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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: All You need to know about the game
Review: This is easily the best game I have ever played, and I'm not even a fan of rpg's. Here is a list of the ratings i would give for all of different aspects of the game.

The music has the great starwars touch to it yet has a soundtrack even better than the movies. One or two themes sound familiar to the movies yet it's really good music all in all that goes perfectly with the mood of the game.

This really does deserve a perfect score for graphics. They are amazing and better than most games out there. The great thing is when the game cuts to cinematic shorts the graphics are as good as during game play, because there is very little room for improvement. The only draw back about the outstanding graphics is that you know it's going to take up a lot of space. And this game shure does take up a hell of a lot of space.

The game begins incredibly similar to the first star wars but as you work your way through the game the storyline becomes more and more interesting and independent. There are also exellent twists and sudden surprises throughout the game. The story line here is much better than movies now-a-days.

Great game play. The range of what you can do and say is amazing. During the dialogues you feel like you're right there at the conversation, and you are actually compelled to do the morally right thing in fear of hurting others. If you tell somebody to give you money, ussually your party members will tell you to take that back or cover up for you. You also have different selections of what you want to say whether you're more to the light side or dark side. The missions you have to perform are ussually interesting and compelling. There are one or two which are very repetative. The only advice is to save a lot. Difficulty wise, the game isn't too easy, yet it's not really hard.It's a game where you get through the tasks at hand and then think to yourself, now how was I able to do that.

Replay Value-10/10
After beating the game you want more, you wonder what would happen in that situation if I was a girl, or I wonder what would of happened if I was a dark jedi. There are so many things to be re-explored that you'll want to play over and over again.

The game isn't short (it takes about 50 hours if you complete every quest) it's just so amazingly addictive that you're done with the game in a matter of weeks.The game length is just perfect though, it doesn't feel too long yet not too short. The only thing that annoys me is when you end the game you can't go around the universe with the skill you get by going through the final quest. After beating the game you can only go back to the last time you saved.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Looks Promising, WARNING:Only a Preview
Review: This is only a preview. It looks like a promising role playing game with great graphics. Supposed to come out for Xbox and PC in June of 2003. "Engage in this saga set in the Golden Age of the Republic-over 4,000 years before the first Star Wars film, when both Jedi and Sith (bad Jedi) number in the thousands. With the Galaxy reeling from a recent conflict with the Dark Lord, the ongoing battle between the Jedi and the Sith rages on. Your actions determine the outcome of this colossal galactic war-and your destiny as a Jedi. Immersive, action packed Star Wars role playing experience with customizable and evolving playable characters. Your group, comprised of up to three characters, can include humans, droids, Wookiees and more. Fast paced mini-games--such as racing swoop bikes, or manning turret guns. Journey spans ten different worlds ranging from the familiar and the new." The screenshots look great, ranging from blaster battles to lightsaber battles. The lightsaber battles look awesome. Some inlcude two people each with one saber, others include three to four people with double-sided sabers and two sabers each. Looks promising and good, but you never know.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hours of entertainment!!
Review: I'm a girl gamer and am not a big fan anymore of the Star Wars series of movies or books. But, what can I say? I LOVED Starwars: Knights of the Old Republic game. The graphics were beautiful, the plotline awesome, and the character models simply amazing. There are dozens of ethnic models to chose from, and you get to play as either a male character or a female character. Both genders have several unique subplots, including a small but sweet romance. (Oooh, gotta love that Carth).

My only peeve? The turret game! I might've been able to ace this one on the console, but it was super hard on my laptop trackpad. Since the game is mandatory and not 'skippable' I washed out several times before I hooked up an external mouse and learned that you need to aim your 'cannons' in FRONT of the ships you're trying to shoot. This allows for a greater margin of error. Still, I did find this a minor annoyance in an otherwise BEAUTIFUL game.

What a fun and entertaining game! Oh, and shall I mention the landscape of the "Forgotten World" was one of the most beautiful digitized landscapes I've ever seen in a video game? Really cool!

5 STARS for hours of enjoyment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hours of entertainment!!
Review: I'm a girl gamer and although I am not a big fan of Star Wars, I LOVED Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game. The graphics were beautiful, the plotline awesome, and the character models simply amazing. There are dozens of ethnic models to chose from, and you get to play as either a male character or a female character. Both genders have several unique subplots, including a small but sweet romance. (Oooh, gotta love that Carth).

My only peeve? The turret game! I might've been able to ace this one on the console, but it was super hard on my laptop trackpad. Since the game is mandatory and not 'skippable' I washed out several times before I hooked up an external mouse and learned that you need to aim your 'cannons' in FRONT of the ships you're trying to shoot. This allows for a greater margin of error. Still, I did find this a minor annoyance in an otherwise BEAUTIFUL game.

What a fun and entertaining game! Oh, and shall I mention the landscape of the "Forgotten World" was one of the most beautiful digitized landscapes I've ever seen in a video game? Really cool!

