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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Battlefield Vietnam.......
Review: I bought this game because I loved Battlefield 1942.

One of the major problems with Battlefield 1942 was the single player.. it was boring and the bots were just plain stupid. I had my hopes up that the single player would improve in Battlefield: Vietnam but it didn't. The bots are still as stupid as they were in Battlefield 1942.

However, the muliplayer is just as bit good or better then Battlefield 1942... its just a little buggy. If you bought Raven Shield when it first came out you know what I mean. They released this game before it was ready to be released just so it could reach a release deadline. So expect tons of patches for this game.

One of the wierdest (and backward) things about this game that the graphics seem better on low then they do on high... and the game runs better. (I'm running a GeForce FX 5200)(...).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you like Battlefield 1942 then you most have this game
Review: Just like some of the reviews below when I first installed it I had some major performance problems, and I have a somewhat powerful PC (P4 2.2G, 512RAM, and an Nvidia Geforce4 chipset). However when I set the graphic details to low it work great and I never had a problem with it again. If everyone that gave this game less than 5 stars had a broadband internet connection and drop the video details down to low like I did they too would of given this game 5 stars. It has the same engine as Battlefield 1942 with very similar gameplay, but the graphics are much better even in low detail. There is some new features such as you can shoot from moving vehicles, mobile spawn points, booby traps, and you can choose your character skins. The music from the vehicles is a nice touch; it makes you feel like you are in a Vietnam movie. I really enjoy this game and I believe it's worth my hard earned $40.
Be advised this game is only worth it if you play online and you need a broadband connection plus a powerful PC with one today's top video card.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: i like bfv
Review: ilike this game because it have best single player & multiplayer game

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I really love this Game! Brings Vietnam to Life!
Review: I have been playing this game for a week now, and I truly love it! It's hard to put it into words, but this game has real "playability" or compulsive gameplay in the multi-player, Internet mode. You can use all kinds of bombs and weapons, drive vehicles, and even fly helicopters. They rock! I am a big war buff, and I find myself playing scenes from my favorite films like "Full Metal Jacket" for real with this game. The action can be fast and very intense, whether you work with a squad of other players or go lone wolf like "Rambo".

Rambo II is another favorite film, and I found myself stalking through the jungle, using my M60 squad machine gun and LAW's rockets to take out troops and tanks! It has a great immersive experience, with good sound effects and even real rock music from the era. The graphics are good and the level of detail in the sound effects are truly awesome -- you feel like you're in the jungle -- at least I did!

The one thing to remember is that this game requires a fast machine with a new, DirectX 9 video card and lots of memory. I use a Pentium 4, 2-Gigahertz with 512 Meg of memory and a nice new Radeon 9600 XT card with 128 Meg of video. I play with my cable modem, and get smooth sound and gameplay at 1024 X 768 and all details set to HIGH. Really. If you have a new machine and like FPS games, you need to try this one! It grows on you.

P.S. - I had Battlefield 1942 for a year, and it was buggy the first revision or two -- very slow and choppy sound for example. This first release of Battlefield Vietnam has played just fine for me -- no lockups or real sound problems. Like I say, this game will get to you, try the demo if you want before you buy! I will be playing this every day until Half-Life 2 comes out! Happy gaming!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I just get no enjoyment from this game.
Review: I liked BF-1942 a good deal but this one is not a good vietman game. If you want a good vietman game, try "Vietcong-Purple Haze".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: online game only
Review: This game really seems to disappoint those who do not read real game reviews before purchasing their games. I can understand being disappointed with this game if you want something to play by yourself. This is not a single player game. Battlefield was never intended for single player purposes. Anyone who plays these games knows this fact. The bots and A.I. are mostly there for practicing and having co-op LAN matches against the A.I.

Playing online in Battlefield is truly challenging. You can run around and try to kill whatever moves. Or you can play with your team and try to win the match by attacking the oppositions bases. Attacking your oppponents is really fun because of the strange matchups that occur. Running into a tank with your sniper gear is not fun, but you never know, maybe the driver will leave his tank to kill you and the opposite happens, then you have his tank! It is really nice to be creative, like making a car bomb, or laying traps in odd areas. This game is just too deep for some people, so they throw insults. Its really too bad. I dont like RTS's, but I would never call one garbage because I did not read the game review(s) and bought one.

If you like shooters and have a good online connection, do yourself a favor and buy this game. Once you get past the frustration of learning the many controls and learning some maps, you will disappear from the ones you love.


p.s. This game runs fine on pc's that are updated and have newer gear. Some of these reviewers dont know how to take care of their pc's. New or not, updates from windows wont make your chipset, or BIOS run any better.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Even Bother
Review: I would not waste any money on this game. Not sure what EA Games was thinking when they developed this game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Going back to BF1942
Review: I really wanted to enjoy BFV. With all the hoopla surrounding its impending release, I was truly looking forward to some fun gameplay. Alas, BFV is not fun; and I'm not talking about technical issues. BFV lacks just about everything that made BF1942 so much fun to play: good maps, opportunities to engage in and become involved with intense firefights, a sense of depth that put you in the "...I'm really here fighting these guys" frame of mind, and just all-out maddening war!!

Perhaps Vietnam itself is a poor choice for gameplay. Jungles are dense, giving snipers a great platform from which to carry out their duties. However, this is BFV's ultimate demise. While it is very satisfying nailing an enemy from 400+ yards, being on the receiving end, never seeing your enemy, time after time, ironically kills the gameplay. Wild firefights are what made BF1942 so much fun, where snipers played a much smaller role. Too bad; I think a lot of us where really looking forward to this. Better luck next time. I'm going back to BF1942.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is an awesome game
Review: I have played BF 1942 and Desert Combat alike. BF Vietnam outclasses them by far. I have not found any bugs with it as others have described in their reviews. My first experience with BF Vietnam was at a LAN party. The game performed flawlessly for us.

I think BF Vietnam gives a person a good idea of what it was actually like to be in Vietnam. Some reviewers have complained about not knowing where the fire was coming from when they were being shot at. Isn't this what Vietnam was really like? Another reviewer complained about how the VC or NVA take over a control point right after you take it. The reason they are able to do this is because they are digging tunnels.

This game was play tested quite intensively before it was released. I don't think EA decided to push out a product and then patch it later. This is evidenced by the fact that so far there has not been a patch for it.

I am running this game on a AMD Athlon 1.3 gig processor, 512 Megs of RAM, NVidia GeForce2 MX 400 64 RAM video card, on Windows XP. As you can see, my system is close to the minimum requirements for this game, yet it performs flawlessly unless I turn the bots up to 64 or higher.

What I like about this game is that it really gives you the feel of being in Vietnam. It is probably the most realistic 1st person shooter wargame I have ever played. The only downside I see to this game is that it's hard to fly helicopters and planes. I just stick to being infantry or driving tanks.

If you are a fan of wargames and the Vietnam era, you should buy this game, you can't go wrong.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The game is good, but Tech support is lost.
Review: I was under the impression that this game was buggy, but after some effort I discovered that it was InnoculateIT that was causing the lag and crash problem. Tech support was no help, claiming that my system was inadequate. As it turns out, my system was fine. The game now runs, even though I am not using the graphics cards they demand.
For those of you experiencing lag problems, please check to see what sort of anti-virus software you are running. InnoculateIT has a patch that, while not intended to fix this problem, will help the game run. My problem stemmed from a process that suddenly started running after install, eating up CPU resources. CA has the patch. For those of you not running this anti-virus, you're on your own. Sorry.

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