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Aliens Versus Predator 2

Aliens Versus Predator 2

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Starcraft of Shooters.
Review: This is the best "First Person Shooter" I've purchased in quite a while. Singleplayer was rather enjoyable. Sound was nice and eerie. Graphics were rather good- even if they did reuse the scenery way too much. But what really makes this game shine is its actors. Whether you are playing as a Marine, a Predator, or an Alien- you really become that character!

As a Marine, you are sent to investigate a colony that has been ravaged by aliens. Then you get separated from your squad and things start to go really bad. Its dark and scary, and as your little motion sensor beeps away you find yourself jumping at every turn. It feels exactly like the movies!

They nailed the Predator too! All his famous abilities and weapons are at your disposal, which pretty much makes you one unstoppable killer. Turn yourself invisible. Switch to infravision. Jump from tree-limb to tree-limb. Then decimate your prey in any number of ways. You are a Predator, and the game captures that feeling perfectly!

Finally, it is the Aliens that truly make this game for me. They can walk on walls. They have acidic blood. A sharp sense of smell. Fierce claws and a whip-like tail. Sickest of all- They eat their victims to regain health! The aliens can be rather disorienting to control at first, but once you get the hang of it- you are sure to fall in love with the little critters! It really makes you think and play in a totally alien manner- very original!

Singleplayer was a lot of fun, but Multiplayer really makes AVP II shine. Take the three species and throw them in an unforgiving arena, and see which is the fittest. It really is hectic, and quite a ride.

However, there is one aspect of multiplayer that really needs improvement. The "game launcher". When you go to find an internet game to join, it lists all the servers along with the number of players, the ping, and the game types. You can then sort the game by any of these aspects to find just the game you want to play. It provides filters to make this even easier- but unfortunately, there is no way to save your filter preferences. Instead, you have to put them in every time you want to find a new game. This is really a nuisance! There is also no way to remove all the servers that require a password (would be nice), or download the map from the server if you don't have it (instead of getting kicked out). Maybe I'm asking too much, but other games (like Half-Life) have been able to solve these little inconveniences for years now! Maybe after a few more patches...?

Either way, once you finally get into a good server, you are in for a real good time. Death Match doesn't get much more fun than this!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Major Improvement over original
Review: Like many I was first introduced to the concept of Aliens vs. Predator through the Dark Horse comics. While I found the comics fair at best (movie to comics adaptions are rarely good) I am a huge fan of the Alien movies (except for the god-awful "Alien: Resurrestion") and to a lesser degree, the Predator movies. The concept was awesome, but an Alien isn't an Alien unless it's screaming that high pitched Godzilla whine and a Predator isn't a Predator without those weird clicking growls. There have been rumors of an Alien vs. Predator movie for as long as I can remember, but so far no cigar.

When the first PC game came out I really looked forward to it. Unfortunately, I couldn't get into it. I thought the plot was mindless the controls were wacky and the multiplayer was unbalanced. The novelty of controling an Alien or Predator wore off pretty fast after a few frustrating minutes. Once again, a great concept was put to waste.

For the first time, we now have a quality product from the marriage of two great film creatures. This game rocks. The last shooter that I got this into was Clive Barkers Undying. Before that it was System Shock 2 (a fantastic and highly underrated game). They all have one thing in common: tha ability to scare the crap out of me. The ambiance and tone of the game truly does the movies justice. I can think of several instances were I thoguht I was going to jump out of my skin.

This game has it all: great story, great graphics, great sound (I should put specific emphasis on this one. I have surround speakers and the ambiance and sudden noises kept scaring the crap out of me) and a lot of action. What's more, they manage to capture the tone of each individual race and balance some of the issues that AVP1 suffered from. The Aliens were mincemeat in the first game, but they're much more frightening in this installment. They're treated more like the Aliens in part 1 and part 3 than the cannon fodder of Aliens.

Even if you're not a big fan of the movies or the comics, I encourage you to try this game. It's rare for a franchise game to please more than just die-hard fans, but this is one of those games. Not since "Jedi Knight" has a movie based game captured the essence of a film so perfectly. If the single player games had been a little longer I'd probably give this game 5 stars. Instead I can only hope that an expansion is in the works because I want more.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: you have to buy this game. seriously, it's the best game ever. if you ever get bored playing you can always switch species and it's like a totally dif game, it's awesome. you'll love it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Alien Versus Predator 2 (AVP2)
Review: I had played the first one as well. Although AVP was a good game. It had no story what so ever and the gameplay is basically just running from point A to Point B.

This game fixed all of that. It has a good story to it.
The setting takes place in a Planet called LV-1201. Where "the Company" is doing research on alien Xenomorphs. But when an egg hatches in an unsecure location and impreginates an officer (who later dies during the embryo's birth). Everything goes out of control.

