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World of WarCraft

World of WarCraft

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game!!!!
Review: World of Warcraft is easily one of the best computer games I have ever played. The sheer scope of the game is incredible. People feel that once you get out the first few lvls the game gets repetitive. This is true for someone with a short attention span. From level 12-20 you could hang out in the region called The Barrens if you play as the Horde. Even though you are only in one area, the area you are in is very diverse and allows for different adventures.

The best part of the game is the PVP servers. In these servers you take the side of one of two factions. The Horde or the Alliance. Each side is composed of 4 races. These two sides rage wars against the opposing towns and fight battles. Sure, you might be John in middle management or Zach in high school. However, in World of Warcraft, you serve as a warrior for one of the sides. At the begininng of the game you might not feel as if one side is better then the other, but within a few days you will feel that the Night Elf race needs to be exterminated, or that the vile Orcs need to meet their makers.

The only advice that I would give to people is that, do not feel that you have to be one person and reach 60 as fast as you can. The best part of the game is that you can be every race and every class.

With the high end content, once you hit 60 sure the game might slow down. This is only because there is no force driving you to get the next level, but the game still has plenty to offer. With nearly all of the instance dungeons being for high levels and moost raids on opposing consisit of high levels.

The only bad part of the game is that some of the players can be childish. Ignore them! For every one of the chidlish people there are two people out there that you meet and can really connect with.

My guy is Therason LvL 31 Troll rogue on the server Eredar

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game, horrible service
Review: World of Warcraft is one of the best MMORPGs I have ever played. The game is incredibly addictive, great fun, and has pretty much everything going for it, content-wise.

So why the bad review? Because their level of customer service is abhorrent. Unacceptable amounts of downtime, and forum moderators that respond with more or less stock responses to issues, and take absolutely no steps to accurately inform players of what's really going on. The high population servers are laggy, constantly crashing, and despite many supposed "fixes" the problem persists, and has persisted since the game was released.

To sum up, World of Warcraft is a great game, if you don't mind constantly being unable to play it.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: World of warcraft will put less influence on developing your own flourshing city/army, and more integrity on a single character,sub-class of your choice.
You can be a

Warrior, Warlock, Hunter, Rogue,
Priest, Mage, Paladin, or Shaman;

Shaman/Priest=good magic/decent fighter
Rogue/Hunter=good fighter/decent magic
Mage/Warlock=excellent magic/weak fighter
Paladin=good fighter/decent magic
Warrior=excellent fighter/no magic power
Something that Blizzard has managed to do was work in minor/about 3 step combo attacks and defense stances. It's to bad that they don't let you choice no characters to play like all the different kinds of creeps. Although the Murloc creeps are in this new game, it has yet to be decided if and how you can play as them. Blizzard beta developers have had numerous talks in the month of early March about how to add them in the game how to play as them. They would definately be a SUPERIOR race to all who they oppose!?! CAN U SAY ME TYE DE! WAULKER?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: My opinion, the publics opinion, the truth about wow
Review: Yes I know what your saying "What is he talking about" well gents *and ladies if you really do play this* I am talking about the best MMORPG ever. This is my opinion and when I say "best" I don't mean it's perfect because it's not but it's the best I have played though. It is EXTREMLY easy to level you could, if you know what your doing get to live 30 or even 40 in a week! Yeah that's right and you can get to lv 60 by mass questing/leveling in less then a month! And lv 60 IS THE ROCK BOTTEM FOLKS! that is a turn off and that's why I do something that all you mass level fans mite want to try called HAVE FUN, witch Wow (World of Warcraft) is full of if applied right kind of like mathematics. The world, of warcraft that is, is filled with magical little knick knacks and very in depth game play witch is almost a closer third person view of the Warcraft III series. Now this game DOSE have a story line and DOSE have over a million quests *or so it seems*. The story is VERY random and really has nothing to do with Warcraft BUT WHO CARES!

It is much more then just elf's and gnomes and such it is also about the after math of the Human-Orc wars and you can tell from the war machines lingering around and the desolate almost hellish lands of the orcs. Listen if you want to get your 50$ plus your 15$ a month *yes 15 a month a bit pricey...you decide* then you got to dance to the music of the game and sometimes you will see I mean literally. The base of the game is pretty much the after math of the war, so it goes. Really, the only thing keeping this game from becoming another anarchy online *aka extinct...* is the fact that the fighting is not only a hell of a lot more detailed then the barely a threat EQ2 delivers to the giant table of these new second worlds away from our own. That's not all the graphics are what some would say "interesting", "lame", "cheesy", and/or "kool", or so it goes. The game play is amazingly fresh though others would think the same who haven't plays this title. The first 5 minutes you realize this is no ordinary "Fruit-of-the-loom" game and it has reason to have beaten the crap out of Half-Life 2 and Ever Quest 2 sales *notice all sequels also as wow is not...*.

There is more to it then this and i will wrap it up now. One of the major issues in this game is latency aka "Lag" It pretty much is self explanitory a bunch of people not on a lan in one area equals processed computor deficacy. PLZ PLZ PLZ DO NOT LET THIS NEXT PART KEEP YOUR FROM BUYING FROM AMAZON.COM *wink* JUST LEARN TO IGNORE IT WE ALL HAVE!
Of course i am talking about annoying little kids. Little age 9-12 boys to be pretty exact. You will encounter them, they will ask questions that even the nicest *and there are many :D* WoW community members will "argh" or "HAHAHAHAHHAHAAA!!!1! YOU STUPIE NUN" at. PLEASE ingore them for the time being and dont let them ruin your gameplay becasue sadly there is about 1 in 10 so about 10% *for you little kids reading :)*. Other then that I HIGHLY recemend this game to any one and everyone and lucky for you amazon is really the only place you can buy it concidering not all stores *walmart, target, kmart* are in stock or sell.
-These opinions stated by the auther is an opinion and should not be treated other wise-

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