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Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best graphics + gameplay of 2004

I've been playing PC games for 15 years now and can say with confidence the POP-sands of time is in my all-time Top 3 list. Excellent graphics/sound and exceptional game-play make this a collection item in my book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AWESOME and MIND-BLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!Just finished the game :)
Review: I must say that I have been playing games since the time the first prince of persia came out.... The SANDS OF TIME is, by far, the best single-player game I have played till date.

The game follows a routine of playing and solving a few puzzles and some fighting (never gets boring though), followed by a rewarding movie or an event occuring which tempts you to go further and further. And you will totally be engrossed as you take the role of the prince and see how he waivers from trust-love-distrust towards the princess. It truly is a must-play to experience this...

The graphics and sound truly don't have a describable word. Makes me proud to see the Indian heritage being shown off in all its glory with the eye-popping colors, sounds, music and visuals. Kudos to the POP team who made the game.

The ending of the game is really good too...and makes you wanting more...I just can't wait for POP2 to come out. I wish this game was longer too (its not short...its just that I didn't notice how time flew by!)

All I want to say is that its an experience rather than a game (m serious :D). Buy the game..worth every penny...play the game...worth every second...!!! MIND-BLOWING :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: PC Gamer Review A Little Off Mark
Review: I think PC Gamer gave this game a 79%, citing poor controls and difficult combat. I normally agree with their reviews, but think they were off the mark this time - I would give it at least a 90% (and am glad I bought it before the review came out).

I am a casual (older) gamer who usually plays FPS or Tactical Shooters. I liked the first Tomb Raider, but not enough to play the sequels. I didn't have any problems enjoying this game and found the controls extremely intuitive, especially for an old codger such as myself.

I will say flat out that this is one of the most memorable game experiences I have ever had. It takes interactive storytelling and a level of immersion to the next level. If you can think back to the first time you played Half-Life... it's that kind of epiphany as to the power of the medium and where the medium could go.

I have an older system (PIII 933MHz w/ GeForce 4 Ti 4200) - the game looked beautiful, had an awesome soundtrack, and ran without a hitch.

If you're looking for something different - buy this game. I know I'll be buying any sequel.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: entertaining
Review: I wish more gayms had the gameplay this one has, I loved the way the charecter moves and bounces and does all those action movie slow motion attack things... it might be a little frustrating at times but its not imposibble, the last boss was a joke tough.
The spanish vesrion is also lousy, who hired those actors? might as well paid the the audio guy to read the script as it is and it would've been better.
All in all one of my favorite games, couldn't put the control down

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: amazing adventure game
Review: If you like adventure type games ie. Tomb Raider style action. This is it..blows away all Tomb Raider games I've played. Simply the best. Incredible graphics, amazing sound, and great story.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game
Review: If you like Prince of Persia, have the hardware to run this and have a compatible gamepad, you won't be disappointed. I was afraid that my Athlon XP 1700 / GeForce FX5600 would be on the low end, but to my suprise it runs beatifully. This is one of about half a dozen games that I own for my PC and well worth the $$$.

As others have mentioned, the mouse/keyboard controls really are clunky, and if you are really going to enjoy the game you should get a gamepad. I went out and bought the Thrustmaster Firestorm Analog 3, which has up'd my rating to a solid 5/5.

This is only the second review that I have ever written on a product at Amazon. I was concerned after reading some bad reviews that I had just blown $35 on a throw-away. So I thought it would be helpful to add my 2 cents for any others out there like me. This is a great game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Prince of Persia IV : Sands of Time
Review: If you like Tomb Raider Style of games then Prince of Persia: Sands of time is one of the best games you'll ever play; it's also a game that will make you want to break the cd and throw it out of the window. Even though it uses the year old Unreal 2 engine, you're going to see visual fidelity that makes every new release look dated. This is, hands down, the best-looking game to date. An insane level of computer horsepower is needed to handle the beautifull environments and the superdetailed textures. The camera angles and the controls are bad but the gameplay is very sweet. It has everything that made the orginal Prince of Persia games look great. I loved the puzzles and challenging moves and jumps. I think the story was inspired by Daikatana, the ending is almost similar and it too is about a sword which can be used to travel through time.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not very fun, and not very original
Review: Karateka and Prince of Persia were the two games I grew up on. More than any other arcade-style games, I can vividly remember these two games and how much fun they were. This is one of the reasons I was so disapointed with "Sands of Time."

