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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: five stars or more
Review: This game is a mix of the Galaxies way of living a life in the shoes of a person in that time and the jedi knight way of become a jedi and hack people up (no offensae to the imortal jk2 and jk3 because they are phenomenal games to) I bought it from amazon and immedeatly fell in love. It is simpley the best STAR WARS game ever created! (that you don't have to pay monthly fees on)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I need help!
Review: Two words: I'm addicted. No seriously. Completely addicted; like, marital doschord addicted. I think my wife cried herself to sleep last night, she's so lonely. I wouldn't know, I was killing Sith and a couple of tarantateks. Seriously!

KOTOR's gameplay is pretty perfect, the controls are simple, and the plotline is massive, but still elegant and straight-forward (you don't have to remember 15 names or master any "lore" to understand what's happening). The missions are only occasionally boring, but what RPG doesn't have the occasional boring mission? Baldur's Gate 2 anyone? Oh, how about Star Wars Galaxies: that whole game is a boring mission! This game ranks up there with the best PC-RPGs ever.

And if you regret that the "computer" does all the "action" for you, then you must not be aware that you are playing an RPG and not a shooter! Twitchers who need 80 FPS fragging in a tower with 30 other armed to the teeth super-soldiers need not apply!

But if you want gripping story, investment in characters and their abilities, sweet graphics (I love pausing in the midst of the action and whirling around 360-degrees "Matrix" style, every spark stone and blaster shot hanging in 3-D air!), simple gameplay, cunning enemies and brain-bending challenge, this game is calling you like a siren! Just don't linger too long, or your wife might leave you! :-)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun
Review: This is the Star Wars RPG everyone has been looking for. However, if you're a fan of Diablo II or Dungeon Siege combat, you may be disappointed at KOTR's combat. Diablo's combat consists of constantly clicking your mouse for each attack. Dugeon Siege makes your heroes attack on their own. In both cases, the combat is fast and looks good. KOTR's is basically like a turn-based attack. Your hero swings a sword, the opponent swings back, your hero swings again, so on and so forth. Kind of boring compared to the other games. However, the story is involved, the graphics are fantastic, and you can really get into the game. There are times you can have more than two party members and they actually seem to do better in combat than your own hero.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game Ever: Brings Fun Back To The Star Wars Title
Review: i dont even have to say anything about this game. just go out and buy it. that is what any reviewer should say. its that good. if u dont like it, u should just stop playing video games forever because u have no taste. one the longest games i have ever played. thats it! go out and buy it now! u know u would rather spend that 50 bucks buying this than paying that electric bill! GO!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: k- why was my last review not posted???
Review: This game is more fun as you progress into it. A bit slow at first and some of the "Upworlders" of Taris are pretty lame but thier supposed to be, their Upworlders. The party members are emotional recks and this is more like an afterschool special than a serious game (in that reguard). But if you just ignore your silly compainions and get on with your life it is a very intriguing story. Most of the NPC's are alright the key character NPS's are great and the acting of these key people is superb especially the Jedi Counsil, fantastic!
Character developement is also intriging. Not only do you pick a class at the start, but you pick an elite(jedi) class later on. Try not to auto level-up though, your missing the point of RPG's if you do. Some class combinations very much reflect the 3E forgotten Realms versions. For instance a Soldier/Sentinal is like a paladin. But the skills system are much like System Shock and so you can do a lot, and have a lot of diversity with character developement, not just thieving and disarming traps like fantasy games are so limited to. Great combos are a Scout/Sentinal with dual wielding mastery, Soldier/Sentinal with saber specialisation(and heavy artillery early on), or a scowndrel/guardian with a bit of strength(12-14) for saber use. Han Solo can fight hand-to-hand you know(see Endor). Always compliment your starting class with a counter-class(aka mental disiplins or healing to a strait fighter, thieving and fighting((saberwise)) ect.)
In the plot thier are a lot of times where it "clones" little things that happened in the movies like "The droid with the bad motivator unit" on Taris, or The Ebon Hawk resembling the Falcon so well. Your Jedi girlfriend says "mind if I get out'n push?!" and has a Princess Leia hauty attitude and so on.
The graphics are superb except for ATI's choppiness, and a system crash while running above 1024x768(and I have the 9800XT top of the line!) The environments have a very Classic Star Wars Original Trilogy feel that I like very much and the sound is great very spooky in the Undercity at night and so on.
I played this game for ten hours strait from ten to eight in the morning. It is great. Don't forget your day job(if you have one).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nearly Perfect Offline RPG
Review: SW:KOTOR is, simply put, one of the finest computer games ever made. Graphics, story, gameplay, length, fun factor ... it suspasses expectations in all areas and frankly sets a higher bar for the RPG genre going forward.

