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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2: The #1 game of all time......I hope
Review: The Sims 2 (TS2) is said to become the best pc game of all time. With all of it's new items and genres i believe it.

.6 Life stages infant, toddler, child, teenager, adult, and finally elder
.3D version unlike The Sims 1 which was in 2D
.New camera modes Lets you see everthing at 360 degrees of angle
.More and better social interactions
.You can now make houses 3 story with a walkable attic at the top
.You can now marry Non Playable Characters (NPC) including maid, gardener, firefighters, etc.
.They now have birthdays
.There are weekends from work and school
.Kids don't go to military school if they are bad
.They will keep their memories in a ''memory box'' Their memories include first kiss, first birthday etc.

Well thats all I can remember now. One more not so good thing is your computer must run very good and it must be very new. No Windows 98 will work with TS2.

Although The Sims 2 is rated T for Teen, it has no violence, guns or any other weapon. The reason it is rated T is, because they can ''Play'' in bed but you see nothing of it, and they do get naked when they bathe, but it has a blurry sign in front of it. So all of you adults who don't want their children to get this game until they are Teens it IS okay for them to play this game. Also it is educational in some ways, because it teaches the children how to save money and pay bills (yes Sims have bills) in order to buy better things in the future.

Well anyway The Sims 2 is set to be a GREAT game.

I hope you liked my review.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Entertaining........but some what slow
Review: I've had the sims 2 for a while now, and its pretty good. The game gets slow though, after using it for a short time. Other than that it's really fun. I recomend it for older kids because it contains some "naughty" things like "woo hoo" which is sex. They have really cool new objects, some are similar or the same as objects in the first sims games. Objects include inground hot tubs, swing sets (3 different colors), different types of fences in different colors (there's a picket fence), different colored sinks, toliets, and bath tubs, cribs, high chairs, changing tables, a neon light, easy bake ovens for little kids, and many other things. When you fulfill wants, you can use the points you get to buy things like, "elixer of life", "smart milk", and a "love tub". You can change your apperence in mirrors, like change your make-up, get a beard or 5- oclock shadow, dye your hair, and other things. Even though it takes a long time to go from house to house, or town to town, its still very fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2
Review: The Sims 2 is definately a great game. It has improved a lot since the first Sims. The graphics are so much more detailed and colorful than before. One of my favorite parts of the game is how you can zoom in so close that you can actually see the screen when they're on the computer and when they cook you can actually see the ingredients because of the great zoom features. But besides the zoom, there are a lot of other great aspects to the game. You can mold the faces of your sims down to how high their eyebrows arch. There are tons of clothes to choose from. The new teenagers are a great addition also. Every age group has their own unique abilities. Teenagers can sneak out at night, kids can play games like cops and robbers, adults can read to their children, choose from many different jobs, elders have their own way of moving and they have different wants and needs. This game is so detailed and precise that it does tend to be slow on my computer. But making sure all other programs are closed and making sure to take the disc out after everytime you're finished playing helps the game to go faster. That would be why I gave it a 4 overall, only because of how slow it can be. Building a smaller house and having smaller families makes the game faster, so you can't really take advantage of building five-story houses and huge castles, unfortunately. I do love the game and I'm so happy I invested in it. I suggest anyone who's considering it should buy the game, unless you have an older computer. Then you might have to buy more memory for it. The Sims have come a long way..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Complete Sim Fanatic
Review: Okay I own every single Sims game and expansion pack. Except for the Sims Online because I don't like online games...period. So when the Sims 2 came out I was syked! I thought 'wow this is going to be so cool'. A few months before I bought the game I bought a brand new $1100 laptop computer. My computer barely runs the Sims 2. It runs my other Sims 1 games, with every expansion pack installed, and anyone who plays the Sims knows that the more expansion packs you have the better your computer you have to have. The whole purpose for buying such a nice laptop was so that I could play the Sims games the way they were meant to be played, and with all my expansion packs my Sims 1 games run great even on triple speed with all the details turned on. But I have to use my husbands computer to play the Sims 2. It runs great on his computer but not my laptop, which is ridiculous because I have a faster processor than he does. I think the issue is with the graphics card that is built into the laptop and I have no idea how to upgrade it, nor do I think I want to spend the money to upgrade it if I could, because every other game I have whether it be the Sims or Black&White, all my games run great EXCEPT for the Sims 2, which runs really slow and sort of choppy.... so you definately better make sure you have a super great computer before buying the Sims 2! My computer really is great and fast and expensive and all that... and less than 2 months old when I bought the Sims 2 (which I bought when it first came out, so when I bought my computer it was one of the best out there so the Sims 2 should run on it)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Game
Review: I bought this in December and I really like this game. EA has really improved this game from the Sims and other Sims games. Yesterday, March 1st, 2005, the new The Sims University Expansion Pack came out and I just got it. It's so cool and you should no doubt buy it when you buy this game. The Sims is a really fun game because you can control the characters. You can build a family, buy a house, and guide your sim through it's life. My favorite town is Pleasantville but people have their own choices. If you get cheats you can have 50,000 simoleons and if you keep doing that cheat you can have loads of money! So if you just started out with only like 3,000 simoleons do the cheat and your family will be rich! Another thing I like about this game is that you can travel outside in a taxi. It's really cool and you can go anywhere you want. The graphics are very good especially for a computer. Well that's my only problem. I wish this game was on PlayStation 2 or Xbox also because I don't like playing it on the computer since it heats up too fast (usually on laptops). You should no doubtfully look into this game and buy the new expansion pack with it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun Fun Fun
Review: I think the sims 2 is an awesome game! I got it the day it came out andspent days (of earth time) playing. The game has many cool features such as
-community lots (not waiting for an ep!)
-better graphics
-more realistic play
-and tons to do!
While there may not be some things such as pets (which I never really liked, I have unleashed for the sims 1 and quickly got tired of the little annoyances. There is a new expansion pack comming out in 2 days and I am very excited! It will have your sims going to college and TONS of new objcts and interactions as well as a new life stage and the ability to cut the teens stage (which is too long) short! It will take community lots to a new level with student unions and cafes. There will be lots more, but I don't want to give too mcuh away! The draw back of the sims 2 is the amount of space it takees up. Dont buy this game if you computer is over 2 years old or it will be very slow and ake forever to load. Hope i helped!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: dont mix up regular pc version and the dvd version
Review: I got the sims 2 game for christmas. I was soooo excited but it turned out my mom had made a fatal mistake...
she had bought the DVD version.

