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Aliens Versus Predator 2

Aliens Versus Predator 2

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AVP 2 RULEZ!!!!
Review: RULEZ!!!!
This is fun!!!! The best cheat as the predator is
mpsixthsense it allows you you to move thought walls. This game ROCKS THIS WORLD!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game Is a real gaming experience!
Review: This game is so brilliant, well sure it takes a long time to load it but it is worth it and also it does actually let at the beggining decide if you want it set to
Low=Low detail graphics extra fast+fluent gameplay and fast loading,
Medium=A balanced performance(what i chose),
High= The opposite of low

What was good.....
Lets start with marines: Fast tense exciting gameplay with guns and tools exploring evacuated power stations.... mines etc
Predators: Fast enjoyable challenging gameplay (My personal favourite) using a mixture of powerfull combat weapons and high tec guns used for fast assasin like kills
Aliens: Faat challenging enjoyable gameplay involving using your surroundings and natural abilities... You can wall walk and head bite.. at first these seemed like they would be realy complicated and hard to use but one is on toggle and the other switches itself on when it can be used and off when it cant making it very easy.

Multiplayer is brilliant as you can use any of the species and learn to use each species strengths against other species.
If i could only have one shootemup this would be it

What was bad: The load times where a bit to long but it was worth it so there isnt really anything bad about it

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A bunch of fun for fans
Review: This game is suprisingly fun, especially for fans of the Predator and Alien movies -- all of the sounds, weapons, and visuals are true to both movies. Multiplayer is good, but not great.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Man This game is ... Awesome~ but why is it so violent?
Review: This game is really great.
If you are a person who likes a shooting game like 007, or
Alien Resurection-this game is for you.

Totally great game, incredibly fascinating 3D graphics.
MAn THIS GAME ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
And also, It has multiplayers up to 16 PLAYERS~

But this is defintely not for children under 15,
BUt why is it soooooo violent?




Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Boring and buggy
Review: This game was reviewed on a 1Gig Pentium III with ATI Rage 128 video and 256Meg memory - full installation on a Windows 2000 Pro OS.

This game has an interesting twist. I liked the fact that I can play three different characters with very different strengths and weaknesses. This was worth a star. Unfortunately, the execution does not live up to the concept.

I start by noting how buggy this game is. It aborted three times with error messages, froze once, and the color palette kept getting screwed up so that text became invisible or blurred and the alternative vision mode for the alien character became a black screen. I had to exit and reload the game to fix the last problem which takes quite a while.

This brings me to another issue. The time required to load the games was far too long, especially considering how short the segments are.

The game scores well in terms of playability and is right up there with Half-Life and is far better than Blade of Darkness. Characters move the way you expect and handle well. You don't walk through your opponent or jump off ledges while trying to edge up to them.

Some of the missions are quite boring, consisting of mazes with occasional bad guys. I liked the objective lists (like Quake II, but they need to be more detailed). For example, for half the Alien missions, the sole objective is to find the Hive. Not very useful.

I got stuck at a couple of places and couldn't figure out how to open doors. I was glad the cheats are easy to use so I could walk right through the doors in question. (Hit return then <cheat> mpsixthsense)

Overall, it's probably worth the money but it doesn't capture your imagination like Half-Life does and doesn't have the visual richness of Blade of Darkness.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Get this game (if your computer can handle it).
Review: This game is a vast improvement over the flawed original. For one, the graphics are much better, though not as good as some of the newer games out there. Still, they aren't bad and the atmosphere in the game is wonderful. Where the original felt more like a run-of-the mill shooter wherein the player mowed down hordes of Aliens (or humans, if you played as the Alien or Predator), this one still has you facing hordes of enemies but does a much better job of emulating the movies' creepy feel. As an example, the first level in the marine campaign has absolutely no enemies in it but it is, IMO, one of the best levels in the single player game. Though there are no foes, scripted events abound as you, cut off from your team, try to make your way back to them. As you go along you'll bump into a few survivors and, before you can do anything, see them slain by the Predator (with suitably tantalizing glimpses of the cloaked predator). You'll find evidence of the Aliens' and Predators' handiwork all around, 'something' will rattle through a duct nearby, things will break or otherwise go haywire in such a way as to make you jump. The atmosphere is pulled off quite well in the Predator and Alien campaigns as well, though they are not as creepy as the Marine campaign.

Beyond that, the encounters for each race seem fitting and all of the races are fairly well balanced. The Alien can't take a great deal of punishment but its fast and lethal if it gets in close quarters (and it can climb virtually any surface), the Marine isn't terribly durable either, but with his motion tracker and a devastating arsenal he can be a match for either of the other two races, the Predator is fairly tough and has some good weapons but not anything as purely destructive as some of the Marine weapons. The Alien campaign also has one particularly cool feature in that you start it as a facehugger, your goal then is to avoid the humans until you can find a suitably isolated host. Once thats done, you become the chestburster, the 'child' stage of the Alien, again you have to sneak around until you grow larger. Once that has happened you become a full grown Alien and the flesh-rending fun begins :-).

If I have any complaints its that the 'minimum requirements' for this game are a joke. As with most graphically intensive games, your RAM and the quality of your 3d card are more important. If you have a decent 3D card and 256 or more megs of RAM you should be okay, however, if you have only the 128 megs the box calls for, the game will stutter a lot even in the lower detail ranges. (...) That and you'll want to do a full install for maximum performance. The nearly one and a half gigs that the full install eats up can be painful if you have a small hard drive :-(. Though its a fun game at any detail level, being able to max the graphics out certainly helps :-).