The Graphics are astounding as always. But the sound has greatly improved. It sounds almost like the movies. The game play has also went up as well. The drawback however is that the game is short. Plus you should have a Pentium 3 at 700 Mhg+ and 256MB RAM+ for a smooth performance.

Like the previous game you get to play the 3 charactors.

THe Predator who has all the high tech gadgets from the plasma Shoulder cannon to the "Disc". He comes to the planet just to hunt. But when his friends are captured. He then tries to rescue them. Only to find out that he has some unfinished bussiness (of 20 years) to attend to.

The Human you play is a Marine name Cpl. Harrison. He can have all the firepower a man would need plus all the gadgets to bypass computers and doors and to weld off locks. He is sent with a Platoon to rescue any survivors and to keep the place intact. Only to find out that "The Company" has other plans with the Marines.

The Alien you play is the most interesting one of all. You start out as a Facehugger (a spiderlike creature) looking for a host. To a Baby alien looking for food, to an adult drone looking for the hive. He (or she) is the one who started the whole mess at LV-1201.
The alien has no external weapons what so ever. All it hs is his tale and claws like hands. It can also climb on walls and ceilings.

THe story is interesting because the three charactors "bump" into each other during the game.
you also get to observe people talking to each other (somtimes taking dialogue from the movies. That makes the game more alive.

If you love the movies then get this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bomb in computer's games
Review: I have it two weeks and it's great.I like Predator.Cycle Vision modes are great.Marine is good too, but it's similar with Half-Life, Red Faction or Soldier of Fortune.Alien is not very fun. When I have boots for Multiplayer, then that was game without faultes.And the Disc is fantastic.Achhh, now I must play,play,play...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Slightly iffy, still fun.
Review: The novelty of playing an alien or predator is my favorite part of this game. There are many other first-person-shooters that simply flood the market with the same uninteresting combat with weapons simply copied from other games. The graphics aren't as impressive as some other games, but that's not the point. I recommend this to anyone who has seen Alien, Aliens, or any of the Predator movies.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: FPS to the Next Level
Review: It's been said before, and it will be said again (at least, I hope so): the original was good, this is better. No kidding. I bought the AvP:Gold Ed. a few years after it was initially released; I was rather impressed. I have been waiting for the release of the sequel ever since I heard that work on it had begun. The graphics and game play rival (and in some ways, surpass) all the competing games on the market. Aliens vs Predator 2 has made improvements in all the discernable areas. Not just in game play, but in its story. Some people in review columns have criticized Fox Interactive for the similarities in the movies and original game, but that's why it's a sequel. The improvements I've seen involve a much greater understanding of the xenomorph life cycle, more realism in the technological strength of the predators, a comparable balance between all three species, and the closer intertwining of the three campaigns. All in all, I love this game. Unfortunately, I do not have as much time as I used to for game play, but this is the one that seems to monopolize my game time. Due to the time restrictions on my gaming time, I was forced to beat the marine campaign in less than a week. It was a week with very little sleep and left me hanging for more. I've been focusing on the predator and alien sides and am still impressed with the progression from the first game. The only thing I might have a problem with was that my 128 MB of RAM was not quite enough to prevent game lag.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: very good
Review: i personly think this game is great it combines 3 singleplayer storys in to one great game.

graphix: the graphix are pretty bad, they run smothly on my pc but the pologyns and dextures could have been better.67%

sound: the sound is nice it matches the games scary atmospher still thought nothing special.81%

atmosper: the atmospher is very scary and very well done.94%

fun: great fun with the predator,marine,and even the alien (my favriot being the marine).89%

over all: this is great game you got to owne it
if you like fps games or the aliens series.90%

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Amazing Graphics and Atmosphere But Too Difficult
Review: This game is so difficult that it is hard to sustain any consistent and meaningful interaction without being killed. I freely admit that I am not a game fanatic and don't have much skill at all; what led me to this game was my fascination with the "Alien" movies. My favorite parts of the game are where the player plays for long blocks of time looking for clues, going through tunnels, reading memos left behind and evesdropping on conversations, etc. My least favorite are where the aliens kill you from what seems like twenty feet away in all directions, which I find very hard to defend against, and you have to keep going back again and again to try to survive that battle. It get's frustrating and, for me, defeats the suspenseful and sometimes terrifying mood that the game creates.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Amazing Graphics and Atmosphere
Review: This game is engrossing but can be difficult for a beginner. Favorite parts include playing for long blocks of time looking for clues, going through tunnels, reading memos left behind and evesdropping on conversations, etc. Least favorite parts are where the aliens kill you from what seems like twenty feet away in all directions.

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