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The Sims Deluxe Edition

The Sims Deluxe Edition

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Real-Life Simulation at its Best
Review: I put the Sims Deluxe Edition on my Christmas wish list because I wanted to see, once and for all, what was so great about what I guess is the best-selling computer game of all time. Well, I got it for Christmas and have played it a lot since, and I now understand the appeal of it. It is a very open-ended game where you choose the sex of your sim (or sims), what they wear, what sign they are, you choose their name, you choose their job, you choose their house - you give your sim the life you would like to have, pretty much. Once you've made enough money from your job, you can buy cooler and better stuff that will make your sim happier. You can choose the wallpaper, the carpet, the paintings you hang on your walls, and you can even build an expansion on to your existing house, or just build a new one altogether. This part of the game is so entertaining for me, that it has almost inspired me to become an interior decorator.

My one complaint about the Sims is this: I decided to create two characters based on me and my boyfriend, and had them living in the same house together. Things were fine at first, but then after they both got jobs, they never saw each other any more, and neither one had time to do anything other than work - socializing became a chore I had to squeeze in after their long day at work, and just having fun (like playing on the computer, or watching TV) was hard to do. Since the game's clock runs so that every one second equals one minute in the Sim world, it takes 15 seconds for me to watch the character to walk out to get the mail, but it takes the sim 15 MINUTES to get the mail, which is a bit unrealistic - and it makes the game annoying because it takes so long to do little chores, all you have time for is sleep and work. (Actually, maybe it IS realistic.) Once my two sims were really in love and kissed many times, a little bubble popped up and asked if we should have a baby. I said yes, and boy was that a mistake! It is virtually impossible for sims to have babies. The baby has to be constantly taken care of for a total of three days before it becomes a child. If you so much as take a break to get something to eat, the social worker comes and takes the baby away. This is, of course, after one of your sims already lost their job to take care of the thing. So, while it may be cool for your sims to have a kid, I recommend waiting until you are filthy rich, so that one sim can stay home and care for it around the clock. (You can hire a maid, you can hire a gardener, but you can't get a babysitter?!)

However, even with the tiny little annoyances this game may have, it's still a great game. Who knew that watching a computer character read a book could be so entertaining? I would recommend the Deluxe Edition to first-time sim-ers (like me) because it also contains the expansion pack Livin' Large, which provides more houses, more items, more enjoyment. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims, The Sims Livin' Large, and The Sims Creator in ONE
Review: The Sims Deluxe Edition include the original The Sims game, the most popular expansion pack, The Sims Livin' Large, a new software to "create" and design sims' appearances, The Sims Creator, and a hefty amount of new clothing styles and objects. It's still worth the sum even if you already have The Sims and The Sims Livin' Large expansion pack since there are many things not included in the two that are included in the Deluxe Edition. It's worth the money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun, it really is
Review: I went to my friends house, and she got the Sims Deluxe Edition and it was so much fun. I mean i saw the online oneon tv and it was ok but ireally never got into it.And i am going to order like tommow. I really want to play it. I would say that it is a ******(five star) cause it helps you kinda see how to use your money wisly and stuff. I also think that it is a fun game for the whole family. So i think every one should get it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Dissapointing
Review: I'm 12 years old and I found it a very big dissapointment. There isn't a lot of new furniture you can buy and it is mostly a roman theme to it. I was happy with the new clothes selection though. I didn't like The Sims Creator. I thought you were able to design your sim body type, as in skinny, short, fat. You can't all you can do is make the clothes which are awful.I was very unhappy with this product and I do think that Maxis can do much better. I'm not sure if I would recommend this game? If you want to be dissapointed I guess. But, if you want some new clothes you could get it if you want to.
I hope this helped with your decision on buying this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: So Addicting!
Review: I love this! the only problem I have, is you have to have a lot of time to play it. Not only is it addicting, but the characters are very demanding. Although it is a very fun game to play... I reccomend it to anyone who likes mindless entertainment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must Have
Review: This is a really must hav sims package, The Sims original and Livin Large expansion and alotta of extra things. This is also my first ever sims cd i bought and i had a lot of fun wit it. Get it now and it's worth it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best game ever
Review: I already had The Sims, but the CD was scratched and I wanted Livin' Large so I bought this. I am thrilled with the quality of this game. There is so much more than The Sims.
Very fun gameplay
Lots of clothing choices to choose from
5 neighborhoods and 50 lots

There are some cons due to a some problems with the CD

This is a brand new CD and there is a ton of skipping of music and long pauses between different modes.
Because I already had The Sims, I had a lot of trouble with the installation. Finally I figured out that I had to tell it to re-install.

This is a great game and I highly recommend it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Game I've Ever Played
Review: I just bought this game yesterday and I've only been able to stop playing it to eat and sleep. This game is great the only problem is that there is no problem, it's flawless. I love this game and I can't wait to get the expansion packs.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Big Hit!
Review: My 11 and 7 year old sons love this game. I think it is a fine way to while away some play time. No violence and pretty creative. It was a big hit as a Christmas gift with my picky 11 year old son.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: very good buy
Review: this game is great...especially when you buy it with the unleashed game! it makes a big community!

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