5 STARS for hours of enjoyment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Game is More Enjoyable Than Episodes 1 and 2
Review: I had more fun playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic than I did watching the first two recent prequels at the theater. The story was more compelling and better yet, I had a chance to decide my Jedi's path. Simply put, this game is one of the best role-playing games for the PC in years. Now the game does use Dungeons and Dragons rules and it's not an action-based game. In other words, you will assign your character and his henchmen duties that they must perform in combat and watch the results (which are determined or prerolled by the computer) played out in front of you. It works similar to the popular D&D gaming series Baldur's Gate only with a more cinematic engine. (It's also made by the same people.) Also, don't expect to meet Luke Skywalker anytime soon as the events in this game take place at least a thousand years before the classic trilogy. Don't let that sway you from buying the game though because it has a fantastic story with its own classic heroes and villains. Blasters, Dark Jedis, classic planets such as Tatooine and plenty of fixtures from the Star Wars universe are in the game. Plus, the story has a nice twist that will knock your socks off! A fun game for any RPG fan. If you don't enjoy the RPG genre or only prefer quick games with little reading, don't pick it up, you probably won't enjoy it, but everyone else should give it a try. If I had to make a list of the top five games for the PC in 2003, this game would be on it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just the best game Ever
Review: This is by far the best SW game ever. I has an intriging story with awesome graphics and music. Great game with lots of surprises. What's so great about this game is that you have total control of what happens in the game. The story line totally depends on what you do and how you handle situations presented to you. You can play this game over and over and will never be the same. This game changes its story depending on the player that you choose in the beginning of the game: male, female, etc. This game is a must not only to any SW fanatic, but to any gamer. Just the best game I've played.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best RPG since Baldurs Gate 2
Review: You don't have to be a Star Wars fan to appreciate what a great RPG this is, but it can't hurt. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is the best RPG that I have played at least since Baldurs Gate 2, and it is the best Star Wars experience since the first trilogy. There is just so much to see, and so much to experience. Then, when you are finished, you can go back and do it all over again as an evil character instead of a good one.

On a high end video card, the game is beautiful to look at. The level of detail in the graphics is astonishing. The on-screen appearance of your character and your companions changes depending upon what you equip them with, and your physical appearance actually changes depending upon how good or evil you behave. The environments are immersive and realistic, and also varied. You fight on grass-covered plains, beautiful beaches, desert, and even a bit underwater. The grass and the trees sway in the breeze and sand kicks up when you run across the beach. Combat is equally impressive to watch. Lightsaber battles are reminiscent of the big one at the end of "The Phantom Menace". You watch characters thrust, parry, feint, kick, and slice with their lightsabers. And then there's the force powers - oh the force powers. They are fun to use, and dazzling to look at.

Every NPC line in the game is voice-acted. Every single last one. And it's all high-quality material. I can't state how great this part is. It's like getting to play through a 40-hour epic movie. Some dialog trees are huge and go on for minutes at a time. Your NPC companions are fun to click on just to see if they have anything interesting to say, and they usually do. They are deeply developed, unique, and have interesting stories to tell. One of them, a homicidal droid, provides a lot of comic relief. Another is brutal mercenary who tells interesting war stories. Chances are, you will want to take different party members with you on different quests just to see what they have to say. Lots of NPC's have their own side plots, which are woven into the game.

The storyline itself is not that great, but it's the way that the story is told that is so great. The themes of Good vs. Evil and Light vs. Dark are shown to you over and over again. These concepts are not explained to you. Instead, you experience them for yourself. You get to witness or perform good deeds, as well as atrocities. If you are playing a good character, then by the end of the game you will have developed genuine feelings of distaste for The Sith and their Dark Lord, Malak. If you are playing as an evil character, than you will have an opportunity to commit some truly heinous acts against helpless civilians, or your friends. All of this gives you a true sense of role-playing that is unparalleled since Planescape: Torment.

The role-playing system isn't as robust as D&D, but there is still a lot to it. There are hundreds of goodies like armor, weapons, and accessories that you can equip your character and companions with. Chances are, you'll play a certain way one time, and then want to try some different setups the next time that you play. You can change the color of your lightsaber, and change the crystals in it to upgrade its properties. You can wield just one lightsaber, a double-ended staff sabre, or one in each hand. You can also choose between brute force or finesse, but brute force seems to be an easier path. As you progress through the game, there is a true feeling of power progression. You can feel yourself changing from a lowly soldier to a godlike Jedi who at the end of the game slices through hordes of powerful enemies like a hot knife through butter. That feeling of progression is what makes great RPG's like this so addictive.