I went to load it and it said I didn't have this one computer chip you needed to install and play the game.
I was so mad, I searched for the chip and it cost about 200 dollars.I could have bought a whole new game for that. so now I can't play the game and we still have to go out and buy a whole new game for 50 more dollars. That was 100 dollars for one PC video game.
So when your out buying the game make sure you buy the regular PC version and not the DVD version, unless you have all of the proper installment chips!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So good i can't take it!!!
Review: O.k., first of all, I love the Sims. My husband hated it every time a new expansion pack came out because he knew I'd be obsessed for the next 2 weeks and he wouldn't be able to get near the computer. Sims 2 was eagerly awaited (by me;), but there are drawbacks. Serious ones. First of all, if you have an older than 2.5 year old computer, WAIT for a new computer. Mine was slow, but I was kind of expecting that - part of the reason we got a new computer was for Hot Date. I could deal with the lack of speed, basically, BUT...that particular nit-pick aside, there's not as much for the Sims 2 to do, buy, decorate with, and where ARE the pets?! Pregnancies, babies, aging gets old very quickly. I uninstalled Sims 2 and am happily makin' magic with the Sims again. Maybe with my next computer upgrade, I'll reconsider, but it's just not worth the money right now, and at $50, EA will need to do a lot more than they've done to get me back into Sims 2 land.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I LOVE this game but unfortunately, there are drawbacks
Review: Okay, I got this game a year ago and I must say this is a very good game. You can create your own family; you can pick from Toddler to Elder; you can create your own house, you can do just about anything in this game. However, no game can come without drawbacks and The Sims 2 is no exception.

Drawbacks are:

1. This game is very difficult to get through. It requires a lot of thinking and skills to have a successfully living family.

2. This game has HIGH system requirements. If you have an older computer or a computer that has average or lower-than-average motherboard components (i.e. slow processor, poor graphics card, etc.), chances are you are likely to have the game running so SLOW. I have a decent enough computer and my game runs fairly; not good but fair.

Many people have complained about the game running so slowly and it is likely to be that their computers have lower-than-average motherboard components. It is not a good idea to buy a game that requires high system requirements, such as The Sims 2 and Doom 3. You should get them only if you have a very good computer with excellent motherboard components.

End of story.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ok i guess...
Review: I bought this game like day or or 2 after the fay it came out and i was all exited when i was installing it had this little game of some sort to entertain you will it installs the 4 discs but when i was done installing it it said "Failed to find DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest drivers by the manufacturer. The application will now terminate." i was shocked because i was waiting a long time to play this game and i have not played it on my computer because of this error.i suggest that you do not buy this game unless you have a new computer or all upgraded things on your computer

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