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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Star Wars game ever.
Review: I'll admit. I hate star wars games for the most part. Although Jedi Outkast and Jedi Academy were pretty cool, this game just blows it off the face of the earth. Everything about this game makes it awesome. The fact you can determine the outcome of the game is just straight genius. The lightside took me exactly 30 hours to beat, while the dark side only took me 16 hours, in total, I spent 46 hours in this game. I learned alot more doing the dark-side. Just the overall game, like how to work the battle system better, how to use certain force powers better - and what the feats and so forth do. The Dark Side was alot more fun. I wont spoil any of it, but theres nothing cooler then being able to actually kill some of your allies ;)

Anyways - not much to say except for awesome. If you like a game with substance, good storyline, and above average graphics - this has all of that plus more. One thing to note is this IS A PROGRESSIVE game. You have to spend time on it to have your character become better. If your like my brother, and want all the force powers and a lightsabre on the very first level, and be all mighty and powerful and just wanna kill stuff - this is not the game. Look elsewhere if you want that type of mindless crap.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: ok, lets just get this strait. This game looks REALLY cool. I got all exited about it. But then when i took the 15 min. to download it, and i started it up and everything, my 2 year old computer didn't have the right video card! Only 2 years old!!! I was so ticked off. So just make sure your computer has this state of the art, $299 video card.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Well Okay
Review: I was pretty disapointed with this game because of it's terriible action mode. You don't just get to hit enter or somthing to fire a blaster. There's a whole thing to go through just to shoot once. I wouldn't recomend this game to gamers that are into shooting. It's more of a role playing game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unconditional Thumbs Up !!
Review: Trust me on this, I am an extremely picky gamer. I have countless game CDs collecting dust on my shelf, because I just don't take a liking to games that easily. Once I find a good one, I hang on for dear life.

KOTOR is one of those games. KOTOR blew me away. It is the best game I can remember playing in ages, and I mean that. The game is extremely well designed and has elements of genius in it.

Combat System: You can play it turn-by-turn like a classic RPG, just by using the pause button and qeueing up commands and analyzing dice rolls, OR you can just forget the dice rolls and numbers, and just let it rip and issue commands on the fly real-time. It gives you the feeling of TOTAL control over the battles, and never leaves you bored. Of course, don't expect Mortal Kombat-style kicks/punches/etc, it's not that kind of game.

Storyline: It's very, but not totally, interactive. You can highly influence the storyline at times by your choice of responses. For example, because I was evil, I accidentally ended up killing a jedi who I later found out could have been one of my party members, had I let her live. I got lots of Dark Side points, but later, I regretted not having another jedi in my party. And of course, you have 2 different endings: Light Side and Dark Side, all driven by your choice of responses. Now THAT is cool. Of course, other times, I noticed, no matter how I responded, I always got the same/similar replies and outcomes. But Bioware still did a great job widening the possibilities. After all, the story does have to progress in a roughly linear fashion.

Character Development: I really love the Diablo 2-type character development in this game. You have attributes, feats and force powers. So so many choices to make. Which force trees should you develop? Which feat trees are most important? I played the game twice, and each time realized ways to improve my characters for the next time through. Now that makes for a DEEP and highly REPLAYABLE game. You can play as a man or woman, evil or good, all of which lead to 4 distinctly different game experiences. For example, different non-player characters will come on to you, depending on your gender.

Challenge: Now, I played most of the game on Difficult setting. I still had little trouble with the enemies, that is until reaching the end, when waves of Dark Jedi would choke me, whirlwind me, and cryoban nade me. So then I would end up watching them hack away at my helpless jedi and get frustrated (I should have gotten Force Immunity...note for next time...). On normal setting though, I had little difficulty finishing the game. 38.5 hours or so to do it, and that's doing all the side quests too. However, keep in mind, I did lots of research on the Internet, so I had some idea how to develop my jedi prior to the big battle. Most people say the game is a bit too easy, I thought it was just right. Besides, I loved watching hordes of enemies being blown away and stunned by my Force Wave, over and over again, til dead.

Graphics / Sound: No problems here. The game crashed on me about 2 times, not sure why. At one point, the music got stuck on a 3-second clip, playing over and over again, so I had to quit and restart. Minor bugs aside, the graphics and sound were great! Not the best I have seen, but definitely above average. This ain't the strongest aspect of KOTOR, I think that would be the storyline/game mechanics. But the graphics / sound are no letdown either. Caution: make sure you have a top-end gaming machine. I have heard some complaints voiced, specifically about the ATI Radeon 9600 cards. I have a 3.2 gig P4 / 1 gig DDR RAM / ATI Radeon 9800XT / Creative Audigy 2 ZS --- so I obviously had no problems whatsoever (other than above minor bugs). For me, the graphics were fluid and I never experienced slow framerates.