I was really impressed wiht this game when I first played it. Except it was called "Tomb Raider" bck then. And that's all this is, Tomb Raider with a slight face lift. The storyline is basically the same: run around ancient places doing flips and sommersaults, and avoiding trips. That's EXACTLY what you do in Prince of Persia. The only difference is that youfight more NPCs. This actually detracts from PoP because the combat system is so weak. Gameplay on the PC is very awkward and difficult. Instead of space bar causing you to jump, it causes you to sommersault. For anyone with experience playing FPS or basically ANY game, the space bar should be reserved for jumping. But as I said, the combat is very weak. You can't run from monsters, and you can't really do many special attacks. Besides what the game may say, most of the attacks are the same, they just look different. I dreadedthe combat system because it was so boring. I just hit random keys until the guys died.

Special save points. UNlike Tomb Raider, this game has pre-set save points, which means you're pretty much forced to get to a certain area before you quit, or you lose everything you did. Some may like this feature, I found it annoying. If the game had been challenging AND fun I wouldnt have minded it, but having to redo everything was just a pain.

Lastly, the absolute worst thing about this game is the movement. Unlikle other games, the moue does not control your character, it controls the camera angle. This makes for some VERY disorienting game play. Long-time gamers will have a lot to get used to if they pick up this game. What's more, many times I found myself thrown into angles thta made it almost impossible to play or see where I was going. Several times the camera would go into a wall and no amount of moving the mouse would get a better shot. I just had to restart. That is the main reason this game is inferior to Tomb Raider. While this game might work on the PS2, it ports over to PC very poorly.

If you have never played Tomb Raider, you may find "Sands of Time" exciting. But considering when it came out, it should have had much better graphics, an easier skill set, and a better storyline. I'll have more fun playing the original Prince of Persia rom than this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Absolute Blast!
Review: Let me start off by saying this is one of the best games I've played in a LONG time! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I beat it within a few days because I couldn't stop playing it. And I barely ever take the time to finish games. ;) I never played any other Prince of Persia games, so I don't know how true it is to the previous versions.

I played the PC version, which took a little getting used to. The controls are a little awkward, but once you figure them out it's easy enough. The only time I had real control issues was during battles. I tend to use the "W" key the most to move, but when the camera angles suddenly change, "W" doesn't go the same direction it did before causing some frustration during tough battles!

There is a battle early on in the game which is EXTREMELY difficult. I had a horrible time beating it, I probably replayed it 60 or 70 times before I got it. The bad guys in this game are especially tough because first you have to kill them with your sword, then you have to stab them with your dagger (if you don't, they come back to life). They also teleport, so if you try to run away, they just teleport to where you are. My strategy during a lot of battles was to run away until one teleported to me, kill that one, then run the opposite direction and repeat. After beating that tough battle though, the rest of the battles in the game seemed almost easy. I guess that battle is like a learning experience. ;)

Most of the game is made up of puzzles and boobytraps you have to figure out and get around. Intermixed are a few battles here and there. The storyline is really cute, I loved it. Normally the storylines in these types of games are pretty cheesy, but I really got in to this one. :) The graphics are pretty good, though I did crack up a little when one of the characters would be talking and whenever they opened their mouth, you could see the wall behind them through their head. ;)

The one disappointment I had is that the end is very anticlimactic. The big bad guy is someone you fight all alone and he's incredibly easy to beat. I beat him the first try in only a few minutes. Other than that, I really enjoyed the game. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a game this much! And this is only the second or third game I've ever played through to completion. I'd LOVE a sequel or expansion, because while the game was great, it's not as fun to play again when you already can answer all the puzzles. ;) 5 stars though, despite a few minor faults it's by far one of the best games on the market right now.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beautiful design, a pleasure to play
Review: Like numerous other college students, I do not have much spare time to play games, but this one won me over with its stunningly detailed design for each level and prince's acrobatic tricks. It is everything a Prince of Persia fan could have ever imagined: at a younger age, I enjoyed Jordan Mechner's original and had often fantasized what a 3D version could be like, -- the Sands of Time has over-fulfilled my desires. However, there are two minor setbacks: the keyboard controls are fairly cumbersome and the camera views are not flexible enough. If you have the funds, invest in a joystick.

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