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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: GREAT GAME and quick question
Review: OK, The Sims 2 is probably going to get awards for the best game of the year, I have heard so many good things about it. I think that the game is slightly overpriced and the date is too far away, but hey! If it's a good game, it will be worth the wait(...)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cant Wait Till This Game Comes Out
Review: this game is going to be the best sims game ever realesed for pc
i cant wait untill this game comes out in August i own all 8 sims games just now and if i start playing the sims i will never stop.Now there is weather squint doors and windows 3 or 4 story houses you fall in love get married have children you also get older now like in the old sims game you either a child or adult now its baby toddler child young adult adult granparents then you die.If you have not already seen the sims 2 preview i recomend that you see it it comes free with the game sims makin magic or you can go to sims2.com and watch it there.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: September 17
Review: That's when The Sims 2 is coming out, September 17, 2004. Even though it keeps getting moved back, this is official and no matter what, it's going to be shipped and in stores on that date. I can't wait! You can tell it's going to win game of the year, just like Tony Hawk Underground. Obviously this is the most waited, coolest, and best game of the year!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This promises to be great!
Review: Yeah!! Maxis finally has an OFFICIAL release date on this one--and it's September 17, 2004! I know that's four long months away but it's getting closer by the day!

A couple of days ago BodyShop, a companion program to TS2 that allows you to custom-design your own sims was released (free download from The Sims 2 website). I've had the opportunity to spend a little time 'playing' with it and its features are awesome!

While our sims' clothing and hairstyles will still be limited by what can be designed on particular meshes, it's possible to create a sim with the face of your dreams, and not only the face, but any skin color you want! Okay--so you're not into green sims, then how about making completely new eye colors? Or perhaps custom make-up. The user-made content of which this program is capable is enough to blow your mind.

I've been looking forward to The Sims 2 for many months now, and unless Maxis really took a wrong turn somewhere (and I doubt they did) this is going to be astounding!

A few of the features that really peaked my interest are:
-A single sim can move out of the house on their own without marrying another sim.
-When sims move from one residence to another, they take their belongings with them, so no more need to have to re-buy all their furniture at top prices.
-Sims will know their own family members, so we won't end up with grown sons falling in love with their mothers. (However, first cousins can marry each other.)
-Children will grow up! No more perpetual children in the game!
-DNA!! When a sim has a child, that child will resemble either one or both of its parents, or another relative.
-Marryable NPCs! Yes, your sim will now be able to marry the maid, or the fireman, or the policeman (woman?), or the mail carrier. These sims will then move into your sims' house and keep their current jobs (shades of new career paths here?) I've also heard that NPCs will be randomly generated, so no more duplicate NPCs in different neighborhoods.

The new build tools look absolutely awesome. We'll be able to build actual roofs instead of the same roof style on all houses in TS1 (or even a fancy roof-top patio atop a 2- or 3-story house). There's a stair tool that replaces the old staircases. And the list just goes on and on!

Almost every object in the game will be able to be re-textured at the click of a mouse button. Couches will have various upholstery fabrics from which to choose. Trees will have different sets of leaves, plants multiple flowers from which to choose. And what's more, the users will be able to make custom textures and such for the objects!

Okay--if I go any longer on this it's going to be a book, so I'll sit on my fingers now.

As you can tell I'm really looking forward to this game!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: NOT AGAIN!!!
Review: I love the sims and can't wait for the new Sims 2 to come out but my lord what is up with all the release date push backs, it has been 4 or 5 of them now. I am freakin dying here MAXIS please get this game out soon. I gave 3 stars because I haven't played it yet obviously. (...)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get Ready For The Best Game of the Year!
Review: If you haven't played the Sims, your'e missing out on a lot! The Sims 2 is going to have many improvments and new features. Some of the new features include:
- 3-D Graphics
- Genetics
- The ability to shop for groceries and makes specific food. (Instead of just having to tell your sims to make dinner, you now can tell them to make spaghetti or make pizza.)
- The ablilty to grow up from baby to toddler to child to teenager to adult, and to elder. (Your sims eventually die)
- Up to three story homes/buildings

There are also community lots. A bad thing is that there are no pets, but maybe there will be in future expansion packs.

One more exciting thing is that you get to coustomize every little bit of your Sim. Choose their eye color, their nose size, and choose not one whole outfit together, you get to choose what shirt wearing seperatly from what pants they are wearing. There are many more coustomization features too!

A few improvments are that sims know where their rooms are and that you can put a multiple number of objects down at one time to form rows of objects.

The only problem with the game is that you need a REALLY good
3-D grahics chip.

This game will be the best game of the year for sure!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I can't wait for it!
Review: I've been a crazed fan of the Sims ever since it first came out. I bought every one as soon as I possibly could. The suspence and anticipation for this one is killing me! They're teasing me with all of the screen shots making me want it more. Just release it already!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: What I think about the sims deluxe
Review: I think the whole sims collection is a really awesome bunch of games to have in your house. I love almost everything about it. But I would enjoy it more if you could choose how tall people were and how much they weigh. It would also be cool if the sims could do things less robot-like. I mean, who has to stand up to have a conversation with somebody? And the sims creator is kind of hard to understand. When I paint the faces and bodies it's not coming out as good as it was when they were painted originally. And I'd like to be able to make teenagers, toddlers, babies, and seniors. Not just children and grownups of one age. And I don't like how when I had two black people have a child that the child turned out white! What's up with that? And social services are dumb. When I moved out of my house and I had a baby, she didn't come with me! I think sims has a lot of things to fix, and I'm looking forward to Sims2 coming out in August. I'd like to add something new to my collection that isn't an expansion pack. Or is it?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: bestr game ever
Review: Sims looks great!!! Eight people in one household, seems to good to be true. The only downside is that I have to wait for the new expantion packs to come out. With all the new "features" it will change the world of gaming for sure.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: ok, what's with all the shipping delays?
Review: I am sooooooooooo exited for this game to come out! It'll be the best game of the year! I'm giving it three stars because of one thing. There's been too many shipping delays! first time I checked, they said it was due march 30th. Then, april 5th. Later on they said it was delayed to august 9th! but then they said July 5th and now they say someday around OCTOBER! ok next thing we know they'll ship it sometime fall 2008! this is way too much! If it's something I hate it's waiting TOO MUCH for a super cool game to come out! (BTW, I was checking the shipping dates with my local Gaming shop)

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