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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: I basically have all of the sim games. Except for 2 or 3. But I know how the sims work! I love the sims game. And by looking at the screenshots and the videos I can tell that I will love this game very much!!!!!!!! It's soooo realistic. You actually get to have a life! Instead of living the same life. After a while it gets boring having the same person never ever growing up in the regular sim games. I mean, after all the exciting things happen, it gets boring. But this game seem like it'll never get boring!! Of course it will eventually! But doesn't seem like it to me. And the good thing is, it's coming out close to my birthday. Who knows! I might get it for my birthday! It'll be a perfect birthday gift for anyone! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims2 Moves to a whole new level
Review: Electronic Arts and Maxis are making a fortune with the hit game "The Sims". Ever since the original game released back in 2000, the creators are still busy making expansion packs that will make your computers hard drive go crazy and your head spin! Truely, The Sims will probably be the most used game of all time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Game of My Dreams - The Sims 2
Review: i have always dreamed of a game like this coming out. it will be great on the 4th Feb 2004. it will be the day of all days. i cannot wait i will say that this game will be subperb

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: buy me!
Review: just from seeing the screen shot on the sims resource I can already tell that this is going to far out-mesure the original sims so far my favorite feature is going to be the fact that you can raise children as well as teenagers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Game Ever
Review: If you love the Sims Series, then you will LOVE this game 2x as much you loved the old ones.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Game Will Hit BIG!
Review: Hey i didnt register and im really 14 so opps :P,Any way for everyones info!!!TS2 has had everything checked out!! NO BUGS!! Soo BOOYAH! And it was rated at the EA Showing of it a 9.5!! YAY! So for the person who posted a comment saying this game will be crap...THINK AGAIN!! More people will buy this! It will be more world known than Star Wars!! Seriously,and that it wont be slow and not well playable if you have a good computer! Or you can just get a new Video Card! everything is checked and the requirements are out, and its almost done! So buy this game!! It will be your moneys worth!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is going to be the best game ever!!
Review: I cannot wait until TS2 comes out. I've played the original Sims games for hours on end. With TS2, I'll probably become sleep deprived and starving because I won't be able to pry myself off the computer!

I'm already making wonderful plans as far as what kinds of families I'll create. My sims will either be tortured (hehe) or pampered. :-) Ahh, and it'll be so much fun to watch them live in 3D and actually grow up!

I think EA has made a wise decision. TS2 will bring in millions. I can't wait to hear about patches to TS2, such as pets and so on.

...bucks to control lives? I think so!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I Don't Believe It!
Review: [I'm not under 13, but I thought it safer to post here]
Until the game is actually released, no one can honestly rate the game nor boast of it's "greatness". Ideally, the game description is what every Sim fan dreams about. Anyone who has played The Sims(orginal), and bought into each of the expansion packs knows there were bugs (major bugs)with every pack...obvious problems that could've been corrected prior to release. Maxis patched some problems, but not all (those without the Internet are out of luck completely). Maxis posted add-ons online--many of which contained bugs themselves. Instead they want everyone to toss aside their $240+ investment, start over & buy The Sims 2. From their track record, I believe it will have many bugs & will not work as described (if you think your gameplay is slow now, you best buy the latest, best & most expensive PC now, so you might be able to play the game as it's described). If the game still isn't "great", just wait, maybe Maxis will issue a patch in The Sims 2 Expansion Packs...maybe. BTW, go ahead & toss out all your user created objects as well--Maxis will change the format of things & your fav objects won't work. People will buy, Maxis will get rich, there will be bugs, and the fad will die. Just my thoughts...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best-Game Yet!
Review: The Sims 2 is the best Sims game yet! The reason for that is because of the 3d engine or whatever gets the sims to look almost real or more 3D and that's what makes it better then the regular sims. Also, because of the way that the sims can get older as the game goes on and how you can have more then 2 floors up 3 floors plus a basement. And also how it has different "Create-A-Sim"! You can create a kid, teenager, or Grown-up! So far you can't go anywhere else but to your second house. This game is better than any other Sims game or expansion pack, to me at least. Let's just hope they don't cancel this game like they did "Simsville"!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This game is most defintly gonna ROCK!The first thing I'm gonna do is make 2 parents,the boy is goning be a basic alein(spelling?)and the girl will be a elf and they'll be maried.WHY IS IT RATED "T" FOR TEEN???I'M PLAYING IT AND I'M ONLY 8 YR. OLD!!!!!I RATED IT A "E" FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!WHY DOESN'T MAXIS SEE THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE PLAYING THIS GAME UNDER 5!!??!!??

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