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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Extremely disappointing
Review: All I ever do is get aggravated at some point when playing this game. Nothing better than shooting someone 3 times with a sniper rifle and not only do they not die, but they run full speed at you unhindered and kill you. I would say that at least 80% of the time that I die on this game it is after I shot the other person first. I ended up throwing this game in the garbage. Stick with ravenshield if you expect someone to die when you shoot them.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game is so addictive--beware!
Review: I am so tired from lack of sleep. I have played this game every night until 2 or 3 am since I bought it.

The title has a wide range of maps that recreate the numerous battlefields where our soldiers fought: hilly jungle, rivers, and cities.

You are able to choose from four different classes with specialties in general infantry, machine gunner, engineer and sniper.

You are able to drive and fly tanks, APC, jeeps, jets, boats, and helicopters.

The general gameply hasn't changed from the original BF: 1942, but the graphics have been upgraded. You are able to use the foliage to your advantage in attacking or hiding.

The graphics will bring slower machines to their knees. I was in the middle of a machine upgrade and played it on my AMD 2100 with Nvidia 4400 and 256k of ram. I experienced fram rate stutters and long load times between levels.

I am now running an AMD 2800 and ATI 9800 Pro and One GB ram. WOW, what a difference. I can run the display ay 1600 x 1200 with all eye candy at high. The load times have dropped to mere seconds.

Finally, the game ships with ten or so popular 60's songs that really add to the atmosphere.

Remember the scene from Apocalypse Now with the helicopter attack and the Ride of the Valkries blaring? Well you can recerate that scene yourself.

I payed $34.99 for this game and I feel it was worth it. I am having so much fun!!! Buy this game!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Stick With Battlefield 1942
Review: I bought this game with the expectations that it would be as fun as battlefield 1942 but with updated graphics. Wrong and Wrong. The graphics are on par with the predecessor and the game is rather annoying. All of the maps are visually the same - jungle after jungle with a few buildings. I have no doubts that in 6 months EA with release a $30 expansion pack because these maps are lacking. In BF 1942 there were major differences from close city combat to desert warfare to island hoping naval battles. The jungle foliage is dense to the point that you keep getting shot and do not know where it is coming from if the person shooting you is crouched or prone. It is not as balanced as BF 1942 with snipers ruling the day as they reload instantly. Spend your money on Battlefield 1942 and buy the Road to Rome expansion pack.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Good ... But Not Perfect
Review: Cons:
- Single player is basic. No 'campaigns' or anything. You just pick a map and play. You'll want to stick with internet multiplayer. If you want good single player, try Call of Duty, or Medal of Honor.
- Most games have pros/cons to each weapon you choose. I've found this game heavily leans towards the big guns. If you like hiding with a sniper rifle, try a different game - Because the guy with the M60 or RPG will be getting you before you get them.
- People who are very skilled at helicopter flying will rule the game. This can be very annoying, to the point of basically ruining a game. For example, you spawn, and 1 second later you get hit (again) by a "Huey Gunship".
- You need some PC horsepower for this game. Don't get this game if your computer isn't fairly up-to-date.

- Fun multiplayer.
- Lots of vehicles to pilot.
- Helicopters are challenging, but fun.
- Cool music. You can even play the songs (and your own MP3 files) in the vehicles when you're driving.
- Little information snippets about Vietnam that show while the map loads are semi-interesting. At least the first time you read them. One is poorly written, but is funny to read. Something along the lines of: "this particular tank was not a devastating weapon, but ...[extra words here]... makes it a devastating weapon."

- A good joystick is very helpful. The Microsoft Force Feedback 2, for example, works very well with this for piloting planes and helicopters.
- Pay heed to the system requirements. I would recommend a 128 MB video card (I believe a Radeon 8500 is the minimum recommended) and 512 MB system RAM. Something along the lines of 2 GHz Pentium 4 or more would be appropriate.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Buggy, Laggy, not finished yet
Review: Put simply, this game gets old fast and is very laggy no matter what you do in the options menu. Maybe with a really good patch it will turn out okay. I play BF1942 and Desert Combat and I love them both (especially single player), but this was a disappointment. Wait for a patch and more reviews before buying.

My Computer:
Falcon Northwest P4 3.0 Ghz
1 GB Ram
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB graphics card
Audigy II Sound Card
100 GB 7200 RPM Western Digital Hard Disks
Promise RAID Controller
All the lastest drivers
WinXP (Current and up-to-date)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not much to it
Review: At first, I thought this game was the best I've played in a long time! After a few day and playing both sides to the limited number of fields you can play I realized.... this game isn't all that great! Game speed goes from great to lag in no time, problem when your getting fired at when attempting to snipe. Also, the enemy will just "fall from the sky" even after you clear a zone. It would be different if I failed to clear a spot but hey, what do you do! My biggest complaint is the AI in the game. Funny story. I call for a helicopter pickup...well after a minute of the pilot trying to figure out where it is were needed, he bails in mid-air for no reason cauing me and the 4 guys I was with to plummit to the ground...dead on impact. Even better when you jump gunner on a jeep and all he does is drive into a tree...Anyhow, fun game at first! Needs more fields, better AI. Great sound, great visuals!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BattleField vietnam worth 100$
Review: this is true first person shooter in the world, now graphics good, new wepons and new vehicles then you enjoy with it.
i dont know why some people dont like it? because they have a bad video cards.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great idea bad programming
Review: I spent 2 1/2 days installing, updating, uninstalling, changing out cards etc...I had all the right hardware and read all the endless lists of tech support. The short periord of time that I did get it to run it was fun. But it started crashing again and now it seems like I back to square one. There is no way I am going to waste any more time on this game. I wish I could get my money back.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Good
Review: I got this game recently and was amazed at another great step that EA has taken. The games can get a little laggy at times, but not as bad as battlefield 1942. Awesome intro to the game... Nice customisable in-game music. I got mine at Circuit city for 29.99... it said 39.99 so i was surprised. Umm... what else what else... o yea. Get a joystick for the helicopters. You are very skilled if you can master it without a joystick. The overall gameplay is kind of repetative. But it has a pretty good fun factor. The map is more user friendly.. more interaction. Hope This was helpful.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Father-in-Law had flashbacks
Review: Pretty awesome game. I am hooked. My father-in-law, a vet said in a low voice as I ran down into a rice pattie, "watch out--that's where they hide..."

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