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The Sims Deluxe Edition

The Sims Deluxe Edition

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims' Expansion Packs; The Deluxe in particular
Review: I purchased the first sims, living large, house party and hot date and just received sims vacation which I have not installed on my computer yet. I am completely happy with what I have but would have purchased the Sims Deluxe if I had not already purchased the original sims. I will not purchase the Deluxe just to get those other items and the Sims creator. I am saving my space for Sims Unleashed. I love the game immensely and can't wait to install Sims Vacation, hoping my couple's relationship will blossom once they go away on vacation. I had my computer upgraded to accomodate the Sims games.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Installation
Review: Met all the system requirements to install this game but needless to say, was unable to open. Tried 3 separate times to install. The first time I gave the serial number on back of plastic container and it started to install but took FOREVER. Got frustrated and backed out. Tried again this morning and couldn't even get THAT FAR. What's the problem?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 2 for the price of 1...how can you beat that??!
Review: I have been an avid user of the SIMS ever since I got it. But, when we upgraded our computer to XP, I had to say goodbye to my friends the Sims. Until recently, Maxis came out with The SIMS Deluxe Edition. It's great for me because this version of the Sims is now compatable with Windows XP. It's also great because now you don't have to go out and re-buy the original game and the Livin' Large expansion pack all over again. They both come in one package, and not to mention it is a lot cheaper than buying seperately. This version also comes with some new skins, objects, and so much more! A must buy for Sims fans!! I hope this review helps ;)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SO WHAT
Review: Even if you already have all the expansion packs you should still buy Deluxe. I did and I am very happy I did. (you can almost tell I'm spoiled) But I did experince a problem with getting it to work. I thought I had to uninstall everything so I did and then the thing only worked once. I tried different combinations of installing the game but nothing worked. Now I have to buy a new hard drive for my brand new laptop with totally sucks! But anyway I installed just Deluxe on my other computer and it worked fine. It's a cool game and I especially like the Sci-Fi theme but the Roman theme...eh...it has to go. So anyway buy Deluxe.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I own it
Review: This game is fun and exicting. I like the new sims creator it is awesome you can make a sim that looks just like you all the way down to the facial hair. The combination of THE SIMS and THE LIVIN LARGE expanision make a great combo. You will love the new $15,000 maid and once you bye him he does everthing for free. Oh and here is a secret to unlock the cheat menu press [Ctrl] [shift] and then [c] then type in rosebud; as many times as you want to get tons of simoleons or money. oh just make sure that you type the (;) semicolon after each rosebud and no spaces

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everyone is right- this game is GREAT!...
Review: I have to say, I bought this game with the Unleashed expansion pack on a whim, thinking I would see what all the hype was about. I found out everyone was right, this is a great game. I love to buy empty lots and build my own houses on them, really starting from scratch. I have seen a few reviews on the Unleashed expansion pack, and I have to say the animals are OK, but they take up more time and energy than a child does. This can be a problem when you are first starting a family and trying to build up a relationship. I also have some advice for the first timers out there, when you first begin, keep one person at home to do all the chores that add up, if you send everyone to work, nothing gets done until way up into the night. I have also found that it is best to take the first day off when you create a new family, while they are still in a good mood, let them socialize and set them down to study cooking or something similar. I had more than a few people burn to death because they didn't know how to cook. After learning the ropes on this game, you will have loads of fun, and you will be addicted just like everyone else.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun Fun Fun
Review: All of the Sims games give you and your children hours of fun.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good game but only for the highly intelligent
Review: This game confuses me. For a start, if your Sim isnt very nice, then the Sim has to be in a good mood to compliment someone. This is strange because nasty people would compliment other people to trick them into thinking they are nice. I have also noticed that a Sim who is as nice can be, has the ability to assault and attack people if it comes to it. I am a moderately nice person, and wouldnt attack somebody like that. It is unrealistic that the Sims cry because nobody cries because it makes you look annoying. However, in a situation like a wedding, the Sims do not cry, when they should. There is no rain or snow on the Sims, yet there is rain and snow in the United Kingdom. Therefore, the Sims is not entirely suitable for British citizens. Sims do not have age, and Sims do not die. Children should not play the Sims because they may grow up to have inaccurate views of the world. If you are not a highly intelligent person, you may be confused by this game. It is an art to be able to play this game well.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great fun Game..Can be confusing at times
Review: I bought the Deluxe version because they didn't have the regular "The Sims" on the shelves, they were sold out...SO I bought this one and was glad...This game has the original "The Sims" with the expansion "Livin Large" and a sim custimizer....This is a very fun game I've played..I am glad now I've bought the Deluxe because its a better deal than just buying "The Sims" (not to mention its always being sold off the shelves the first couple days))....with a little extra money you get so much more...alot more jobs, and alot more to buy, plus u can custimize your sim....

Im still a beginner at this...Im dissapionted that they don't have many houses...its very barren..and u keep havin to buy the same cheap house everytime you mess up and wanna start over...when sims talk to each other its just babble that you can't understand, not english, I'd like to know what there saying, it sounds almost there talking in french in a messed up way...theres this "matador" that keeps comming in our house thats annoying.....my sims always complain there too depressed to find a job and there always uncomfortable even though I buy decent furnature....I also wish that they would "automatically" go to their job instead of me constanatly clicking on their car when the car drives.....its funny, i have 2 sims and one is a police person and the other is a pick pocket/stealer...funny....But anyway, my biggest complain is that they don't have barely any houses on the lot....I've played this game for only 3 days...My advice to the makers,, make more houses when you start off, make the sims talk english instead of "babble",,,make them automatically go to work, im tired of waiting for the time deadline,,,maybe I'll download some made houses from the internet sim sites...

Other than that I absolutley LOVE the game, Its great, I can't stop playing it and its very challenging for me at least,, maybe im doing something wrong....

..My advice BUY BUY BUY this game, its an absolute perfect christmas present...get the deluxe and if you can afford it get "Hot Date" "Vacation" and "Unleashed"...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims
Review: This game is very educational and fun. The whole family can enjoy it and the teen rating is only for minor romance. It has many expansions and the company is always producing new ones. The Sims Online is coming out in December. This program does take up a fair amount of memory and I would suggest you have a large hardrive. I really enjoyed it! Big thumbs up.

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