You may notice some reviews here comparing the game unfavorably to the Jedi Academy series of games. In my opinion, these reviews result from a failure to appreciate the difference between a role-playing game and an action/adventure game. The Jedi Academy series is a fine series of action/adventure game ... you are not playing a role, you control minute character actions yourself and there is a ton of fighting and action. KOTOR is a role-playing game ... you play a character that you create as a part of a larger, interactive story (here it's more like an interactive movie, really), the success or failure of your actions does not depend on how many keyboard combinations you have trained your fingers to complete, but simply on your skill level and tactical position when you attempt the action. KOTOR is a very faithful rendering of Wizard of the Coast's pen and paper SW role playing game based on the same D20 system that underlies Dungeons & Dragons, and which underlies other games like Neverwinter Nights. Take my word for it, if you like role playing games, you will absolutley love, love, this title.

Such wondrous attention to detail in everything from the score to the graphics to the character conversations (again, setting a new standard in this area), this game is an instant classic, clearly one of the top 2-3 titles ever made for the PC. If you like RPGs, run, don't walk, run and pick up this title! It will be some of the most fun 80 hours or so you have ever had!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Rebirth of a Star Wars Fan!
Review: This Game Single Handedly Brought my interest back to the franchise. In a way that nothing has since the Wonderful Timothy Zahn Books of the early 90's.
Thia Game has great depth in Story, Character, And Gameplay. And the best plot twist in a game I have EVER seen! A twist IMHO worthy of the CLASSIC Star Wars Trilogy. I Cannot recomend this game more Highly!
And I PRAY Bioware & Lucas Arts Gives us a Sequal!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 3E is a must for every game
Review: First of all, this game is not about clicking your mouse button rapidly and whacking guys with your lightsaber it is a bit smarter. If you don't know the D&D 3e then don't bother playing it, you won't fully appreciate how fun it is and you won't get in to your character's full potential. Secondly the abilities to master in this game are Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom. It is about being a Jedi and these skills are the most usefull for a jedi. Strength(for effective Lightsaber use) Dex(for physical Jedi moves) and Wis(for force powers). You cannot be a good jedi by developing your Charisma or intelligence because having something witty to say don't mean squat to gangs and other misfits. Feats. Feats are the most important aspect. Become focused in both melee and small guns(a bit of dual wielding won't hurt either)no matter what class you pick. Persuade is next to useless(in my experience) because you can usualy get other non-skilled dialogue choices and get the same results. It does help you buy stuff(except on Taris). Being a scoundrel will not give you much jedi potential and it is mostly useless(even the dark-side). I found that a Scout with all Scout talent + a bit of strenght - 1 lick of charm and intel, a few mechanical skills(gotta repair that droid/ship you know) and a few wheapon feats is the best class.
Space travel is all too easy. In fact if your looking for a space-sim/adventure hybrid you won't find it here(you won't find it anywhere in fact.) You can't go back to the planet you just left. Ever. It is NOT like Morrowind at all because of this. Also you forfiet all of our equipment(you paid for with hard earned cash!) I guess spaceships of 4000 years before Impire(BI) didn't have storage decks. ;}
The storyline is much better than most Forgotten Realms games and it is Sci-fi which is a new twist. The graphics are great on an ATI(with a patch). (...) I hate the whiny whaley generation Y-type "woo as me I can't find a dance partner" characters in this game. Games should not just be TV shows, they are better than that!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Game of the Year! no joke, it really is
Review: well, that should explain how good it is. It is Game of the Year for 2003 and it should be. Good story, and total customization. Only took me 20 hours to beat but it was a great investment, the replay value is actually great too.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Review: This game would easily be my "RPG of the Year" but for the enormous problems with bugs. These problems still go largely unaddressed by Bioware.

I suppose that every PC game has its share of bugs and compatibility problems, but Bioware's answer to this has been two-fold: 1)Limit their "Supported card list" to exactly two video cards (NVIDIA and ATI, and ONLY CERTAIN CHIPSETS OF THOSE CARDS)and then 2) If your particular video card doesn't have one of the small number of enumerated chipsets, they will wash their hands of you for tech support.

The biggest bug with the game, and the one that caused the most problems for me was the inability to reliably load save games. In a game that takes upwards of 50 hours of game time to complete, this is a bit of a problem to say the least. Three and a half months after release and two patches later I still cannot reliably load save games.

Now, if you have no problems with the game, this really is a very good game. The graphics and gameplay are superb and engaging, but the game is a crapshoot as to whether it will work at all. Review the specs carefully, and make sure you don't just meet, but vastly exceed them.

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