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The Sims Deluxe Edition

The Sims Deluxe Edition

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Another Sims let down....
Review: What was Electronics arts thinking when they made this game you should know if I couldve given it a 0 star i would have, if you have this game what i am talking about. I am a real experienced sims player so trust me it is no funner then the sims vacation, house party, etc. This game was totally horrible! If you already have the sims and livin large do not get this it is wasting your Money$. I reccomend you getting Sims hot date that is their best game. But if u get this game when you get it and install it u r just slowing your computer down...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the sims deluxe
Review: This is great for new simfreaks. In this version, you have the basic sims with Livin large,w hich works out to be cheaper than before. In response to "a gamer" you have to know what your computer's capabilities are, and you have to know when to say, "quit it". This is good for those who don't have Livin Large, if you do, well just forget about it. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Deluxe
Review: Well, I have to admit I've really never gotten to get a Sims game, but when I dee something like this, it's super. I can have all the fun with the original game, and expansion pack, and skin creater, for less than half the price thengetting each seperate. I guess it was worth it to wait. So get this, it's a great value, fun, and customizable so what are you waiting for!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Supa-Great Gamm, Mon
Review: In de island where ah live, der is not much to do beside swim and bathe in de sun, which is no good if you already brown, mon. So we in de islands have much fun playing de Sim Deluxe game in our huts mon. De only problem we have is de sand getting in de computa mon. But the Sims, Mon! Dey keep us entertain while we weave our fabrics mon! De oder problem is dat der is a lack of dredlocked Sims mon. Wat is dat about mon? I deal much more marajuana to get the odder expansions mon!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Another expansion pack?
Review: This game just keeps on getting more and more expansion packs! More expansion packs=more ways to mess up your computer. There has been 7 expansions thus far. When an expansion pack comes out for the sims another follows. Its crazy I tell you, CRAZY! Take my advice save some money and wait until the Sims 2 comes out!

Rating: 2 stars
Review: its great for people with newer computers, i.e ones with windows ABOVE windows 98. but why stop at just livin large? they should have put ALL the EP's into one game. i been talkin to all my sim fan friends, about how they should make something like this, and after only TWO YEARS(?)! they make it. they made too many ep's.. who ever bought ALL of them, they would have probably needed a whole computer just for THE EP'S! its good they made this newer version, but they should have added more than just ONE ep to the game.

whoever's mad about buying all the ep's, they can just sell them.
by the way, dont get SIMS ONLINE, unless you want to pay a MONTHLY FEE, every month just for playing a game...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: New to the Sims
Review: I have wanted the Sims for a long time, it just looked fun. But no computer, no Sims. Finally, got a computer, and was gung-ho on buying the Sims. But wait, what's this, a deluxe version was coming out. I waited, and price compared, and Amazon had a better deal than I could get locally, and when that package came in the mail, I tore it open and got right down to playing. I have not played with the Sims Creator part of it much yet, but in due time! The game is great fun, my husband an I compete nonstop on building and decorating our houses. (His looks better!) The "Live" mode is great. It's best not to empathize with your Sims too much, or you can't pull yourself away until long past your bedtime! Much fun, I'm gonna have to buy expansioni packs, now!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unfair my foot!
Review: HA! This is just great... ppl calling the game unfair because they are too lazy to go out and work for money to buy the game! LOOK, just think of it like a new gaming system... I don't think that it's very unfair to release a new system just cause everyone has the OLD one... so what?! You shelled out 50-60 bucks for the Sims and Livin' Large, right? And since they combined it to only make it cost FORTY dollars AND include features that YOUR Sims don't have, you naturally get mad because you already have both the games but you want the extra features without having to pay forty dollars. It's simple: turn in your original Sims game for a ten dollar rebate when you buy the game so it only costs 30 dollars! OR, be (now I know that some of you haven't heard this word before) GENEROUS and give away the Sims and Livin' Large and buy the Deluxe... or, *gasp*,better YET, just sell them on E-bay or in your local newspaper together for about 15-20 dollars and then buy the game for only essentially 20-25$!
Anyhow, I haven't played this game, but since I HAVE played the Sims and Livin' Large, I would MOST DEFINITELY reccommend this to those that haven't purchased the Sims or Livin' Large! C'mon, go out and make your friends with the ORIGINAL Sims jealous! ;)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: LOVE IT!!!!
Review: I am new to the Sims Family series. I decided to purchase this game after a friend's favorable reccomendation. I'm pregnant and on bedrest until I reach full term. I was beginning to run out of ways to past time away and so my friend suggested that I look into buying the Sims Game. I did and I'm glad. It's so easy to get into the game and lose track of time and that's wonderful for me. It truly serves its purpose in which I bought it. I'm really having fun with it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great for All Ages!
Review: Are you completely addicted to the Sims? No? Give this new version a try, and I bet you will be soon! The Sims Deluxe Edition combines the original Sims with Living Large, plus Sims Creator for designing your own custom sims!

I admit it. I was a Sim-head. Back on my old computer, I built up a family with my copies of The Sims and Living Large, enjoying hours and hours of fun family play. But then when I upgraded to Windows XP, it didn't work quite right, I managed to lose my Living Large CD and gave up on it for a while.

Then I saw this new release become available. It contains both the original Sims PLUS Living Large's neat jobs and home accessories. Plus it has Sims Creator in it, so you can custom design your very own sims!! Add to that a whole plethora of new items, clothing, and it works PERFECTLY on XP.

I loaded it up right when I got home. My old Sim family worked like a charm, no problems at all! In no time at all I was busy customizing their home, buying them new furniture, running very smoothly. It hasn't crashed at all since this new install, and I've been playing it quite a bit!

This is great gameplay for all ages. It's very constructive - it makes you really think about your real life world. You look at the mess in your room and realize it affects your happiness, even if in some slight way that you might not normally notice. You start to get hungry and realize your energy is fading and that you're getting a bit more grumpy, something you might not have noticed otherwise! I know many Sim-fans that find their real life world improves as they become more aware of these sorts of things.

Give it a try, and see how much you enjoy being able to help your Sim families along to happiness and success!

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