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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: I LOVE this game already! (...)I am so impressed by the realistic details and custom effects. I can't wait until this game releases. I don't think I'll ever stop playing it. Also, they're going to be releasing I think 7 expansion packs just like The Sims 1. I can only imagine what pets will look like! I CAN'T WAIT! : )

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2 will be GREAT!!!!!
Review: The Sims 2 is a new and improved version of The Sims. I've been playing the sims for about a year now and i love it. I have checked out some stuff about the Sims 2 (coming out before August 2004)

*Sims no longer will look really wierd unless their parents do. (DNA is inherited.)

*Rather than your sims just pulling anything they can find out of the refridgerator you go to the store and buy what you want. and you pay for it there not as you take it out of the fridge.

*Brand new 3D graphics

*you can se your sims from any angle.

*you can now build basements attics decks 4 story houses and foundations all on hills.

*sims grow from infant to toddler to child to teen to adult to elder and can die of old age.

I think the best part of this game will be the new building features imagine making a mansion.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I only have the sims1, house party and hot date but my cousins Veronica and Clayton have all of the expansions and it is SO FUN(...)! They have makin magic so i got to see this thingy all about the sims2 and OHMIGOSH it was so great. Your sims can sit on the floor! My cousin Clayton's favorite part about it is that you can put windows and doors on diagnol walls! Its awesomatic! Im [SO] excited to get it!!!!! I cant even wait if i had three wishes one of them would be to get the SIMS2 RIGHT now! I'm playing sims right now actually. It's minimized. I am building a huge house its awesome. Just think...what could I do to this awesomatic house if I had thesims2? The possibilities are endless!! Go to thesims.com or thesims2.com to find out more about this awesome game.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Hey ya'll. I've read several reviews and I know you have too.
BUt some of you PS-2 players might be thinking hold on! In the PS-2 game you already can choose the hairstyle,shoecolor,accesories, and so on....BUT I'm here to tell you, that's PS-2, The Sims (R) baby and this is The Sims 2 PCU. Believe me, this game is so way better. In the PS-2 game you can only build 1 story houses! WHATS UP WITH THAT? I dont know. Anyhow, let me tell you about the PCU game.

1. In the Sims Makin' Magic (R) my person burned up from cooking with a MICROWAVE. Now, I dont know about you guys, but I,ve never had a traumatic incident when cooking Lean Cuisine.?
In the Sims 2 there is supposed to be WAY less bugs and flat out strange incedents.

2. In the Sims Makin' Magic (R) my favorite couple married and had a child. NOw, Since I took such good care of the baby, it turned into a Small ten-year-old. ............. with a mohawk.
Now there is DNA that can make your child actually look like their parents------WOW (+ you have seven stages of life Pregnancy,infant,toddler,child, teen,adult, and old guy ++ Old guys actually die of age.)

3. Seasons-- there are actually seasons in this game. In Sims Makin' Magic(R) the computer says they like open spaces, yet they step outside and their room level goes WHOOSH.

4. More than 2 stories

5. I've not played the Sims 2, but I can Guaruntee IT's The best game ever. (but you'll need one heck of a computer I'm sure.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sims for PS-2 rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: Sims is a great game, because there are many items to chose from and it's like you are on your own schedule!!! I love how you like have to go to get the newpaper or on the computer to get your job. I can't wait to get Sims 2. I love how you have to meet all your needs an order to survive. I love how you can throw your own party's, have your own basketball court, swimming pool, hot tub, chess board, expresso machine, friends, art stand, big screen tv, beds, book shelves, barbage cans, and finally your own family to talk too!!! I hope who ever made this game has a billion dollars from it,because they are very enthuseastic to make such a brilliant game. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sounds AWESOME!!!!!!!
Review: I so can't wait for the new sims to come out!!!!!!! the sims one was so fun but the graphics were really lame and stuff. but the new sims is going to be WAY cooler than the sims one. the sims two has better graphics, your sims can go through all the life stages (baby, toddler, kid, teen, adult, old person), your houses can have more than two stories, I think it's going to be the best game since the first Sims!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2
Review: Many of the people around me know I'm just as obsessed as one could be with the Sims. I loved building beautiful houses, making families, and watching them grow. The Sims 2 has everything that was missing from the Sims: genetics, aging, and much more. With more customization possibilities than ever - you can customize everything about your sim: eye color, hair color, eye shape etc. and their furniture: fabrics, stains etc. - no two people's games will be alike, let alone two sim creations. With 6 life stages: baby, toddler, child, teen, adult, and elder, you can watch your sims grow up, have babies (yes, the conventional method, not just by kissing!) and pass on their genes, and finally die. You can create an attic, a third floor, foundations and decks! Windows and doors can go on diagonal walls!
With the camera man mode, you can zoom feet overhead or mere inches from the ground to capture every perspective of your sims.
The Sims 2 will be the best game ever!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: MAXIS ROCKS!!!!
Review: I just gave five stars to the games I already own (The Sims) since Sims 2 has not come out yet...I can't begin to tell you just how much I have come to love the sims games. I own every single one pretty much that they have come out with so far. The most recent one I bought was The Sims Making Magic which was awesome! I can't wait for Sims 2 to come out. I am waiting eagerly for it. I had assumed it was coming out in June because I could've sworn that's what the date said on some things I read on the internet but unfortunately it doesn't come out until AUGUST!!!:( oh well, good things come to those who wait I suppose.....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Rule!!!
Review: the sims are the best. you can make a family and raise them all. the new grapics and SO realistic!!!!!!!!!!! buy this game it rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Go Maxis!
Review: Being an avid sim player myself I cannot wait until this new game comes out! I have played almost all of the sims games that are currently availabe on the store shelves and loved each and every one of them. The idea of real time play with weather and months totally excites me. I know Maxis will do a great job because all of the other Sims' games have been such a joy to play. They are good for all ages. The boxes are marked T for Teen but I didn't see anything innappropriate for younger viewers. I myself have a 3 year old girl and I see no problem at all with her playing the game with me. The game is true to life. Look forward to new and better products from this company. Happy Gaming all!

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