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World of WarCraft

World of WarCraft

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW review
Review: More about race, class, world, quest, news...

World of Warcraft is a MMORPGs (massively multiplayer) who provide thousands of hours of game play, with a nearly infinite variety of goals to achieve across a vast world covering miles of land and sea. For World of Warcraft, they will also be adding new content on a regular basis, thus ensuring that there will always be new adventures, new locations, new creatures, and new items to discover.
You have to pay around 12$/month in order to play, there are specials prices if you are going to pay for many month and probably 1 or 2 will be free.
This is the best game ever made for those who love speaking with other people and kill monsters at the same time, gain levels, powers, weapons, ally, ennemies, see a wonderful 3D engine... you go very deeply in the world(witch is amazing!)
The only little problem is the price...but he can change until June.
By the way, its Blizzard guys who made Diablo(1,2) and Warcraft(1,2,3) and Starcraft.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best mmorpg ever
Review: Ok I have been playing this game since christmas every chance that I get which isn't many cause I go to a bording school. But when I go home the first thing I do is sing on and level up my character with the experience system. The longer you are away from the game the better. There is a feature in the game where your character can be rested to 200 percent and when you join the game you level faster but it eventually runs down and you become normal rested. My favorite feature in this game is the Job customization, I love being an engineer and a miner I swear it is the funniest thing when you are helping a friend fight a monster than you let losse this beautiful bomb and he/she watches the monster die in a cloud of confusion. I love !!! If you buy any games this year and you are willing to pay the 15 dollars a month than this is for you. There are only to bad things about this game. They are the lag monster, and the monthly fee. In highly populated realms and mostly cities the game slows down and it is very annoying. But you get used to it. Play late and night and you can have a lot of fun. Hope this helped on your decision.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Official Website
Review: Some of the information in these pre-reviews is either wrong our out of date. Try http://www.blizzard.com/wow for Blizzard's own description of the game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The MMORPG
Review: The hugely successful, highly addictive action-RPG bestseller Diablo II by game maker Blizzard was the "Whopper", and now the "Double Whopper" from the same game maker is coming: "World of Warcraft". How do you make something attractive and addictive even better? Easy! You make it bigger. Two fire-grilled beef patties, creamy mayonnaise, ketchup, red ripe tomatoes, crisp lettuce, onions and crunchy pickles - same as the original, only bigger. Sorry, I've been carried away by the slogans at our local Hamburger store ;)
Seriously, Blizzard games are well-known for their good looking visuals, sounds and addictive gameplay. The games's "inner values" (background story, quests, skill-system, game-balancing, Internet security (against cheats/hacks), etc) vary: Their RTS (Real-Time Strategy) hit "Starcraft", the never-ending "Map-Hack" Battle.net cheat issue aside, stands out as their best game in this regard, while their best-selling game hit Diablo II always suffered from the Battle.net cheats/hacks and the mediocre game-balancing and finish. Even after 3 years, 10 patches and lots of security updates/patches, the Diablo II Battle.net has been hacked over and over again within weeks, and game-balancing can still only be called "sufficient" at best, with many game features still being incomplete or cracked. The addictive gameplay, visuals and sounds know to play over these issues in a clever way, but they nevertheless can't inhibit the unsatisfactory feelings that will inevitably arise the longer you play the game.
"World of Warcraft", like Diablo II, will at the core be "hack & slay" for valuable items that the slain monsters can drop upon their death. The main difference to Diablo II is that the "hack & slay" now takes place in a bigger, more complex MMORPG-world. It's basically an Internet gambling game: the more monsters you kill and quests you solve, the more items drop and the better are your chances to get a superior item. The best items of the game, like in Diablo II, will be extremely rare with chances like that of a lottery win. To make this as entertaining as possible, many other things have been implemented: stunning visuals and sounds, quests, endless landscapes, trading with other players, crafting, building houses, player vs. player combat, and more.
If this is your type of thing, then this game is for you. Judging by the previews, "World of Warcraft" will probably be among the best MMORPG's this year, along with "Ultima X: Odyssey" and "EverQuest II". It is highly recommended though to wait at least 3 to 6 months with the purchase until the game has actually gone live on the servers and its worst flaws and bugs are fixed. This is even more important because you now have to pay a monthly fee to play the game, and the game can only be played on the Internet servers. A "single player" mode, like in Diablo II, doesn't exist here. Due to the immense complexity of this new MMORPG-world, there's also a good chance that a number of features and balance issues, like in Diablo II, will be left incomplete or unsolved respectively. You should be able to overlook one or the other flaw to be happy with the game. Last but not least, it should be noted that many important persons that have been responsible for the game conceptions and designs, have recently left Blizzard after some differences with the mother company. Whether or not this will have an impact on the quality of the support and content updates that the company has promised for the game, remains to be seen.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pre-Mature Release Date
Review: This game ,by far, is one of the most anticipated games EVER... I am usually a sceptic... But Blizzard has a history of releasing games with such addictive reactions that I haven't seen since the original Civilization was released... Many O Hours Unwasted on that game... I have been socking away money so that on the same week of the release of this game I can purchase the latest fastest PC and graphics card to make the experience that more intense... I am also going to upgrade to a cable modem or better... All in anticipation of this game...
However, the release date amazon pulled out of there dairy air IS NOT an official release date... So don't get excited...YET! Blizzard has yet to even release a release date and as I type the game is in Phase 1 Beta Testing So it could be a while... In fact I would rather wait longer escpecially for a mmorph because the balancing must be just right... Blizzard will release this game not when its sellable but when it's a great game... I think they have placed over half of thier resources to work on this project and I think it will pay off Huge for them...

Drooling for release (but not pre-mature release)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Game
Review: This game is going to be so cool, I suggest that everyone buy it to experience its coolness.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: World of Warcraft
Review: This game is the long awaited mmorpg(massivly multiplayer online role playing game) and is going to be the most anticipated game of the decade. It includes utterly perfect graphics, an endless world, real-time strategy, creative gameplay, and an alltogether AWSOME game that will be fun playing it hours with your friends.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: __--INCREDIBLE--__
Review: This game looks as though it will be a leader of its genre, suppossedly it will feature a highly refined combat system based on revising all the pros and cons of other mmorpg's. Sporting ^TOP^ of the line graphical elements such as an advanced weather system,( you can actually see the clouds pass over you and watch as shadow is cast across the land)and seamless continents and enviroments this game will play and feel identical to real life.
If you do not/can not get this game you will be missing out on the adventure of a lifetime...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Wake me up in 2007.
Review: This game looks outstanding, but as we all know, looks can be decieving (Asherons Call 2).This might redeem Blizzard as a great game maker after the Warcraft 3 disaster. Unlike most people I learn from history. Blizzard has a habit of throwing release dates around, with no respect for the general public. If this thing is out by 2007 i will be amazed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: World Of Warcraft A Legend.......
Review: This game will be one of the best games in the world. As you see, Warcraft 3: the frozen throne is the #1 game in the world right now and it is the most fun and amzing game.In World oF warcraft there is gonig to be a whole world like ours. but there are different things (ofcurse). This game is going to be like a whole world. Its like you have to walk and run buy stuff get better swords armor shoes clothes etc. This game is going to be like our world but it will have quests and adventures things. So this Is why I think this game is going to be the #1 game of the world and the Best.

Thank You!

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