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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun but Tired
Review: This game sounds fun, and I've got to admit, the first games were fun also. I've read all of the reviews and have seen all of the screen shots, but I'm tired of waiting for this to come out. First the release date was in May, then in June, now it's in September. I'm just about to give up on ordering unless they give a date they'll stick to because I was so excited about recieving the game in June, too bad that's not gonna happen.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hannah's Review
Review: What a great game! This is a game that enables the player to control what life brings, or does not bring! Every person longs for this control, and thanks to Maxis, we have this power! The new images, clothing choices, hair, and styles are great, and I enjoy the new phases of the sim's life- newborn, toddler, teenager, adult, and elder. This is a great, fun, and funky game that everyone loves to play. I give this game 5 big, shiny, golden stars, and a billion thumbs WAY up!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Game You'll Need to Get
Review: As if The Sims wasn't fun enough, the Sims 2 is the real deal. No one will think I'm wrong when the Sims 2 comes out. Customize your sim to even more extreme measures. You will have to buy it!! If you are the only kid on the block with this game, every kid will want to come and play it. Words can't even describe this fantastic game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sims 2: I Can't Wait!
Review: Well, what do you want me to say? We all know that this will be a fabulous game and it's a dream come true for me. This will be great. There are just some things I'm not sure of; for instance, will my computer be the right type because it will probably be too slow for this game. Some people tell me that it's going to take up a lot of memory from other places and may not work well...I wish someone would explain this to not just me but everyone. If this game isn't a hog then it's the miricle game. Well that's about all I have to say. (sorry for my misspelling)

Rating: 5 stars
Review: My 11 year old daughter plays this game religiously everyday, and I could never understand how you could spend hours on one game and get so much pleasure, until my daughter for selfish reasons installed the game on my computer, and one day I started playing the game. I am so hooked on this game, that I would see a landscaping at a home and start thinking how I could improve my Sims home. Playing the sims has taken the place of me watching TV and it helps relieve my tension or the stress of the day, it is my cool down time. I am so anxious about Sims2 because I know that it will be even better than 1. I just don't understand why we have to wait so long!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dude, I'm gonna love it!!!!!!!
Review: Dude, this game is gonna be awesome! I started a money plan so I could buy it with my own money (my mom likes the Sims too, but she just payed 600 bucks for my flute so she won't buy it) I'm saving as if it were 60 bucks. I noticed she raised my allowance, since I started making a plan! The pictures look totally awesome! I have every Sim game so far, and I love 'em all! (I don't really like Bustin' Out) My first experience with it was when I rented it for Gamecube. I loved it. The thing I hated was, I made my family, and my parents died of a fire. *shivers* It was really freaky. Anywho, I can't wait for it to come out!!!! (Graphics look awesome by the way)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: u suck!!!!!!!
Review: i can not say how much fun this game is because u keep changing the dates it's suppose to come out on. and it's really pissing me off!!!!!! u guys are just teasing us by showing us more kool reviews and not releasing it. me and my friend keep on getting excited that it's coming out then u just change the date and make us wait longer u r suffering us.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dates Are Constantly Changing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: OK, so like everyone else is saying the sims is the greatest game ever. sims 2 will be even more realistic, FaNtAsTiC, AND WILL BE HISTORY IN THE MAKING! I just wish EA would pick a darn date and stick with it. I think they are torturing people on purpose to make them want it even more. Or they could be fixing some kinks, but still, they have been making sim games for years now and they can't make a good enough educated guess on when a game will be finished? When I heard about the sims 2 coming out it was sometime last year in 2003, then march 16 2004, then june something, then it was august, now it's september! What next?, next summer!? I am soooooooo anxious to get my hands on the game. My hopes are real high on how great this one will be. They better not SINK THEM! Hurry up EA!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I Can't Wait!!
Review: Everyone thinks this game is just for Teens, WRONG! I'm over 40 and am a business professional and find this game totally addictive. I'm so looking forward to this game coming out that I may have to buy two because my teenage daughter and I fight to get to the computer first to play. The graphics look incredible and the fact that each Sim can multi-task is incredible. Everything that I've seen on the Sims2 web site looks remarkable.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: not even played
Review: Well as a person who hasn't even played the game yet, I cannot say if the game is easy to play or not. But from looking at the screenshots at sims2.com, it looks WONDERFUL!!!!! I am a big fan of the sims as it is a very addicting game. I can't wait to order it!!!! So the graphics are BEAUTIFUL! The new actions are HILARIOUS! And who doesn't like a game where you can ruin someone's life? not one person I know so IT IS A MUST HAVE GAME YA'LL!!!

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