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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: From what i have gathered so far, as the game has not yet been released, The Sims 2 will be the most amazing game ever made. it takes the awesome idea of "playing God" as you control a family of Sims, and expands on that with things like a DNA, having your sims be aware of their surroundings and more! This game is so relaistic and great! Buy it NOW!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best game of all Sim games!
Review: I think this game is going to be the best out of all the Sims games. I was so excited when I heard that you'll be able to pass your genes to your kids and you'll be able to watch your sims kids grow up! Thats probably one of my favorite effects on this game! When I look at the pictures with the toddlers in them or the pictures that shows every stage of life, I'm just thinking how cute the toddlers look and how cute to see them crawl and learn their first steps etc. I am DEF. pre-ordering it. Well I actually asked my mom as a late Christmas present! I'm going to be so excited when I'm holding the package in my hands and so will everyone else who is a fan!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sims 2: A True Sucess
Review: The Sims 2 was a breakthrough in EA Games history. The intricate 3D animation sets off the excitement. The life stages, are so inviting that it will keep you glues to the screen forever. You'll never want to leave your seat! I give this excellent game 5 well earned stars!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: TS2 is da best!!!!
Review: I am SO excited about the release of the sims 2! It is awesome that ur sims can age and the graphics are soooooooooo COOL! I've been waitin 4 this so I can make a teen. Also, it's cool that u can build a house more than 2 stories tall and can have a basement or vacation house. BUT my fave part of all is the create-a-sim tool! U can apply makeup, pick the hairstyle, pick their age and all kinds ov stuff!!!! U can choose from caucasian, tan (I forget what they call it) african american, chinese, persian, alien and something else. It's gonna b SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool! I can't wait. Maxis needed something new and this is just it! This is also gonna be a best-seller. Buy TS2!!!!! It comes out March 2004.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Maxis #1 All Time Sims 3D-Game Ever!
Review: I believe this game will be the best Pc selling game ever!

This is all the options that we will enjoy and have for thesims 2.
Building Options - Create mountains, build multiple story homes, with basements, put doors and windows on diagonal walls.

Calendar - The new sim calendar will work by the week instead of month. (ie your kids birthday is next Monday).

Cameras - Now you can place cameras all around the room to capture a party from all angles.

Careers - For adult sims, there wi.ll be 18 careers, with 10 levels each. For teen and old sims there will be 7 careers, with 3 levels each. Also elderly sims will receive a pension upon retiring.

Diaries - Now you will be able to create video as well as snap shot diaries of your sims life.

Family - The family limit will still be set at 8. But new to TS2 is the ability to create all ages, except infant, in the create-a-sim area. So you could start out with a Mom, teen, and toddler if you wanted.

Leaving the house - The only option to leave the home right now, is to send your sims to their second home, which you can also create. However a communal area is being considered.

Life Moments and Big Decisions - These will effect your life score, and also have an effect on your sim as they get older. Some of these included: Toilet training, first step, first kiss, first crush, getting a job, getting married.

Will Sims actually get pregnant? Will they still have to kiss to have a baby? - Yes! Sims will get pregnant but instead of kissing, a 'play' feature can be used in a bed or hot tub.

What is the Create-a-Sim tool? Is there going to be a demo of it? -The Create-a-Sim tool is a program that will allow you to completely customize every aspect of your Sims facial featurues. This will allow you to make any Sim you want! Even yourself! And yes, there is to be a demo release of it between August & September.

What about clothing customization? - Clothing articles will now be seperate from each other! Meaning that a pair of pants will be seperate from a shirt, creating alot more ways to mix & match!

Can you customize hair/make-up, too? - Yes! In the Create-a-Sim program you will be able to change hair color & style, & apply make-up to your sims. You are also able to do this during game play using special objects such as mirrors.

Will there be more than 2 floors? - Yes! I've seen as many as 3 floors, plus a basement, for a total of 4!

And More...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The sims 2 is gonna be good!
Review: I love the sims. Read the other reviews to find out about it. I'm just saying the only down point is that it isn't gonna come out on the mac for ages!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Sim like me!!!
Review: The Sims will be life like. I can make it have certain facial...SO COOL. I heard that was the last Sims but At least you know that there's nothing better than the Sims like Animal Crossing Et Cetera.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: THIs game is very very very good WELl for one u can have more then 2 floors which is most sims fan's dream and i dont know i even think u can make a basement!!!!! well one of the cool things iz that now u have more objects i think there's about 500 objects in the whole game better then the "SIMS", plus making skins and a body is now a liltle MORE then it used to be like now YOu can pick head,skin more of them not so aDgy and Ugly shoes cloth and MORE way more and u can have AGE TIME WHICH is VERY vERY GANGSTA plus the age goes like this baby kid teen adult and GRAND FAZA well then THEY DEI MAHAHA MAHA well the graphic's are like most of the game freakz fan dream and some fanz i dont know but when it come'z out i want it !!!! I DO HAVE ALL THE OTHER ONEZ :);) so THE game iz reallly really fun only u cant HAVE petz :'( for those small kidz the game is realy COZE so itz not like itz really rated T 4 teen so Well i hote u get the game when it comez out u might waNA MAKE DNA the game come's out in 2004 i realy dont wana wait !! but i have to unless u wana get the boot leg one (IF ITZ NOT IN STORE"Z ITZ FAKE !!!) well IF U WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE GAME GET IT IN A FEW MOUNTHZ

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can't wait!!
Review: I love The Sims, its my second favorite game right after Final Fantasty. The Sims 2 brings us better graphics which are in 3D! Sims can have children and they children can finaly age into adults. Adults can age into old people and and eventually die. There is a new life score which keeps track of their life. The houses in The Sims 2 can finally be over 2 stories, meaning 3 stories. The neighbor hood will have the same amount as unleashed but it won't have pets. You can finally have a teen sim instead of making it an adult sim or child. Sims can now have a second house which is like thier vacation house. The graphics and people are more realistic and the people don't look so edgy and more. Any The Sim fan would want this!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: looks good to me!
Review: the first time i heard about the Sims 2 was in a magazine, and i was very impressed. After that i went online and learned even more about it and let me tell you, this game is going to be BIG. I mean GIGANTIC! The 3D graphics on this game far exceed the 2D ones on the origninal sims by having more of a realistic look. The lifestyles of the Sims in the Sims 2 are also more realistic with the passing down of Genetics and the process of ageing. Also, many things such as excersising and actions will effect your sims later life as well as their appearance. So for once there might be a beer belly sim. I am so excited about this game, and i cant wait untill it comes out... it will ROCK!

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