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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best game ever
Review: I odered this game from Aazon.com a few weeks ago and it rocks.
if you don't have a nice system to run it on, then you will be complaining a lot! If you're looking for a single player game; BFV is not for you. Multiplayer is where all the action is at. go and buy this game if you love the battle field series.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun game
Review: If you liked Battlefield 1942, you'll like this too. New maps, guns, etc. Still not the best network perf. Americas Army has better physics, but this one has vehicles. :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 1 of the Best Vietnam War games ever
Review: This is the greatest Vietnam War game i have ever played! It isn't an objective based game, it's more of all out war. It is pretty expensive but i think it was worth buying. You can use most anything in this game, from helicopters to jets, from tanks to patrol boats. Drop into a hot LZ blasting the NVA or ambush U.S. patrol boats as the VC. Being able to change the enemy AI can make the levels a walk through the park or a challenge against experienced enemies. Losing all your spawn points and have to wait till one is taken back may happen once in a while but that makes the game more challenging.

If you've played Battlefield 1942 and you liked it I'm pretty sure you'll like this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: other people dont say the true
Review: this is a battlefield 2 (vietnam) it used new graphic.
now compare between bf1942 & bfv:
bf1942 want 32 min or 64 max video card & for best results use intel pentium 4 3.06 - 3.4 with HT Technology &1 - 2 gb of ram
bfv want 64 min or 128-256 max video card
for best results use pentium 4 1.7 & 512 - 1000 mb of ram.

there is a difference (right?!)
good step from ea

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Online
Review: It seems to me that most people who are reviewing this game have chosen only to play the single player aspect. trust me, the single player ain't that great. the friendly AI will often just sit there letting you handle the entire vietnameese army. but this is the only bad point that I can see in this game (unless it won't run on your computer, in which case, tough luck). the real bread and butter of this game is it's online mode. forget the rest, if you want intense action and close combat then there is nothing better than the online mode here. throw in the Heuys and Cobras and you have a great game. maybe not as great as they claimed it would be but better than most othere games I have played. this one at least holds my interest. so if you buy this game you really only use the single player mode for practice and once you get online the game becomes much funner.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Nothing Original
Review: Ok first off don't buy this game if you already own other Battlefield titles. The game does not add enough features to be enjoyable for Battlefield fans. To those who are new I'd give you the thumbs up to buy it. Although it is a little buggy (Not as much as others would have you believe) the developers are already working on a new patch. The main feature is the vehicles with the same concept of BF42 except you can airlift vehicles in. Trust me it isnt as cool as it sounds. First off, 70% of players can't fly the helos, 2nd, it takes about a minute to hook a vehicle, and finally, the Vietcong will blow it away as soon as you land. Overall, I'd say this game is not good enough for a standalone title and perhaps you should consider buying Battlefield:42, but if you have you're heart set on it, you're gonna be a little dissapointed.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: dissapointed
Review: thought this game would be fun but it really wasn't. lots of bugs really drag the experience. im running an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ with a GeForce 5900XT and im getting white lines while playing the game. could be a driver problem though. i'll find out tonight. the game is often choppy for some reason. maybe the game would be fun if there werent so many bugs. better luck next time EA

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Fun Gameplay!
Review: I recently purchased BFV because I was looking for a new online shooter to play. I've about worn out my Medal of Honor CD's and decided it was time to play a new title. Overall, I think BFV makes a great online title.

I had a few video related problems when I first installed. Rolling back to older videocard drivers fixed the problem. I was up and running in about 10 minutes. One thing that I did find annoying is the high loading times for the levels. I have a 10K Ultra 320 SCSI setup, and the load time still takes forever. I can't imagine what it's like for IDE users.

The other thing I noticed is that the graphics engine on this game brought my videocard to its knees. I'm running a Geforce 4 Ti4600 and I have to run my display settings on low @ 1024x768 to get the framerates I'm used to.

Now, about the online play. It rocks! I still haven't figured everything out yet, but the sheer flexibility of online play is amazing. You and your boys pile into a huey. The pilot hits the radio and turns on your favorite tunes. You go screaming over the enemy base, you and your boys light up your M-16's. The Huey takes a hit, you hear the rotors scream and notice the dark smoke trailing from the back of the chopper. You jump out, pull your chute and land in a stream. You start swimming forward only to get shot in the head by the enemy's assult rifle. Awesome gameplay!

Another interesting aspect about online play that I've personally never seen before is the ability to compromise the opponents spawn points. So if you and your boys roll up into the enemy's quarters and lay seige, you can take over. Once you hang out long enough, you take control of that point, and the enemy can no longer spawn there.

Even with the installation issues I had, I feel the game was worth the 40 bucks they are charging for it. It takes time to get the bugs out of a game, and a lot of people don't have much patience it seems like. Once you spend a year of your life writing a few hundred thousand lines of code, you wouldn't want to be writing a patch just yet either. Nobody does it perfect on the first try.

If nothing else, wait a few months for the price to drop, and for the bugs to be fixed, and you'll have yourself a great online title for your gaming collection.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Boring, slow
Review: I am sorry. This was a big waste of money. Long load times, I mean really long. After hearing the same music over and over again I began to just turn off the sound. Why I cannot use a joystick for the flying mode is a good question since were in the year 2004! and I am still using arrow keys? Reminds me of my Commodore VIC20! There are so many better choices. Call of Duty plays just fine on my computer and the multiplay is outstanding when compared to this play-station arcade game. Repeat, I will never buy an EA game again because of this. DO NOT WASTE 40 dollars on this Salvation Army donation. Thats where mine is going. I can use the tax break and learn a lesson

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't listen to the haters
Review: Lets get this straight. There is a difference between a game having bugs, and your computer not being able to handle it. If you don't have at least a Gig of ram, a GeForce 4, and 2.0+ processor, your going to experience performance issues in larger online games.

Fortunately if you do have the requirements, this game kicks total a** . It blows BF1942 away, I played that and Desert Combat since the days they came out, and this is a far superior product. IT RULES!!!!

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