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Aliens Versus Predator 2

Aliens Versus Predator 2

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: good and bad...
Review: The single player game is of high quality. A four star game if it were sold alone.

The multiplayer game is a bit of a let down. You'd think a game built by Sierra (the same company that made Half Life) would do a better job. I'm running a P3 1gig, with 512 ram, a Radeon 8500 and cable modem. Still the game play is very choppy (even in a low ping server). Hopefully more updates will make the game play more fluid in the future.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Graphics are great, much better than the last one...
Review: This is definately the best Aliens vs. Predator game anyone can think up. As an Alien, you start off as a Face-Hugger and you must jump on someone and implant an Alien inside them. Note, you can't jump on someone in front of another person, or they will remove the Alien within right after you come off. After that, you are Chest-Burster and must find enough food (and stay alive) to become a full-frown Alien drone. I'm still having trouble with that. Let's move on to the next one, my favorite, the Predator. Here's what you have to do, all you get when you first start is your spear gun, shocker, and wristblades. You have to find a few Predators as you go along and they give you more weapons (in the first level, you will receive a cutting disc and blade staff). Also, you will face Aliens at the end of the first level, not to ruin anything, but I thought I just might warn you about that. Also, as a Predator, you get thermal vision (tracks humans), infa-red vision (tracks Aliens), and your other vision tracks Predators, if you kill another Predator, your game is over. Let's move on to Marine, that one definately doesn't go as high as Alien and Predator, but still has its cool points, like the awesome weapons you get. Overall, this game really rocked my world and it'll rock yours, too. Pick it up and experiance real video game fun!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Wish I knew
Review: Took me some time to figure out what a Hacker was was vs one's knife. I kept using a knife to get started. That part was not to clear nor explained well in the book that comes with. Now, that I know how to hack, and found a communicator with a code on it ( figure its for a door to open ), one has no way to put in a code to open anything. Now I'm in area outside as they lead you to a trap door, and only one door opens where I have no where to go, and cannot figure how to proceed. End of Game. Graphics are great. I played it on Win98 PC with the 128 minimum memory required. I was knocked out 4 times due to lack of resources. Hmm I went in with 85 % available. Guess I'm going to need another 128 K. It does come with Directx 8. That was a nice touch. Graphics are great. Haven't fought a thing cause I'm stuck. Trying to find a Strategy Guide to me. Hope Amazon has one as Best Buy didnt have any. I only gave it 2 Stars as I hate games where you just cant get started. Yuck. Maybe, if and when I get my XP back getting a new mother board as the Read Me file indicate that no reports have come in saying there was problems., I can load it there and try out the Lan option. Hmmm. we'll see.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AvP2 Rocks!!
Review: Aliens versus Predator 2 is my favorite game by far, maybe even better than my beloved x-box games, but i love it so much!!The gameplay, graphics, and sound are all excellent, and the best thing is you can play as a human-chomping alien, stealthy and smart predator, or the tough, weapon-packed marine. Also, you can play multiplayer games online which are very addictive. if you like first person shooters, you'll love this game!if you dont, get it anyway!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Aliens Versus Predator game yet
Review: I'm Probably one of the biggest fans of the alien saga and predator saga. Ive played the the original avp and i got a kick out of it. This new Game is Awsome. It has very intense story line that fits together and the graphics are extremly good. This Game Blasts you into the movies

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun single and multi-player
Review: Both the single-player and multi-player parts of this game are pretty good. The single player part of the game features 3 missions that introduce you to the different creatures you can play - alien, predator and space marine. Each of the campaign follows a story with nice scripted events.

And the multi-player part of the game features several different play modes and a nice server-finder that is integrated with the game - no need for gamespy.

The best part of this game is the erie setting. Gosh, when you are playing multi-player and you hear the agonized cry of your fellow space marines being slaughtered by aliens, you can't help feeling a little disturbed. This game is spooky. Definitely more scary than Half-Life and up there with the original Doom. Well worth the low price that Amazon is charging for it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AvP 2
Review: I am one of the biggest fans of Aliens and Predators since I can't even remember, and when I first saw the first AvP, I was over-joyed. This one has no competition against the first. Its best scares are as the human being against an extremely smart hunter, and a vicious, stealthly alien. With all the players you have an extreme arsenal, well not so much with the Alien but, you go through the ranks of one, each with its personal deadly weapon, so its in some ways better. I suggest you play alone in the dark, because it just adds that kind of scary feel. It has fairly good handling, and amazing graphics. I love the game and suggest you buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: this is a VERY good game
Review: When I first heard about this game I immediatley went out and grabbed a copy, the game itself if far superior to it's predecessor, this game features a better story line, better graphics, and sounds that were actually featured in the films, this game does however lack AI, This is a good and bad thing, the AI or lack there of, actually makes the gameplay predectible but also makes the game somewhat more eerie when you see a marine dragged into an airduct and killed, and its actually in the game, this means no game inturruptions for a lengthy FMV sequence showing someone dragged into the ducts but you have nothing to fear because your not in the FMV but these events actually take place while your in the game. This game also features a better ALIEN life cycle beginning as a face hugger, then as a chestburster and you actually get to chew your way out of some poor shmucks chest. As a marine you get a lamp, something that was needed terribly in the games predecessor, it also features better looking guns. the predator is done perfectly, when your in a duct cloaked watching humans below in your thermal vision, your advanced weapons prepared to slaughter all those below, you really do begin to feel that you are the most powerful being in the universe. This game however will run your computer ragged if you dont have a powerful high end machine. This game also features a nice array of multiplayer characters, maps, and gameplay formats. This game is gonna be around for a while and its perhaps one of the better movie tie-in games ever made

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Monolith still holds the title for the best FPS games...
Review: A year after the release of No One Lives Forever, Monolith puts out Aliens vs. Predator 2. In an amazingly short time, they've managed to put together another top notch first person shooter that places the player directly into the action.

The 3 species are all very different and it's fun just learning how to play each of them. Plus the stories for each character and intertwined (sp?) which is a very nice touch.

The graphics are fairly low poly at times, but they did an amazing job despite that fact. The sound is top notch, which is always the case coming from them. The interaction and story telling is also very well done.

The multiplayer aspect of the game is almost a separate game in itself. It has many different modes of play, many different characters to choose from, and 4 teams to play on. Minus the fact that BOTS were left out, it ranks up there with any of the stand alone multiplayer games out there. It's a truly unique and fun experience.

But this game... you won't be disappointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Gripping recreation of the movies, and a great game, too...
Review: AvP2 is wonderful, in that "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD", scared-witless sort of way. You will find 3 seperate campaigns, one each for the Aliens, Predators, and Colonial Marines. Each race plays totally different from the other - the Marine is closest to standard shoot-em up FPS and also the movies, the Predator has lots of stealth missions and jumping from tree to tree while on the hunt, and the Alien - well, I won't ruin it for you, but the Alien campaign is certainly the most creative I've seen since Half-life.

The resemblance to the films is uncanny. While AvP2's story doesn't much resemble anything from the movies, the developers have taken many themes, locations and situations from the films and plugged them into the game, so that you are often replaying a moment that will remind you of something. The plot is wonderful, as each campaign, although self-contained, gives little details about the other two. When you finally finish the game, you'll definitely want to play through again, just like watching Sixth Sense a 2nd time to catch all of the details.

My only complaints are that the game is too linear and the enemies are too predicable on the second or third time through. Also, the multiplayer code will greatly hurt the online games, so get this game just for the single player game.

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