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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Jesum Crow
Review: This Date thing goin alll the way back to August 31st is ridiculas....ne1 else agree??
sure sure we wont get as much bugs...but i dont even think i've ever gotten ne in the 1st games...that i knew of...and i bet u pple who got bugs will still get bugs!!
they Shouldn't have tricked us saying it was gonna come out in March ... what fibbers... i could've gotten a better brithday present...you kno back in january!(mad face)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2 info!
Review: The Sims 2 is the follow up of the popular game 'The Sims'
It has been improved and mordernised in many ways.
Here are some of the new features the game will include:

You will be able to create a unique sim, because you can chose their eyes and colour, their hair and colour, you can modify their lips, mouth, nose etc by stretching any feature of their face so it is exactly the way you want it. Sims have facial expressions too.

Your Sims have DNA, so they will look and act like their parents, and you will actually beable to tell a Sim's personality by the way they stand or the gesture they make. For example, a shy sim might rub their arm while talking on a sad sim will look down.

In The Sims 2, the neighbourhood evolves as you play through your sims' lifetimes and as you go through various generations which include baby, toddler, child, teen, adult and grandparent. You'll experience your families growing up, and [you'll witness] the kids moving out to start households of their own.

This is only some details about The Sims 2. I'm sure if you're a fan, then you are probably already hooked on this amazing game, the game which promises to be the most intriguing game of 2004.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: cool!!!!!
Review: i think it will be another hit for maxis and EA. i played the original sims n that is really fun.imagine how much fun it is to play the game in better graphics and stuff. i think this will b the best game in 2004 or 2005 because they change the time the game comes out 2 much

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Look's like the best game of 2004 is here!
Review: Ok, im gonna help out all of you waiting fans out there. My dad's friend is one of the 3-D designers for maxis (no joke)and he let me test out the small bits and pieces that have been created. So here goes what i was aloud to test drive.

So, first thing you do is creat your sim (no duh.)So far there are about 100 hair styles and bodies, and still counting! And you don't have to choose from only three skin colors. There's a little bar on one of the screens that lets you choose the shade from pure white to extream black. It takes almost 10 minutes to make one person.

Ok, so now you choose the house, from not just one neighborhood, but 20, all complete with houses a'pleanty. So they had a mansion as the first one, that three story one you see in all the pictures. All furnished and ready to go. One of the rooms in it, the "rich room," there was a wide plasma screen that looked just like the one in our house.

Honestly, the graphics that were just WOW! There are reflections on mirrors, shadows of furniture, and the new close-up view puts your sims right in front instead of the "view from space" aspect. And there are almost no boandries between the interactions of your sims and others.

I'l try to post more tid-bits when my parents aren't around, but because its not out yet they made me promise not to go telling all my friends. But what they don't know wont hurt 'em... right?


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: New Sims Game Is The Talk Of The Web
Review: Hello! As you all know, the Sims2 has yet to come out, so I am basing it on how I think it is going to be. I rated this game 4 out of 5 stars, because, I am betting that 2/3 people that buy this game are going to have problems when they first begin installing. However, I also think this is going to be one of the best PC games ever! If you have visited the website (thesims2.com) and seen some of the screenshots you can tell that this game is going to have wonderful graphics! But there are also the positive aspects of creating your Sim more to your liking, growing up with your Sim, having a 3 story house, and much much more! In all, I think this game is going to be one of the most entertaining games that Maxis has produced.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I can't wait!
Review: First of all, you guys in America are complaining the game comes out in August, well, here in England it doesn't come out until October! (sigh)Count yourselves lucky!

The original Sims is so much fun, and this looks even better!
Here are some new features:


When you create your sims you will be able to chose eyes and their colour, hair syle and it's colour, make up, and with the nose, cheeks and lips you can stretch them, make them thinner or fatter, wider, etc

.Your sims can age- baby/toddler/child/teen/adult/grandparent/death (you can turn the aging off)

.Sims have weekends

.Your sims will have a diary and they record special moments like their first kiss etc

.Teens, adults, and grandparents can get jobs

.Your sims will have DNA so they look like their parents

.You can have three stories to a house (not 4, that's are rumour)

.Houses can be built on hills

.Doors and windows can be placed diagonally

.There are tons more interactions! Like a 'Grandma hug' which a kid will give it's granny.

.The Sims 2 is totally 3D.

.You can zoom in very close and turn the camera round at ease (not 3 zooming in and 4 rotations)

.Sims are more life like eg they have facial expressions and fingers.

.Sims hair will swing when they walk and they will act appropriatly around different people.

.You will be able to tell if a sim is shy or lazy etc by their body language. For example, a shy sim might rub their arm or look down.

These are only a fraction of the improvements on The Sims 2, to find out more go on to www.thesims2.ea.com or www.the-sims-2.com

There you will find screenshots, videos and news about The Sims 2!

