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Lock On: Modern Air Combat

Lock On: Modern Air Combat

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buy Falcon 4.0
Review: I must say that this game does look beautiful. Its visualizations are gorgeous.
HOWEVER, the game lacks in many other aspects. No air to ground radar, (What were they thinking)Substandard avionics, absurd system requirements, lack of realism, no dynamic campaign, too simple, non clickable cockpit & many other flaws.
The game is very good, but it cant be compared with legendry games such as Falcon4.0.
Regardless of its flaws, the game does prove to be entertaining for about 15 hours of gameplay. After that it starts dragging.
It desserves a place in the top 20 combat flight simms but its way down the order from Falcon 4.0.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: superb sim
Review: why do people write obvious lies with their 1 star review?

here's one example ...."I carried my computer to a professional programer and he said he called the company and they said with all the pacthes (witch were about several hundred) it still might not work."

there is one patch, and it helps, but the game ran fine out of the box for me. Some people NEED the patch though: it helps those with win98/ME or NF2 mobo's in particular. If you don't have a high end PC you'll have to turn the graphics options down. Some of the graphics options are so advanced (the planes cast shadows on themselves) that this game will look good for years.

What you get is a flight sim, so expect to have to learn to fly and fight in each aircraft as if it was completely different from the last... well a10's and SU33's are pretty different after all.

At the moment with Patch 1.01 we get excellent multiplayer, realistic aircraft to fly, beautiful graphics, and a full featured, but easy to use mission creator that will give this sim endless scope.

On the down side the patch has messed up the training missions, but they are still usuable. With the post-release support we are seeing I would expect new training missions to be released soon. The manual leaves a lot to be desired (and it leaves a lot to be learned), bu tht esim itelf more than makes up for this.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: As you read the customer reviews you will notice that they either hate it or love it. There is no middle ground because if you can't make the sim run reasonably you will, naturally, hate it. But if you can run this outstanding sim you will, I assure you, LOVE IT!. The graphics, the complexity the feel and the amazingly powerful editor make this THE FLIGHT SIM of the day.

I loved Jane's F/A 18 and still fly it although I have not been able to get it to run well under Win XP. I fly F/A 18 under Win 98 on a 800 mhz Pentium. The Lock-On sim needs a powerful PC and I'm getting frame rates from 30 to 80fps on a 3GHZ machine with Win XP and a ATI 9800 video card. There ARE a few bugs and a visit to the UBI Lock-On web site indicates they are working hard to correct problems. A patch has already been posted and it installed on my machine without any hitches.

The program comes with an on line manual which I don't like and think comes up short in places. A printable version is availably on the UBI web site and it prints up nicely under Adobe. I'd like a better manual however and the included booklet that explains running the program itself, especially the mission editor is, at best, slim. I'm still learning how to program a custom mission. But it is coming along... takes patience.

I don't know if UBI will ever deliver additional flyable aircraft. As it is only two US aircraft are flyable... the A-10 and the F-15 Eagle. Five Russian aircraft are flyable and one is a Naval aircraft. It can fly to and land on carriers, including the USN CVN-74. The carrier CLS system is not as realiastic as the Jane's F/A 18, diappointing but maybe a improved CLS will come along with an F/A 18 or Naval JSF. Even with these small disappointments I give this Sim Five well deserved stars. I think it will be improved and look forward to that.

Final word... if you do not have a high end (i.e 2 or 3ghz) processor and good video card AND Win XP don't expect to like this program. It's a modern sim... you need modern equipment.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lock On "Disaster"
Review: I have a pretty updated PC with 6 different flight simulator games. My machine has 1.6 Ghz 512 RAM, video card with 126 MB mem and this much advertised Flight sim. is not working. Takes for ever to load it. Once you in a flight mode there is no access to the necessery key stroke unless you get out of the flight mode and get back to the option window OR you memorize (I count it)139 differente key stroke variations. Hardware acceleration have to be turned of ect...ect. The joy stick can only be programed (it is pre programed)to basic flight movement. Everything works off the keyboard. It was an absolute waist of money. This PC game is a joke

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Ridiculously flawed
Review: I made the mistake of purchasing this software, even after reading the comments posted here. I intended to purchase a relatively high-end machine which, essentially, would run nothing but Win XP and Lock On. Additionally, I added a $500 ATI 9800 Radeon video card to the new Pentium 4 3.0 ghz with tons of dual channel high speed RAM. I was convinced that I would not have the difficulty others have reported here.


After 2 days of exploring every possible configuration (both hardware and software), I have given up, and concluded that this software probably only runs properly on 1 of every 10 machines it's loaded on.

I sincerely congratulate those fortunate few who have had a good experience with Lock On. But, as we read here and as others have reported, the quality of this program must rank among the lowest ever released by a legitimate software concern.
And yes, I loaded the latest patch from Ubisoft. It just doesn't work.

I am not angry because I dropped $39 on this comical collection of ones and zeroes, I'm mad because I spent so much time coaxing it to work.

My advice is to avoid this one, unless you revel in system crashes, mysterious reboots and frozen screens.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: This game is the BIGEST pile of crap ever!!!! I have been playing flight sim games for more than 13 years and never seen anything like it. There is no way to get this game loaded on your computer. I carried my computer to a professional programer and he said he called the company and they said with all the pacthes (witch were about several hundred) it still might not work. About the only way you might ever play this game is to by a computer hard drive that has over 512MB of memory and absolutly no other programs of any kind but I still don't think it will work

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Fantastic Game
Review: This game is the best Air Sim ever created and what a bargain! All You need to make this work is an $8,000 computer with Holographic graphics and 3gigs of RAM. In other words, if You sell every thing you have and raise all the money you can beg, borrow ,or steal. Hey Brother, You got it made.

Rating: 4 stars

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, but not great.
Review: I've been messing around with flight sims since the days of the Compuserve Falcon Challenge Ladder and flying against aces like Victor "Duke" Z. When Falcon 4.0 came out, I was really impressed, followed by really depressed when Microprose/Hasbro raped and abandoned it.

The out-of-the box experience will depend on how much effort you put into reading the manual, and setting up the game based on the abilities of your machine. If you're in a hurry and just want to blow stuff up, you might be a little disappointed.

The graphics are nice, but not much better than IL-2 Sturmovik.
The learning curve is there, but you have to remember what this sim is and what it isn't. It's not Crimson Skies.

All-in-all, I'd have to say this is a very good sim with a lot of potential, but not as great as all the hype made it out to be a year ago.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good sim that will only get better
Review: Lomac is like all great flight-sim. The product is rush to market and we become the new beta testers.The problems get fixed and the game lives up to its myth. Lomac is a product for all types of virutal pilots. There is an easy mode which requires no understanding all the way up to experienced level. If you are experienced simmer, the advance flight system comes as no suprise. All of the radar and weapon delevery systems are the same. The manual does not explain how to use the different radar modes and why you need them or what missle or bomb is effective for a particular target. As with Falcon4, I will love this game and will wait for every patch and watch this infant grow into an adult.

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