To sum it up, this game is definitely worth the money and a good follow up to the original, though you'll want to have a fairly beefy computer to run it well.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Awesome!
Review: I'm usually not a huge fan of first person shooters, but Aliens vs. Predator 2 pushes the envelope. The graphics are unreal, the gameplay is addictive, the weapons to choose from are vast, and the ability to play as a marine, predator, or alien makes it almost like owning 3 games in one. Equally as impressive as the graphics and playability, are the sound effects and music. Taken directly from the films, it's almost like you are in control of a sequel. From the sound of the marines pulse rifle, to the aliens screach, the audio is top quality. If you are a fan of the Alien/Predator films, or enjoy first person shooters, this game is top notch. The only drawback is that some of the missions get tedious, and you do a lot of walking sometimes without finding anything to shoot at. Other than that, this game is excellent. Highly reccomended. It's also probably the only game in existence that has succeeded in scaring me a little bit when playing it late at night. Thumbs up.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not ready for release
Review: This game was obviously rushed out to market. It is very buggy and there are numerous problems. Unfortunately, Sierra is doing a very poor job of providing technical support to those of us foolish enough to have purchased the game. I have been trading e-mails for nearly 2 weeks and we're no where near having this game running. It is not a matter of having an underpowered PC since I easily exceed the hefty system requirements.

I, for one, will be seeking a refund for this game. Avoid this game until a gold release comes out. It will be cheaper a appropriately patched by that time (I hope!).

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Give Me A Break, Please!
Review: Alright, c'mon.

I have a fair system. 733Athlon, 256Megs of RAM, an NVidia GeForce 2 MX 400, and as a Computer Administrator, set up as well as WinME can be.

I'll be honest. The game itself is great. Fun to play...after the 10 minutes of loading to get into the game in the first place.

The game looks alright. Using it's own engine instead of opting for the QuakeIII like every other FPS (first person shooter) game in recent memory, it's a little blockier than I am used to seeing in games of late. Otherwise, it's nice, and the planet's design is well-done.

But when I started installing the game in the first place, my jaw dropped. To get the best results I opted for the full install...and was informed that it would require 1.3 GIGABYTES of my hard drive. Holy...!!! That's nuts.

Now, like I said, my computer is alright. It's a little more towards the run-of-the-mill, and is by no means a 'power machine' anymore. But the requirements for this game are just insane. Even with my GeForce 2 at 32 megs I have to run the game in Medium graphics quality or it's so jerky it's unplayable. That pretty much kills the chances for most people who don't upgrade their PC's every six months and don't have a beefy system. Good luck, that's all I can say.

All in all; great game, crazy system requirements. The PC gamemaker community is gonna have to get it through their heads that most people don't have 2GHz processors and 80HDD yet. Making games with system requirements like this isn't going to cut it.

BTW: the minimum system requirements are a joke. If that's all you have, don't bother. I ran this thing at it's weakest level; felt like I was playing a sloggy Doom.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Action packed AvP fun
Review: You've read the comics. You've seen the movies. You've played the first AvP. Now be prepared to be blown away by the second installment of what may turn out to be a long-lived FPS series on the PC. However, not all is gold and silver in this amazing package...

The graphics, for one thing, are absolutely gorgeous. The characters come to life seamlessly and behave realistically. Going for more of a comic book theme, AvP2's graphics do not opt for the fleshy and realistic looking models and skins of the first game, but instead go for a more colored and polished look similair to what you will find in the classic Dark Horse comic book series. And thats not a bad thing at all. The characters all have personality and, contrary to the first game, there is a linear, actual STORY running continuous among all three races...so its not playing the same story with a different outcome, its playing the same story through the eyes of each different race as it unfolds. What's that you ask? Why did that guy suddenly disappear from the Marine campaign? Well, once you're finished with that, you'll play the Pred or Alien campaign and find out. Consistencies like that occur through all three viewpoints which adds alot to replay and overall fun value.

These gorgeous graphics described mask a menace...bugs and lag. Even on some of the most high end to mid-level computers, AvP2 has a tendency to be herky-jerky when there is alot of action on screen, particularly during mass Alien attacks. The graphics manage to stay crisp but the high detail on the models still creates a problem. Its ok...you can always turn down the display settings, but in such a great looking game like this, would you really want to?

Crashes are abundant...its too bad really. This is such a great game and yet there are so many wrongs that could have easily been overlooked by the development and play-test teams. Crashes during in-game cutscenes(which are done rather well...conveying the story intelligently and clearly) happen often depending on whether or not your video drivers are up to date or if your hardware is compatible. There are many technical issues with the game that can be easily and shuold be solved in a patch or two.

The sound is great, but there are alot of sounds ripped directly from the movies that were included in AvP1 that were so great, and are now missing in AvP2. One thing that many have wanted is the improved sound on the Predator's shoulder cannon...it sounds exactly as it did in the movies. Other sounds have been pulled from the flicks and integrated, but many of the sounds have been changed. In any case, the SFX are still great, and the music ranges from all out creepy to terrifying, especially in the marine campaign.

The atmosphere is frightening...use of dark and light is great and keeps the mood forever tense. There are tons of scripted events that will have your knees knocking from utter fear, especially in the marine missions!

Multiplayer coding....it needs serious work. There is a very highly argued balancing issue between the 4 sides you can choose (Alien, Predator, USCM, Corporate Mercs), each with 4 sub-classes. Very buggy and unbalanced, the multiplayer game is fun but needs serious work. There is no shortage of interesting modes however, and trying them all out will be a blast.

All in all, a GREAT game with some moderate flaws. Definitely pick it up if you are looking for a great single player experience, or are a fan of AvP!

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