Also if you want to see some pics of creating a sim then go onto http://www.itavisen.no/art/1301209.html (it's in a different language but their are some good pictures)

Thanks peeps!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2 Preview
Review: Ah, yes, finally The Sims 2 is going to be released ( August 15, 2004).
Note: if you've already purchased Makin' Magic, look at the 'Sneak Preview' disk.
The Sims 2 will have an entirely new 3-D graphics generator, so you will be able to look at your sim's world in any angle, from bird's eye view, to so close that you can see the food in the refridgerator. Also, you can use a 1st-person view,to see your sim's lover face-to-face, even while kissing!
Here's a list of other new things in The Sims 2:
-Dying of old age
-Struck by lightning
-3 story buildings(+ a rooftop level)
-New Create-A-Sim options
-In-game furniture/decoration customization option
-New ages(baby, teen, elder)
-New objects
-nieghborhood customization
-and much more!
I rate this a 5* game because I liked all the other The Sims games.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: its should be really good
Review: i have read many reviews and gone to a lot of the sims 2 chat i think it will be sooooooo kewl when it comes out. to say a little more about the game: now u have to actually "play" to get pregnet and then go to the hosbital to have the baby, get to see them though baby, child, teen, adult, and elder, whick will be really cool, u get to pick out their own facicle features whick would make it hard to recreat that sim, genatics so the kid will look like the mom & dad, and that mirrows and any thing else shinny will refalk all the things around it, i can't wait 4 this game to come out!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Game ever
Review: Although it hasnt come out yet i know it will be the best game in the world. It has every thing i mean everything that you thought was missing in the first and orginal sims the Sims 2 has it will be the best game of like all times. I Just cant wait and i am majorley bummbed that the game wont come out intill stuid AUGUST 15. I dont know what i am going to do. Lol. I am super excited about how much you can controll them and they have so much more fredom like if your sim to sit on there bed and watch tv than you can. I am also excited about the weekends. i also cant wait to see whats it like to have a little todler hanging around and see what happens when a teen gets her first kiss i am just way excited.
Hopefully it wont be deladed any longer or i will cry lol!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The All New, SIMS 2!!!
Review: Ohh... My... God..., i cannot believe how damn realistic this game really is gonna be lifestyle wise. If your sims "do it", the female (the wife or girlfriend etc) will actually fall pregnant having actual nine months of pregnancy, and all the sims that the mother has, goes from this age "0" to this age "100" or maybe even higher, then they die.

And they grow up gradually to, just like we do. They go from infants, toddlers, kids, teenagers, adults, and then geezers (the way the game puts it), and they act and see things in each of those points in time of their life, as you would. And your sims are now more self motivated, like for eg. they might feel hungry so they will grab themselves something to eat, unlike the original "The Sims" where you pretty much had to tell them to go and have a frigen shower if they were dirty, ALL THE FRIGEN TIME... in which was pissin' me off to be quite honest, lol. But any wayz.

Also you can, build up to 4 story houses (an underground level, being the basement, and 3 levels above ground, as far as i know). You can make your house a Bachelor Pad, Commune (which is your sims cousins, relatives, friends etc, that you wouldn't mind "your orginal family sims" living with, under the same roof), or just a normal house (Just the original family, and no one else living in it).

Your sims can also have sleep overs, from when they're a kid to a teen (I'd recommend them only sleep over, when they're kids) but at any age if you wish. Job wise, you can get a job, get to the top, and when you do, you get a special package or reward, also when your sims get promoted they get to wear different clothes, to represent their position in the job, and for adults i think there are 7 types of jobs for adults, and teenagers 3 (part-time for teens) as far as i know. You also get to make and create your own, furniture from scratch, WHICH IS AWESOME!!!

If you want your sims to move house, then anything they own, will be taken with them to the next house, but KEEP IN MIND, when your sims move to the next house you want them to live in, that house will be classed as a holiday house, so you'd get other sims living with your family as well. Pets, well sadly enough, i've heard from many ppl that there aren't any, but any way, maybe they might make an expansion pack for "The Sims 2", that will have pets in it. And lastly, the sims aren't dumb, and just put it this way, they would act, react and feel to things like you and me would (like humans).

And last but not least, believe it or not, there are privacy and law factors as well, your sims can spy, stalk, steal, etc. Your sims (if aren't brought up well or something) look into other peoples, privacy and break the law and all that stuff, will get found out, and then go to prison, for quite some time, you know just everything is pretty much REAL, except for maybe the graphics and the way they do things a bit, but other than that its REALISTIC. And i fully 100% recommend you get this game as one of your first preferences, before you buy any other (as fast as you can), infact i'd recommend going and preordering it right now... seriously.

But there is just one prob computer wise, and the only thing i can help you with is the program, you need your computer to have one of the following, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows Millenium (or Microsoft Windows Me), Microsoft Windows XP and there is another one but i'll find asap, and then update this review. And Also guyz BE PATIENT, just think the longer we have to wait, the less chance there is of "Computer BUGS, or VIRUSES in the game. Thx... lol.

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