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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Exciting Stress-relieving Strategy Game--Online Multi-player
Review: StarCraft is an Exciting, Stress-relieving Strategy Game--with Online, Multi-player options. This is not your typical "hack n slash" video game. Players must use Strategy, building skills / building repair, Upgrades, fast-paced fortification and building of a base.... relocation of "buildings," by flying them to new Energy Sources...and patience. Oh, and did I mention fending-off Nasty, Acid-Spitting, Demonic-looking Aliens, while you are *attempting* to build your fortifications ?

Ready to Squash some "Bugs ?" IM your friends and go-online, with Battle.net (or, just meet people online, via Battle.net)--the Multiplayer option allows your friends to join you against the Computer, or each-other. This is Great stress relief, for after work & chores.

This game is rated for "Teens," but nearly all the adults I know own a copy --plus, the "StarCraft: Brood War" expansion pack (which I just installed, and recommend ! ).

If the product is from "Blizzard," it's all good !!!

For the price, you simply cannot go wrong. If you love Strategy Games and you love blowing stuff up, StarCraft will become your new addiction.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Exceptional Sci-Fi Stradegy Game!
Review: Like Blizzard, most if not all of their games are made into classics. Have you seen a non popular game made by blizzard? Lets see here; there is Diablo I & 2, Warcraft 1 & 2, and of course The Starcraft games.

I like this aspect of the game because of the controls and the fun factor of the game. I liked the diversity of the 3 races you can play and each advantages the unique races has.

I can see why 11 year olds kids can't into theese games, its too complicated minds. They like those simple mindless easy to play games. Starcraft does deal with stradegy, if you just make a million grunts and the opponent has ships and other advanced technology. The person with the best tactics win, don't get me wrong... Warcraft 2 was great also!

I'm a big science fiction fan, this game will keep ya playing for hours. If you're sick of all the darn tanks and military stuff like reality has. (Command and Conquer)

Starcraft is the way to go!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is the best RTS game ever created, I have played it since I bought it 98. Well not all the time but I alweys come back to it when all the ather games get boring I never get tierd of SC. Ofcourse it's the Multiplayer game that makes it so good the real campagin is good but you whont play it to many times I think but The Multiplayer is exelent.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Strategy Game I've Ever Played
Review: This is an EXCELLENT GAME. A must-buy for RTS fans. Now for my oft-dreaded review.
GRAPHICS: As of August 2002, dated. However, keep in mind that this game is four years old, and the graphics were considered cutting-edge in '98. The cutscenes, on the other hand, are still impressive.

GAMEPLAY: Very, very well-structured. Each race has its corresponding strengths and weaknesses. "Big deal," you may be saying. "Every strategy game has that feature." Well NOT ON THIS SCALE. Each side is completely different. Unlike in AoE2(to pick a name at random) saying "I'm good with the Saxons/Soviets/Ordos"
actually means something. In most other real-time strategy games the sides are fudamentally the same. Not so in StarCraft. Some people gripe that the missions are too hard, though.

SOUND: The quality is so-so, but the score itself is excellent. Try clicking on the same unit repeatedtly for some funny quotes.

CREATIVITY: High. This game has the largest and most complex storyline I have ever seen in ANY game.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: StarCraft- The greatest RTS ever made
Review: First of all let me say that anyone who said this game is unbalance should get there brains checked. The units are more powerful because they cost more in the game. StarCraft has many positive features.

- For one StarCraft has 3 very different races that are very well balanced. The 3 races in the game are Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. In StarCraft each race has it's first infintry unit. Terran-Marine Protoss-Zealot and Zerg-Zergling. 1 marine can take 2 zerglings and 1 zealot can kill 2 marines. This may be the reason why some say it is unblance but 2 Zlings cost 50 minerals while 1 marine cost 50 minerals and one Zealot costs 100 minerals. This is what may make StarCraft seem unbalanced to people who have played it for less than 5 minutes but it is really very balanced.

- The campaign is very enjoyable and cinematics look great even on 200mhZ with no MMX(like my computer). The storline is also great and will take you deep into the StarCraft universe.

-Multiplayer is one of the greatest part of them game. You can play the normal melee like in the campaigns or play Use Map Setting for thousand of different types of games. The Map Maker in StarCraft has aloud people to make the great Use Map Settings Maps. There are game such as SCV Football and Zergling Blood. People have even made RPG maps such as Lord of the Rings or Dungeons and Dragons so StarCraft is far from only RTS on multiplayer. StarCraft allows up to 8 player per game on Battle.net and there is rarely lag if running on 56K, DSL, or Cable.

- Each unit has its own upgrade and/or special abilities. The Zerg Mutalisk, for instance, can mutate into Guardian that has a much longer range and more powerful attack. Terran Siege Tanks can upgrade Siege mode which allow the tanke to turn into a stationary artillery canon which uses the powerful shock canon. The Protoss Arbitor can transport and cloak unit instantly. These are only a few of the units in StarCraft.