It's simple. This is the best RPG since Baldurs Gate 2 (another Bioware title). If you like Star Wars, or if you have liked any of Bioware's other role-playing games, then you must give this game a try.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best.....game....ever. ** DO NOT SPOIL W/THESE REVIEWS!**
Review: Well what can i say about this game that hasn't already been said? I first found out about this game from a friend and was surprised to here my beloved Star Wars universe had entered the realm of RPGs! So i decided to research it via the internet and amazon. I loved reciveing all of the positive and honest reviews which lead me to purchase the game (hence this review honoring the game).
However i was EXTREMELY disappointed by reading a HUGE spoiler on this site that gave away probally the biggest plot twist and of the course of the game (as i recall i tried to scroll past its spolier warning (which shouldnt even be on amazon) and it was the end of the page- ahhh my eyes!) I was in disbelief, yet pushed it to the back of my head, trying not to believe it.
Going into the game detail- this is a very high end game. I have a new pc and i had to update all of my drivers several times- and then the game ran awesomly-but be prepared to go through a lil leg work at least.

This game is awesome....im sure everyone else has gone into it in full depth so i will spare a lot of the details. This game instantly blew me away and still continues to marvel me. The graphics on pc- breathtaking, the story line- so cool, i agree this is way better than the recent Episode 1+2- George Lucas and Lucasarts please listen and follow this game as an example- the overwehlming consumer love for this product is unbelieveable-this is what i picture and think of Star Wars like. The open ended ability to choose your 'fate or destiny' was original, yet i was skeptical until i popped the cd in the drive, in which you constantly choose your future, your partys outcome and wether you are falling from or maintaing the jedi order. Oh and do not worry about the D&D battle system, i haden played RPGs in a while, i was easily able to get in this game, and be fully in command of combat in probally less than 45 min (hence you do not have to read the manual or worry about 20 sided die unless you wanna : P)
This game, i can not express how wonderful i felt playing it. My only complaint is that its too short. Please check this game out, it will not let you down.
But alas, today i recieved my issue of EGM; with the cover story of KOTOR 2!!! Oh i think im gonna and finish the dark side of the story now (this review is after finishing the light side)...and wait for Feb '05 for Knights of the Old Rpublic: The Sith Lords!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent adventure!
Review: First let me say that this is the first RPG I've ever really played. The fact that I've never liked these kind of games before but thoroughly enjoyed SW:KotOR should tell you something.

I had no technical issues with the game. I run it at 1280X960 res just fine and only had one crash throughout. The graphics are top notch and some of the worlds are quite amazing. Little things like blowing grass, etc really help with the 'you are there' effect.

The voice acting is all great to superb. The alien voices are also well done. At times you very much feel like are you in your own Star Wars movie.

While the game is excellent overall let me also say there are a few nits to pick. First is the 'go into cave/tunnel and kill beastie' syndrome. This gets a bit tiresome after awhile. The puzzles I found to be much harder than I had patience for but you can find all the solutions for them online so these won't really be an issue. Do other folks actually like having these in their games? They remind me of the silly 'maze' levels of first-person shooters that seem to be there just to annoy the gamer and remove the suspension of disbelief instead of enhancing it. Another quibble is that combat wraps around you and your band of three. This is fine in theory but the bad thing is that there is no real maneuver involved in any of the fights. It is more an act in picking the right weapon actions and counter actions than anything else. I realize RPGs are not combat simulators so this is not a huge issue but the short (30m is the max I think) ranges of the weapons and combat is a bit silly and the need for some tactical thought would have been nice. The turn-based aspect to the combat is certainly preferable over the first-person shooter variety here. One final complaint is the story line itself. It is interesting but not exactly original. Too bad the writers could not have come up with something a bit more unique, but then again, perhaps it is what most folks want.

Overall these are minor points and if you are a RPG fan or, especially, a Star Wars fan you will be very delighted with Knights of the Old Republic. Expect easily 40+ hours of game play for your first run through. I suspect you could easily play the game a second time to pick out quests you missed/passed and playing the 'other side' of the Force.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I hate Star Wars ... but I loved this game
Review: I picked this game up on the advice of Star Wars-loving friends who assured me that I too would adore this game. I don't like FPS games; I'm more a D&D RPG sort of person. Also, although the movies aren't bad, Star Wars games until now have been uniformly lame. So I was dubious, but they were right.
First, the storyline is great. Although it starts out very linear, you soon have a multitude of potential quests. You pick up several NPCs and they have quests and personalities as well. You have the option to play an evil Jedi and thus be able to use dark powers more easily. Your choices for good or evil actually affect the storyline.
Second, the game play allows some time for deliberation. Although the fights are real time, you can plan your moves two or three in advance. This allowed for fast game play without requiring that I master any particular arcane set of controls.
Finally, there are so many different quests to do and skills to acquire that you can actually play the game through twice without getting too bored. Since there aren't enough good RPGs out there to satisfy my appetite, I appreciate the chance to squeeze as much enjoyment as possible from the good ones. If you like RPGs and don't have this game yet, I would definitely advise you to get it.

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