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Lock On: Modern Air Combat

Lock On: Modern Air Combat

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Needs work!
Review: 1)Does NOT work with win98 like the box says.
2)System specs on box are LIES! You need alot closer to the top-end system specs to play with even medium settings.
3)Support sucks! No keycard in early release boxes, no manual at all and pdf manual on disk is riddled with errors(like the program).And terrible message boards.
4)F-15 radar doesn't work right
5)Aim-120 missle doesn't work right
6)UBI.com game service doesn't work right.
7)Game has a HUGE memory leak in it.
8)the sky is blue, and so will be your computer screen.
9)Does not support motherboards with Nforce2 chipsets even after 2 years of delays.

Spend your money on liquor and get drunk this weekend, you will have a better time than playing this hacked-together peice of crap(or trying to play it, anyway).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Kick them tires and light those fires!
Review: If you have EVER wondered what it's like to fly modern military aircraft in combat, get this title! You get 8 flyable aircraft, I lose count of how many others are modeled in the game that you fly with and against, not to mention all the ground units, tanks and other armored vehicles, anti-aircraft guns, surface-to-air missles, ships, you name it, it's there, and probably quite hazardous to your health. And they are all quite busy doing their thing whilst you do yours, so you'd better be doing it right!

You choose the arena: Air-to-air combat using radar-guided and heat-seeking missles, 20 and 30mm cannon, air-to-ground combat with cluster bombs, Maverick television and infra-red guided missles, "dumb" bombs, fuel-air explosives, rockets, and a 30mm seven-barreled cannon that shoots 70 rounds per second. There are defensive systems as well, electronic counter measures, chaff and flares to help you survive the day.

The aircraft are superb, detailed cockpits for each one and the avionics that go with them. Flight models just feel right, but you do have to use some pilot skills. This is not "Gorilla Kong at Twenty Thousand Feet". If you have never flown a "hardcore" flight sim, you'll have some homework to do, but it's the fun kind, and you'll learn some incredible things about real world aircraft. Having said that, you can adjust the skill factor so that you have super-radar, unlimited weapons, and invunerability. Nice feature, that last one, you can fly and fight all day while you are learning about this environment you just got yourself into!

I haven't mention graphics, have I? Well, if you have a fairly decent system, with a good graphics card, you are in for a treat. LOMAC is graphical flight simulation Disneyland! This is as close to photo-realistic as it gets on a PC. That includes all the aircraft, objects, land, and water (oooh, that water!). I have seen a series of screen shots depicting a mid-air collision at an air show that I would have sworn were real. They were not, they were LOMAC. Seeing is truly believing here.

Now, all is not perfect in human existence, nor is it with LOMAC. It does have issues, no "show-stoppers", other than the Win 98/ME problems, but certainly things that are not right. These things are being addressed with a patch which should be out within the next month, hopefully sooner. Let me tell you, from my perspective, it's darn good now, I can't believe how much better it will be then.

To sum up, if a realistic, yet scaleable jet combat flight sim might be in future, get this one. And remember to strap in, that runway acceleration really pushes you back in the seat!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most of these reviewers have no foundation in flight sims
Review: And I really think that most of them do well just to get Windows to run on their systems much less a flight sim. They dont have the foggiest idea of the complexity of a jet fighter flight sim and what it takes to accomplish that end. But they do know how to gripe if it requires effort on their part to setup on their computer and learn to fly. Don't listen to reviews issued by the Playstation Generation!
LockOn is to date the best flight sim to hit the market. NO, it isnt perfect but it only has one show stopper bug....it wont run on the antiguated operating system Win98. It does however, run very well on WinXP. And it was written to take advantage of the next generation of computer hardware and is scalable to todays hardware and even yesterdays hardware. But these clowns want to load it up on their system and crank all the settings to the top, so they can then come here and tell you that it's crap/buggy/broken and worthless when in fact...it's their review that fits in those categories.
LOMAC is worth the money.
LOMAC works if setup right on the right system and OS
LOMAC is a blast. Best eye candy ever. Almost photo realistic Check the screen shots....they dont do it justice but they are testamony to the fact.
LOMAC plays great online. Smoothest fight I have ever seen and I have flown flight sims online since that activity was possible.
LOMAC belongs on every mature flight simmers hardrive....and that's it PERIOD!!!
Yours truely, SPIKE out
C/O VFA-41 Black ACES

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: piece of crap game
Review: this game is a waste of your money...instead buy a bat and beat yourself with it...the game locks up and goes to a mischevious blue screen..which you must alt tab out of...and then close the game...has the developer come up with a fix??...no they havent because they SUCK

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: a complete disaster
Review: OK..nice looking game but...I have Dell PC with Intel pentium 4 processor (1.5Ghz), 768 MB Ram and Nvidia Geforce3 TI200 and this game simply won't play on my machine. Keeps crashing my computer all the time, what a waiste of money, so now I suppose to buy an another PC for couple thousand $ just to play it? I have dozens of games in this computer uncluding operation flashpoint, Il2 sturmovik and lot and lot more, and had no problems at all playing them all on highest settings, untill this "game disaster" came out....don't waiste your money untill u get a top of the line PC, itherwise it win't play

