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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Holy crap on a stick.
Review: Let me get this straight.... I really wanted to like this game, and did, for awhile at least. Stories great, great characters, blah blah blah. None of that matters, because, you're not going to be playing the game. This thing is so full of holes its unplayable, if not a first, eventually. I started out fine, wondering what all the bug complaints were about, but now, I can't even play. My games crash upon loading. Any bioware/lucasarts is no help... support for this game only exists in the form of others gamers just messing wiht their machines hoping somethign will work. Spend your money elsewhere, or wait a year till they fix this thing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Would have been, Should have been......
Review: This game could could have and should have been the best game of the year, as it stands it is one of the most bug filled crash prone games I have ever played. Knights has a great story line, very good graphics, and a decent combat system, but the massive number of bugs kill the game. I rarely get more than 5 minutes of crash-free playing time, even with the patch released shortly after release, but much worse is the area curruption bugs that were left in. 4 hours into the game I try to enter a plot required area and the game crashed to a frozen menu. Now every time I try to go into that area with that save I am kicked to the menu. I cannot progress the game when that happens which really kills the game. I have worked for a beta testing company, and I can tell you these kinds of bugs should never make it into release. I really would like to say this is a great game, and it could have been, but it is dead right now as I will not play a game where there is only a slight possibility that I will be able to progress the plot at any given point. This game should have been great, but as it is it is 50 bucks wasted. Maybe around march it will be good, but till then don't buy it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't buy it if you don't like twitch games
Review: Knights of the Old Republic contains some unavoidable "mini-games". Two of these are essentially twitch games -- Swoop racing, and fighting other ships from your turret gun. What's worse, both of these twitch games are mandatory at various points in the game -- you cannot go on without performing adequately. The Swoop race while tedious is not too difficult, but the turret gunning is almost impossible for me -- and represents exactly the kind of gameplay I hate.

That's all and good if you expect it, but most folks buying this game will assume that as an RPG it does not require twitch skills. That is not the case, and you could end up being stuck with a game you can't finish.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Would be a great game if it was playable
Review: Somewhere inside Knights of the Old Republic, there is a really really awesome RPG waiting to be played, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to wade through all the bugs, crashes, and file corruption to get to it. Too bad it really is an impossible mission.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is an awesome game, let there be no disputing that. I was able to play through about 20% of the game and let me tell you it was a blast. I just wish I could play the rest of it! The game locks up commonly when changing maps, and many times save files become corrupted (I currently have twelve different save games from the last time I started over and every single one of them is unplayable). To Bioware's credit, one of their coders must have a good sense of humor because one time when the game was plagued with a bug, in place of one of the playable character's names it said "I am broken, so very very broken"

Check out the message boards on Bioware's website, go to the tech forum. Customers there have been begging for a patch to address some of these issues (there is a patch out already but it did not even touch upon the most egregious problems). Want to know what Bioware's response has been? Nothing. Notta. Silence. Unless you want a game plagued with bugs and zippo technical support, stay away from this one or buy the X-box version. By the way, I build computers and built mine specifically for gaming, alot of people say the problems are just with ATI video cards. What's in my system? Geforce 4 MX 440. If Bioware released a patch that addresses these issues I would change my score to 5 stars, because like I said, there is a great game in there, somewhere.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Truly a unique and wonderful game
Review: This is one of the best game i've ever played. It has a great story, the action is never ending and what's best is that you get to choose your own path. The sounds and voices are awesome. This game is even better than the Star Wars movies.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Buyer Beware
Review: Let me start by saying that this game is extremely fun. I have a great time every time I turn it on, but then the bugs start! This game was obviously shipped in time to make the Xmas season, and it was not thoroughly tested. Go to the Technical Issues board on the Bioware website to see the issues.

I've run across at least three different bugs, from problems saving to graphics problems, that have severly hampered the playing of the game. There are still no fixes for these bugs. If Bioware and LucasArts release a new patch (currently at 1.01 as of this writing) to fix these issues, I will gladly raise the score to 5 stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Stellar Game--Best Game Ever!
Review: Knights of the Old Republic is not only the most immersive RPG I have ever played (and yes, I played and loved BioWare's other offerings) but is also the greatest video game ever created. Character customization has enough depth to make it vital and interesting, but not so much as to bore. The plot is wonderful, and the freedom to explore different shades of the plot is unmatched.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Potty mouthed characters
Review: I will say that this game was fun to play, but if you have small children or any children under 16 for that matter, I suggest you wait to play this while they are either sleeping or not in the same room. I say this because there are scenes starting right at the very beginning of the game of half nudity. Dancing Zwi-liks (sorry I know I spelled that wrong) who are wearing what I would hardly clothes. The word Da*m among other bad words are used often throughout the game, and I found I had to cut down the sound and just read the subtitles as I found that highly offensive. It does not seem like they had the most intelligent people writing the scripts for these characters, I mean come really why do those bad words have to be put in there anyway? If there was not all that semi nudity and profanity, I would have given this game 5 stars and not decided to sell this on ebay. This is not a game I would want any of my children to play. If I can also give this a grade, I give it a C-

