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Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Near perfect!
Review: This game is what RPG fans have been waiting for a long time. It has a large amount of the elements of the P&P(pen and paper) D&D. It is highly customizable and very fun. The only thing that kept it from getting a 5 from me is that the level limit is immutable (as far as I know). One of the fun things to do in the P&P games was to create super powerful characters and let them fight the superpowerful monsters. Prestige classes would have been nice. As well as going over level 20. I hope an add-on is planned!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Boring
Review: I was really looking forwards to NWN. I ran out and bought it as soon as it was released. And it was...okay. I used it in single-player mode. It was dull. The plot is fairly straightforwards and written for you ahead of time. There is no real variability. You go on Quest A. To accheive it you must go into Cave 1, and walk through Forest 1, where stupid things happen that cause you to go on to Cave 2 and Forest 2. And so on, only sometimes you are in a city or town so substitute houses and districts there for forests and caves. The camera angles only annoyed me, but I have never been a big special effects fan. The ending is totally annoying, in that you get zero reward after the uber-battle, and never even find out what happens in the big plotline.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An Experience
Review: Ah, where to begin. Neverwinter Nights is not the best game in the world, nor will it replace table-top adventures with your friends or even the incredibly famous Baldur's Gate series. That out of the way, it is a very strong game by itself; it is fun to play and pushes you closer to what Dungeons and Dragons is really like. Of course that means that you will need friends to play with (and a good DM, while not completely neccecary, can make things that much more interesting).

This is a multiplayer game geared to give you control over only one character at once which does leave the single player a bit lacking. That is neglectable, however, because of the ability of users to create their own levels with a toolset that is both simple and flexible, quite a feat in itself.

This game is worth the money if you decide to dip into the vast pool of humans out there in the community. Yet, keep in mind that, being humans, they are not all great to play with.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Addictive gameplay
Review: Excellent game all around. I was hesitant to buy this game due to some of the mixed reviews by gamers; I think now that perhaps one major difference from previous games--namely, party size--was simply too much for them to overcome. For me, this actually made for better gameplay, as I could then concentrate more fully on developing my own little alter ego as opposed to managing an entire squad of folks. Also, because you were only allowed one other party member, it seems the designers were forced to avoid the infamous BGII technique of offering up utterly useless NPCs, presumably in the hopes that the other party members would make up for their faults (Jaheira? Aerie? Jan?). Finally, the graphics and sounds are absolutely amazing. There were scenes in this game where I could see the water ripple after my character ran through it, where the wind blew the grass in random patterns, and where my bootsteps echoed off cave walls. Enthralling.
Cons? Too short. Seems like they've set themselves up for an expansion, maybe for more money. Who can blame them. Also, it is pretty linear, in that each section has particular things to acccomplish. Unlike truly non-linear games (Morrowind, Planescape: Torment), that usually have an end-goal in mind but an unprescribed path, it is pretty clear what you need to do to succeed at every step of the way.
Those aside, this is a phenomenal game with incredible potential. Do yourself a favor and buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply, this game is excellent, buy it!
Review: I am a long-time computer game player, and Neverwinter Nights ranks as the No. 1 game I have ever played. It isn't the best graphically (Dungeon Siege wins there), or for the story line (I give the nod to Planescape Torment), but for the overall experience of gameplay over 100 hours of playing the single-player campaign ... Neverwinter Nights is the best.


Well ... it's like this. I played this game daily over 2 months, and EACH DAY, when I was finished, I found myself thinking ... "Wow, this is a really interesting point in the game. I can't wait to get started tomorrow."

This game is interesting, involving. The story line moves relentlessly through level after level, dungeons and forests, and it remains INTERESTING. That is all I can ask of a game. And Neverwinter Nights delivered. A+++++.

I played a monk, the first time I had played that class. Monks are very powerful melee fighters, and pretty much immune later in the game to poison, magic, traps, etc. Maybe that was part of the reason I like the game so much. I could solo through dungeons, not breezing through, but using strategy to achieve the goal.

The story line kept me involved. The ending was satisfying.

I have played downloaded Mods since then, and I still love the game. I have tried a druid, and a sorceress, and both are fun.

Graphically, Dungeon Siege is better. There is no doubt about that. But where Dungeon Siege became very boring late in the game, Neverwinter kept me looking forward to the next door, swinging open and ... time to rock!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: a disappointing experience
Review: When I bought NWN I was some the next great fantasy RPG after the brilliant Baldurs gate 2,but instead I found out that the game was not that entertaining: to start with the single player part is just a bit of standard piece of action RPG, the environments and spells look great, but there isn't really any depth in the gameplay. You can't have a serious conversation with NPCs and you can only bring one party member with you. During the game you just hack and slash your way to the end(although I did not have the patience) and that's it, of course there's a story that is reasonably done, but you are missing the real greatness. Especially from a Black Isle-D&D RPG.
And for the multiplayer that is probably the biggest and most important part, I can only say that it can be fun as long as you are playing with some friends and a DM who knows what he is doing.

