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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome!
Review: I can't wait tell this game comes out! It'll be better than the orginal because...
1.Sims can grow up! (baby,toddler,kid,teen,adult,and senor.
2.Build better and bigger houses!
3.Better graphics!
4.In buy mode you can change designs on chair, beds, and so on.
5.The game is going to be in 3-D!!!!!
6.You can talk or even marry the maid, firefighter, police, and so on.
7.More realistic!

I'm counting down the days until this game comes out!!! (118)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun & Fun
Review: i will bet you this will be a one in a life time change to play this game. it will be fun and FaBlOuS. I think it will be fun because all other sims were g8 i hope we all like it i am sure even people above 18 will like it as much as teens.

thanks for seeing my review.
bye bye have fun on SiMs Colection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: More information on the game
Review: You will be able to have a total of 4 floors. 3 floors and an attic. You can choose not to have an attic, and instead build a rooftop floor that you can throw parties on!

Want to build a basement? You can dig out terrain and build a floor below ground. Or you can raise the level around the first floor to make it look like a basement.

Though rare, sims will be able to give birth to twins and triplets! You can turn the aging process off. A sims life will last about 20 human hours, unless you turn the aging process off (aging stops for ALL sims).

When a sim goes into labor, she will be taken away in an ambulance and come back a few days later with the child.

If you are a single sim, or in a same sex couple, you can adopt children.

The weather tool has been taken OUT of the game. It might appear later in EP's.

Riverside has been renamed Pleasantville for now.

Cars will be only for decoration, you cannot drive them.

When you move, your sims will take with them all of their possessions.

You can build windows and doors on angled walls.

You will be able to change hair styles in any mirror or vanity.

Even if the aging process is off, women will get pregnant, give birth, and babies will turn into toddlers.

There will NOT be pets. They may make an EP for it later.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I love the sims but i am getting mad can someone please tell me what is ea or maxis e-mail here is one of the big ? that i have if you can awnser this please do......

1.When is the game really going to come out?LaST night i was on the computer and the date was agust 31 and now it is september 17 or something so please tell me where is the game really coming out?If the date is going down so should the price!!!!!!!I am having surgery agust 1 and i was really looking forward to this but now the THREEE!! months i will be in bed i wont have anything so maxis,ea,amazon what ever one is changing the date THANKS ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Go Sims 2 !!!
Review: I can't wait for the sims 2 to come out! I'm sure it'll be the best sims yet! I own all the sims games, but I'll have to get this one right away. It's gonna be super! Sims 2. com has some super screenshots, too!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Release Date is bologna!
Review: Hi. I have pre-ordered this game twice with the promise of first a release date of April 22, then it was changed to May 23.. Now it is September!! Come on.. Who ever is giving this info to Amazon and other sites is not using proper judgment... getting Sims fans hopes up only to disapoint them stinks! I promised this game twice before to my kids and still no game! I doubt it will be out in September so If you pre-ordered , don't count on it!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can't wait til it comes out in September
Review: Hi i dont think i aam the only one hwho cant wait for the sims 2 to come out in September(...).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best game ever?
Review: I can't wait for this game to come out since I enjoyed the original Sims and all of it's expansion packs so much. Sims is quite possibly the best game ever! I hope this one leads up to the expectations of the first, and is simply improved!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hmm...
Review: As much as I love the regular sims games, I think I can say (and any other TSO members) that single player sims games do not even match up to The Sims Online...I am excited for the game, yet it might get boring fast compared to TSO

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best game ever
Review: I love the sims. I have thee sims games and I can play them for hours. I am so excited about the new sims2, becaus e I know i'll get it as soon as it is in stores. As i said for my title the sims is the best computer game ever!

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