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "OMG?" Was not comparing LOMAC to AC4
Review: What an idiot. If you read the whole review (writer from Los Angeles on 12/25/03) you would understand that the review was not comparing LOMAC to Ace combat 4. They are two different types of games. That is the point I was making. One is an arcade and one is a sim. If you read the previous reviews you would see that someone was upset that LOMAC was not like AC4. That is why I made my point. When LOMAC works it is the best combat flight sim known to man. There is no comparison amongst flight sims. By the way I do have other things to do than sit around and read and write reviews. I'm just not doing them:-)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: OMG comparing this sim with ace combat 4 ?? LOL
Review: Come on, you don't mean that. THERE'S NO SUCH A FLIGHT SIM GAME FOR CONSOLES as far as I know. Do you like "FRAG and RESPWAN" kind of action? Go outside, buy, and play counter-strike whatever crap.. If you are bitching about this excellent sim comparing to ACE COMBAT 4, you are in the wrong place. Period.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: joystick problems!
Review: My computer was sit up from DELL to play games so it has plenty of muscle. The thing is I bought a Logitech Extreme 3D pro twist handle joystick that works wonderful on other games. But with lockon some things work and some things don't. No matter how you program the stick,and it crashes from time to time and you have to start the missions all over again. As far as tech support for the game they have no answers about it and thats after a long long distance call. There answer to the problem is log on line and ask sombody else for HELP!! The game started off very well and I was very disappointed when things didnt work out maybe things will go better for you but thats a chance I would'nt take..

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: GREAT GAME for simmers, but NOT FOR WEAK SYSTEMS
Review: Great game for simmers but not for weak systems

This Game is not for those who are looking for a 'shoot-um-up bang bang' type of arcade game. This is not PS2 Ace Combat 4 or Lethal Skys this is a hard core military flight sim that can only be played on a PC because no game console can handle this game. That means that it will take a little time learning how to fly each individual plane, use the radar effectively, and deploy weapons. So for those of you criticizing how boring the game is because there is no action, its because you are looking for the wrong type of game. There is plenty of action in this game that true simmers enjoy. Tracking an enemy BVR and putting a missile on his @$$ before he even knows it, busting the snot out of ground convoys with the A-10, jinking missiles in the F-15 while you pull high G's to get your sights on that nuisance chasing your wingman, and much, much more!

It's true that you have to have the best of the top of the line systems to play this game in full detail. But playing it in low details is still a fantastic visual experience. I am currently playing on a laptop with a 1.4 Centrino, 14.1 inch SXGA screen with a resolution of 1400 x 1050, 728MB of ram and a 64MB ATi Radeon 9000, which is great for a laptop but only adequate for this game. I am currently building a desktop with a 2.6 HT P4, 1G of ram, 256MB Nvida 5200fx. I can't wait till it is done. (Holidays and UPS delaying shipment of my parts)

So far my only complaints with game play is that my laptop system is not able to handle this game in all its strength. I have had an occasional lock-up during game play but after about 5 seconds the game resumed, but any lock-up is one to many. I am praying for a patch to come soon. The game takes a while to load and that is annoying when you get shot down and have to start a mission over. And trust me, you will get shot down in the beginning. I gave this game 4 stars because it should have come with a manual and a key card that maps out the keyboard commands. I have to go to the options menu to see what buttons do what. It would also have been nice of there was speech in the training exercises. I'm tired of reading each one over and over again. If I could read and hear it also the first time, I might have a better chance of remembering what to do, and I could do better in the missions. Also I wish that there were more American missions and planes to fly. I'm an American and I demand that!!! No offence to you Europeans out there but I don't even want to play like I'm a European.

For those of you complaining that you can't play the game on Windows ME or 98, 'who in the world still uses Windows ME and 98 anyway???' Get an updated Operating system. For those of you complaining that the game crashes, get a video card that supports DirectX9! Get a system that can handle the game or scale back the graphics so that your frame rate won't run like a picture show. And turn off all that stuff running in the background! And while I'm at it, those of you writing from parts of the world where English is your second language, learn proper English grammar before you write a review! We don't know what you are saying!

Visually the game is great. The planes look as good as those in Microsoft Flight Sim 2004. The game can run smooth if you scale back the settings to match the power of your system. The developers should have made the cockpits interactive. Why can't I just click on something like I can in Jane's F/A-18. This game is supposed to be a step forward. This game does remind me of USAF. It is like the 2004 version of USAF, which is a good thing.

With all that being said, all future military flight sims will be judged by this game. Ever had that one girlfriend that you judge all others by? That is this game. It is special. It is already the greatest military flight sim to date. After a few patches it will become such a fantastic game that it will take it place in video game history next to pac-man. Go and get it if you are looking or a hard core flight sim and have the system to push it. Don't buy this game for 12 year old Johnny, he is not mentally capable of appreciating something this real. Peace out, and watch your 6!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great sim, but needs a little polish to be awesome
Review: Great sim. Ground attack in A-10 or Su-25, or Air superiority in F-15 or Mig-29, take your pick. This is not the sim for the 16 year old casual console gamer who just wants smash up derby flying, but rather for those who want realism and what comes with it. As with any new software, there are some bugs, but the developer is standing behind the product and should solve most issues with patches. Once this game has been patched, as long as you've got the hardware to run it, it will be hard to beat for realism and "eye candy". Bottom line, if you love flight sims, buy it!

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