This is a great game and dont pay attention to those who say ther "is no strategy". If the game were bad there wouldn't be over 200,000 people still playing it after it's release over 4 years ago.

Trust me this game is definatly worth your money! You won't regret purchasing StarCraft!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best games ever
Review: I have had this game ever since it came out in 1998, for the first few months, my entire family was addicted (my DAD, who never played games, was the best of the family ;-)) After that, I got new games, and it settled some dust on the shelves.
A few months ago I decided to put it back on the computer, and give it another try, and gues what, it was just as great as when I first got it, if not better, for now I had dsl so I could play it online!
I've read threw many of the 1 star reviews here, and a few comments:

-About no strategy: If you play online you live or die on strategy, sure, if you only join noob games there is little strategy, but play with some better players and you will see you have many things to learn.
-Bad graphics: It came out in 1998! And it is pretty good for 2d graphics, they have never bothered me in the least.
-Boring story: This is one of the most expancive, most detailed storylines in a game ever (and I'm a big RPG fan so I can know) With many emotional moments that will bring tears to your eyes at times, sometimes of happynes, sometimes of grief (OMG the last cinamitic made such a large lump in my throat)

Now for the good sides:

-Very diverse races, I had specialised in one race, and when I tried another one I had no clue how to build and was brutally slaughtered in a noob game (while with the other race I could almost play in expert games)
-Best singleplayer story ever, it is so detailed, so emotional, to understand everything you also must read the 6 page history PER RACE in the instruction book, it tells how they came into being, their history, and how they ended up where the game starts, it adds such depth to everything, you understand everything so much better then.
-GREAT custom maps, such as the battle of Helms Deep, my personel favorite (LOVE to be flamethrower Gimli ;-))
-Good tactics needed, whether you like it on small or large scale, if you want huge massive battles go for a round of Fastest, where in no time you can have huge armies battling eachother, in which you need to develope tactics for that kind of battles. Or, if you like small scale, very tactical play where the player with the best tactics wins, go for a round of Lost Temple, or Hunters, so for everyone, the kind of map that fits your playing style!
-HUGE online community, there are tens of thousands of people playing thousands of games almost all the time, with clans you can join and clan wars organised. There are always games you can join, of all sorts of game types, even in the early hours of the morning ;-)
-Best game for the very low price, don't know what it goes for now adays but I'm sure it's pretty cheap, so do yourself a favour and buy this game ;-)

As a closing note, don't waist any more time and get this game! ;-)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Starcraft... Another RTS.
Review: Yes, we all know of the famous Starcraft. It's been hailed as one of the greatest RTS's of all time; and if you talk to almost any gamer in the world, they'll know of it. This game is wonderful; it has a great plot and allows you to play three different campaigns. All three of which you'll fight against as another one of the races. Plus, each race has it's own advantage, so no matter what you're playing a different game each time.

However, there are downsides to this same game. The game is incredibly boring after the first couple of missions because they're all the same. Destroy a base, or escort a convoy... basiclly destroy everything on the entire map you're on. This game play gets horribly boring after a few times, and you'll find yourself clicking the same places over and over with your mouse. All you do is build troops up, rush, and slaughter. There's no real strategy to this game at all.

Wonderful RTS
Good Plot
Each Campaign has different advantage and disadvantages.

Same-old Missions
Rush and Conquer Strategy

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: VERY good game, especially if you do everything
Review: I am a huge fan of stradegy games. However a lot of stradegy games loose there fun after a while because you have mastered it and nothing changes. This game is different. In addition to regular gameplay and missions you can play online for against other people play. There is also games called map settings games. this is why it never gets boring. People are always making map settings games that have nothing to do with the accual starcraft game. Anything from SCV football to snipers, these can all be made and played online againsed other players, and since new and different maps are being made all the time, it never gets boring. Definetly a good game for any gaming fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing
Review: I have been playing this game ever since it came out,its fun to play at battle.net and its also free, you can also use your dial up internet connection. this is the best rts series that have ever been made. i remember in highschool my friends and i would play battle realms(its also a good game) but after a while we got bored and went back to starcraft. This game is the classic and a must buy. I have bought it 3 times because i lost the other 2. Its also cheap.(also buy brood war)

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This game has loads of gameplay plus you can play online. You can choose to play as one of the 3 races: Terran (humans), Zerg (Biological Creatures), or the Protoss (Advanced Aliens). When you play online you can be by yourself or with other people playing online. There is also the single player experience where you choose to play with one of the races and complete 10 missions for each race.THIS GAME ROCKS. If your thinking about a different game forget it and by this. When i get to my house around 3:00 i usually play it for 3-5 hours without getting up. BUY IT

- Experienced Gamer

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