My conclusion is that if you are looking for a RPG like Baldurs gate or Planesape Torment than DO NOT waste your money at this, if you are looking for an reasonable action RPG with some depth and lots of multiplayerpossibilities like building your own levels oyu could certainly give it a try.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The game that has not been seen properly
Review: As said above, i call this game the game that has not been seen properly. I will try to highlight what is actually available:

1. The single player.
This is a campaign which i rate highly as part of the game, there is a prelude which will give you the basics on how to use and play the game which is useful for beginners. The main plot is seen by alot of people as bad because it is quite linear and there is a lack of having a party etc. But alot of people fail to see that the story is interesting and fun, and a display of the power of the toolset, for it was created with it. I would say that this section is perfect for people that have just bought the game.

2. Multi-player.
Multi player is probably where this game excels to most gamers; it is fun and enjoyable most of the time. When played with friends it proves well, and is good in that sense, but aswell you can play with other people. When you get good people in the game it is extremely fun and you get the chance to co-operate, if you get a worse pick of people it still proves fun, although not so much. This section of the game is extremely fun, and the place to get the most out of Neverwinter Nights.

3. The toolset.
The Aurora toolset is a powerful tool, it allows you to create anything from a beginners dungeon crawl, to a complete and engulfing story-driven campaign. It gives lots of options and when used properly can be fun and great. There are lots of wizards in this to make it easy for beginners aswell as fast for veterans. When you are good with the toolset you can make adventures and get your friends to play in it! I would say that this is the weapon behind the game, this is what can keep you playing on the game for ages, because there are lots of modules you can already download from various sites if you want a new adventure.

4. The Dungeon Master (DM) Client.
This is where i have ventured the least in NWN. The DM Client allows you or someone else to control and change an adventure for others in multiplayer. You can change most aspects of any module, anything from spawning creatures to make it harder, to adding special items if you want some loot around, posessing creatures and making them do what you want, even changing the whole plot! This is a fun tool to use, one of the highlightable things is customising and changing an adventure, while your friends are trying to get through it!

Neverwinter Nights is a brilliant game, albeit underrated that can make many hours of fun, by yourself or with your friends, i would reccomend this game to nearly everyone...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game, and player made models can be fun
Review: NWM turned out to be a great game, and I look forward to expansions and further use of this gaming engine.

While the plot is somewhat linear, the game plot turned out to be different than I expected. People your character starts to look up to changing sides, and you even get a chance to win them back to the "good" side. That, in itself, was fun.

The only downside was that you were a solo character with one sidekick for the single player game. I played a Paladin, since a fighter with self healing ability that doesn't rely on potions can be useful, especially when starting out. I kept the thief throughout the game, just so he could find traps for me. I would have liked to round out a more balanced party, but that isn't an option in single-player mode.

Multi-player can be a total hoot, though. Especially if you set up your own game with friends you know. Tried it with a few friends from my college days, and we had a blast. We had to crank the difficulty up a little, but we enjoyed ourselves.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: That old fashioned feeling with a new modern look
Review: I loved being able to get a dungeons and dragons game with this quality of "realism" and what really really attracted me to it was that I was able to play some of the good old time modules with it. I've downloaded keep on the borderlands, pool of radiance, steading of the hill giant chief and several others. When I play these classics I'm reminded of summers with my cousins and friends hunkered around books and dice and character sheets making our way through dark dungeons full of orcs and kobolds. What I haven't liked is the harder to use than advertised editor. It's easy to put together a ...module full of [weak] acting monsters and [low-end]treasures but to get the full effect you need firstly a healthy knowledge of C programing to write scripts. What???? Why can't this type of thing be easier I shouldn't have to be a computer school graduate to throw together a module. Second in order to make anything other than what is included in the editor graphics wise you need a good healthy knowlege of a 3D rendering program. Oh wait you also need [$$$]rendering software. Looks like as soon as people get tired of churning out content for this game it's going on a shelf but I'm having a great time in the mean time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I Wouldnt know if this game is good or not
Review: Gameplay:I wouldnt know
Sound: Excellent
Graphics: From what i know its better than gameplay
Multiplayer: I think it would be good
Overall: This game is probably good if i could actually play it. The reason i rated sound and graphics is because of the intro. If u wanna spend 50 bucks to watch an intro, (this intro is hella good though) look at the computer go 2% done, then say please insert disk 2 then back to 2% done, then insert the play disk and then back to the first then back to the second then finally play. OH wait i 4got. First u must download the latest patch that only takes like ummmm 30 minutes more of your time. Finally after all that u get to watch about 3 minutes of intro. Then it freezes. If u like nice intros this is the game for you. 5 stars for the intro

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