OVERALL: 10 / 10 across the board (but 8 / 10 for graphics). This game is a real achievement. It's an instant classic that is destined to be remembered as a watershed in RPG gaming history.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: KOTOR
Review: Just started playing this game and I love it! mostly play games like Syphon Filters, Max Payne, Medal Of Honor series and such. Got a couple of hours into this and love all the side missions and even went into arena combats. RPGs are not my usual game, but this has a different experience than RPGs would give me. So this game is good for a first time RPG player. I did die a couple times and don't know how common this is. I messed up taking the strength drugs with the combat effects, such that I started fighting took a lot of hits, then the action to add the drug started. Which was too late. Hint: sell computer spikes to get more cash to buy medkits. 2 spikes is worth 5 kits!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Let down like whoa
Review: Commercials, add campaigns, and hype led me to believe that I was buying the greatest game ever created. Something that would keep me busy for hours, intrigue me with a compelling plot and wow me with ultra-cool gameplay. Nope.
This is just an overly decorated point-and click mouse adventure. (Do you want to open/blast/lock the door?) Maybe if you are REALLY into Star Wars, you will like this, but, basically, for a person just looking for some fun, you won't find it here.
Lucasarts comes out with some great titles, like the Jedi Knight games and Indiana Jones, but it also comes out with a bunch of crappy ones, this game included.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Game!
Review: I'm going to start off this review by saying that this game is NOT for everybody. If you're not a big fan of RPG's, then stay away from this game.

One of the big draws of this game is the deepness. There is tons of stuff to do. However, I found a lot of the sidequests to feel somewhat repetitive.

I'm also going to say this now, before I forget. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MACHINE CAPABLE OF RUNNING THIS GAME!!!! Too many times my friend's have complained of not being to run this game. Why? They had old graphics cards, slow processors, not enough RAM etc. So make sure you compare the system requirements. Even after that, there seems to be a lot of people that have top of the line machines, and are still encountering problems.

Anyway, the character creation system is very deep, yet suprisingly simple. You can make a multitude of character builds, all of which fun to play.

The only things I can think of that would make this game better, would be better camera angles, and the ability the more easily control your teammates. Switching back and forth can get clumsy and confusing at times, especially amidst a battle.

Other than these few faults, this is a very enjoyable game, from start to finish.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Problems with this game:
Review: I recently finished this game (PC version).

It was great at first, and you could really tell that they put a lot of effort into level design on Tarris and Manaan--tatooine wasn't so bad, but not great. but the Korriban, Dantoine and the Wookie home world were below average, very linear as if they were rushed to finish the game.

Another problem was that the game was dumbed down due to its Xbox co-development, so that combat was pretty hack and slash, well below the tactical brilliance of Temple of Elemental Evil.

I feel, based on the company's other products exclusively for the PC, that this was a result of making it fit the Xbox, or perhaps the Xbox crowd, who knows.

Finally, this game was aimed towards a Teen audience, so there was no sex, cursing, blood, all of which add much flavor to an RPG game.

Admittedly, I set the bar pretty high so take this review with a grain of salt. However, those looking for mature, non-linear RPG play might wait for the bargain bin version of this game a few months down the road and save their money for Troika's Vampire: Bloodlines, coming June 2004, which looks like much more satisfying faire.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: addictive as hell
Review: You don't really need my opinion for how amazing this game is, all you have to know is that BioWare made it and that should be enough for anyone to buy it. With great games under thier belt like, "Baldur's Gate" and "Neverwinter Nights" You should know that anything and everything that they come up with is instant gold. KOTOR is no exception. This game delivers on every possible aspect. Visually amazig, Gameplay is nonstop fun, Storyline is full of unexpected twists and turs that keeps you enthralled with what will happen next, they even have thier own original Star Wars-esque score which is impecable, especially considering most other Star Wars games just take from music from the movies without adding thier own originality. Tis game does that. I don't even have to mention to you how outragiuosly fun the jedi powers are to use, either dark side or the light.
Buy This Game ASAP. Don't just pirate it from a friend, its so good, the publishers deserve every penny that they can get out of it, for this game is worth every penny and then some.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: If you intend running this on a laptop I suggest you first contact BioWare to make sure it will run. I've been looking forward to this for months. Its just arrived. I have just finished loading the bloody thing on my laptop and it DOES NOT WORK. Thankyou very much BioWare and LucasArts. Not only have you stolen my money but you bums have just totally ruined my Christmas as well. Now I'm gonna be bored to death over Christmas and will instead have to sit with my family watching hour after hour of mind vegetating Christmas TV. I wouldn't mind but I have a 2Ghz processor, more than enough memory and disk space and the latest goddamn ATI graphics card. And still the piece of crap wont run. First I get the LucasArts intro, then I get the BioWare intro, then the friggin thing just siezes up. A blue arrow appears on a totally black screen and I can hear a split second of audio constantly repeating over and over again. I cant even kill the bloody thing. I have to literally switch the damn machine off and then reboot. I have lowered the graphics resolution to 600x400 with low texture - AND STILL THE PIECE OF CRAP WONT RUN. Screw you BioWare. Thanks for nothing.

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