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The Sims 2

The Sims 2

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2
Review: I have almost all of the Sims expantion packs and each time I find out about a new one I look all over to try to find everything out. It's no differant this time exept now I'm more exited. I don't know how I'm going to wait until March!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wowweee!!! This is gonna be DA BEST!!!
Review: I know a lot of peoples who are excited or the sims 2. And they have SOOOO many reasons to be. You can customize characters like never before: Hair color, Hair style, makeup, Facial hair, heigh,weight, how narrow or thick their nose is, whateva!!!!! And pick out of chinese, caucasion, african-american, persian and elf. While customizing ur PERFECT person, you can see what ur child will look like, but only if u have a couple. You can make them a child, teenager, geezer, whateva. The houses are xtremely cool too! They can have up to 4 STORIES!!!! U can customize furniture by changing the color and pattern. U can have a second home (A vacation house or somethin of that sort)And they age, which is SO cool. This is what everyone's been waitin for, every sims fan atleast. THis is gonna b da bomb!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game
Review: TS2 sounds great. I am a big fan of S1. A few weeks ago I was talking to my brother telling him that I wished Sims have more floors and that the people didn't just stay at one age, and now I know that it can actually happen. Having a vacation house, four stories (three above ground and one below) this sounds great. I agree with other people Sims shouldn't be rated T it should be rated E(I'm not a teen but quite soon to be). I think the downfalls of this game are it is not coming out in time for Christmas and I heard that they don't have pets. What? No pets. That doesn't sound to well. I am quite happy that Maxis has actually made up their mind to make this because it sounds so much fun. When I get it I am actually gonna write a review on it after I play it. I think this is so cool. If I could I would give this item infinty stars right now. This game sounds so great.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Next Best Game in the Universe
Review: OMG, I've been like dreaming about The Sims 2 game ever since I was five! Litteraly! I've read almost everything about it, so now I would like to share it with you all. Here are some of its features:
NEW LIFE STAGES The all-new life stages of your Sims include baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, senior, and then death, in that order.
NEW INTERACTIONS ON EACH LIFE STAGE There will be different interactions for each life stage in the Sims 2. For example, children can play video games and talk about toys, while teenagers can throw parties and flirt, and adults can drink coffee and 'play', while seniors I heard could play bingo. Some interactions will be available to all life stages, while others only to certain stages.
NEW BUILDING AVAILIBILITIES You can now make a main floor, a second floor, and even an attic. I've heard a rumor you could build basements, but I'm not really sure. You can also have a second house, like a sort of vacation home.
MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BETTER GRAPHICS Yes! The Sims finally have five whole fingers on each hand they can really use! And a whole lot more. They can actually grab things instead of it just appearing in their hands, and its a whole new 3D enviroment. It's so awesome!
NEW DNA Your Sims in The Sims 2 now have their very own DNA! So now they when they reproduce they can pass some of their DNA to their children. And, now the women really get pregnant, instead of just a Baby-Bassinet appearing out of nowhere.
These are the some of the new awesome options in The Sims 2, and, probably many of you,(like me,)can't wait for Maxis to get it on the market. I can't beleive I have to wait three-five whole months! I don't know the exact date of its release, but I hope its soon!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: On pins and needles
Review: I remember how excited I was when the original Sims came out. I was in 9th grade and it was my dream come true. I played it for hours on end. It became an obsession.
My passion for playing the Sims has waxed and waned over the years, but I will never forget how genuinely excited I was to play this game.
My passion is resurging through reading reviews and seeing screenshots of the new Sims 2. I can't wait to get a copy and play for myself.
I would like to say, to all those who are begging for Maxis to hurry hurry hurry with production, may I remind you that the faster they throw this game out, the less time they have to perfect it, i.e. work out the crippling bugs that many of the Sims expansions packs were inflicted with, do last minute tweaks, etc. I, too, am very excited for this game to be out, but I can wait if it means a perfect game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This looks so kool!!!!!!
Review: This game looks so kool. the first one was a huge hit, and the expansion packs made it way, way better, i like superstar the best. this looks so kool, i hear you can have like 4 floors and stuff. This looks like it will be 5 times better than the regular 1rst sims.you would think," How much better can they get?" well i am guessing that we will be suprised. i also hope that they work on graphics and sounds. i can't wait any longer till' this comes out. I heard a rumor that there is going to be a crapload of expansions for the second sims, although, i really can't think of much they could do, they have covered a lot. Besides School, and...... well, that is all i can think of. I guess we will have to just wait and see how electronic arts will suprise or please us next.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great
Review: I cant believe it! ive neva been so excited in my whole life! i mean the sims 2 it sounds absoluty fab! the only downfall is its not comeing out till march! i dont think i can wait that long! please hurry up with the making of it maxis! omg i am so excited! and people keep posting your reviews on it because i just love reading em! thanks!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The BEST Game in YEAR'S!
Review: The sims 2 has to be the BEST GAME IN A LONG TIME! Yeah so the the other Sims games are alright but, the Sims 2 lets you create AND play in a whole diffrent dimention! With the funny things to the outragous things, to the young AND old, this is the best game in a long time!
From the best player of the Sims(apart from Will Wright)
Kelly Scatchard

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: the game of all games
Review: the original sims was all good and fun, but look at all the time one invests' in it? you can go swimming in the sims, woohoo! you can do that in real life too ya know. but enough of that.

lets talk about the developers, maxis has made some great games, no doubt, all of the sim titles are fairly fun, some moreso than others, if you bought the original "the sims" along with livin large, house party, hot date, vacation, superstar, unleashed and making magic ~ that over 200 bucks on expansions alone ~ you could of dome something in real life with that money :)

but i'd say if you'd like to walk in someones shoes other than your own, this is definately the game for you.

Rating: 5 stars

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