has the sims livin large and the original sims along with the sims creator all in two disks. The sims creators name explains it all you get to create your own sims, whether to make them fat, skinny, tall, or even make them have wide heads. I reccomend the sims vacation along with this this game has things to build relationships and to make love. and great other story lines a little hint to make some extra cash is hit control, shift and c and hold them down in that order until a green screen comes up then type in rosebud and type a whole bunch of ;!;! as many as posible and for each set of ;! you make a 1,000,000 simoleans! their money of course so in this review i hope i said it all buy this game!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Buy now!
Review: The Sims Deluxe is a fine game although it's expensive.It is worth it!I don't have any expansion packs for The Sims or the original.
Lots of stuff to buy!Also lots&lots of social situantions!And its hard to stop playing!Also lots of realism!(Sort of)
Likliness of running slow when lots of Sims are around.Some people may not like the sexual content.Lots of frustrating things like death and such.

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