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best "Out of the Box"
Review: After waiting these several years for KOTOR, I was relieved to find it was definitely worth the wait. So many RPGs for PC are LOADED with bugs, and I was expecting the same from KOTOR. Much to my surprise, the game was almost completely bug free! I only had a few problems with sound on the leviathon, but other than that, I noticed few if any bugs in this game. The story line moves smoothly from one quest to the next, and you don't have to try to figure out what to do next to get the story moving. My only disappointment with the game is that it is a fairly short game. I was able to complete the game in a few days of constant game play (appx 15 hours). I have since played through twice, but will probably not play again for some time. (Replayability is somewhat limited, as the story line does not change much, even if you choose the dark path) If you are looking for a great 3D game with few bugs, and really cool combat buy this game!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Despite Some Flaws, Remains Strong
Review: Knights of the Old Republic has a strong pedigree- Star Wars combined with BioWare, one of the best RPG makers of all time. Considering the success of previous BioWare games (Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate) it couldn't be that bad, and it largely isn't.

Let's start with the good things:

The graphics are amazing, and the areas all well done and extremely detailed. Some of these places have only been seen or mentioned in the expanded universe, but it's clear the developers did their homework when laying them out. Force effects, weapon graphics, and combat movements are all well done. You really feel like you're a participant in the Star Wars universe.

Though the rules are based off the D20 system Star Wars game, they have been altered for real-time play. As with BioWare's other work, this conversion was generally well done, and the accompanying game interface is quite intuitive (if you're wondering, it's something similar to 'drive mode' in Neverwinter, with an added mouse cursor). Combat looks real time, even though it's turn-based under the hood.

Characters and interaction are very well done- all dialogue is spoken, and the voice acting is superb. There's a ton of side quests to take on, and you have both light and dark-side choices when dealing with people and situations. This is the sort of flexibility many previous D20 computer games lacked. Your companions (up to two at a time from nine potential allies) interact realistically and all have their own stories. Some, such as that of the sadistic HK-47, are quite amusing.

Added touches, such as mini-games Pazaak and Swoop racing, are generally good. Most of the puzzles you encounter are quite fun, and the game music is both original and well done (for the first time in a SW game?). You have a sense of freedom in that many of the quest objectives can be done in whatever order you see fit. Many items you find (including all lightsabers) are upgradeable with special parts. There's also a ton of items and equipment to find and use, much of which have unique avatar appearances.

The story is killer. If you're wondering, I'm a hardcore Star Wars fan that has read most of the books and seen all the movies multiple times. I won't say more since I don't want to spoil it, but the story is better than both of the new movies and many of the books. Seriously.

That said, there are some issues with the game:

Though it has great graphics, the game doesn't run very smoothly. My system greatly exceeds the recommended requirements, and it's still choppy at 1024x768. This is especially the case in combat involving numerous enemies.

In the adaptation from the pen and paper game, the developers decided to nerf ranged weapons big time. Even the most powerful upgradeable ranged weapons do less damage than relatively mundane melee arms. In fact, there's no good reason to gear your character(s) toward ranged weapons instead of melee. This is a bit weird in a setting as futuristic as Star Wars.

Though you have some degree of freedom, it's not unlimited- you'll often be stopped by invisible walls when traveling in what looks to be perfectly passable terrain. Though most of the game areas look huge (e.g. the city of Manaan looks like a floating Los Angeles) you actually can't explore most of it. You're also barred from doing quest steps out of order by locked doors, force fields, and other such gimmicks.

There's surprisingly few options in character generation and general character/party customization. You can only be a human, and choose from 3 classes- Soldier, Scoundrel, or Scout. The appearances are surprisingly limited for a BioWare game, and there's only one voice per gender. This doesn't matter much, since your main character rarely speaks- others do all the talking. Your main character is the only one that can multiclass, and in fact MUST do so- and it will be to one of the three Jedi classes- Guardian, Consular, or Sentinel.

The game is very heavily combat oriented, and some of the puzzles are clearly just there to slow you down (thankfully, these are quite rare). There are some quests or choices obviously geared for the less combat-capable classes (i.e. scoundrels and consulars) but when it comes down to it, you really have to be able to dish it out. Fortunately, your allies can help you with this for most of the game if you aren't that type.

There are very serious technical issues with the game. It crashes frequently and freezes even more often. I won't harp on this because it can be fixed in patches (of which there is already one out) but I know game doesn't even run with many system configurations. It's advisable you do some research on this or wait for patches before buying.

When it comes down to it, Knights is one heck of an RPG. At this point it is the only Star Wars computer RPG other than the flawed Galaxies MMORPG, which makes it doubly appealing to fans of the series. Due to its excellent plot and believable game world, this is a sure-fire pick for any Star Wars fan.

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